Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1841

Transcript of Piece HO107/1136 (Kirby)

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Surname Listing
Abbott, Abbotts, Abby, Adams, Adcock, Addams, Aderley, Adkins, Adler, Adnitt, Akerman, Aland, Alcott, Alder, Alderidge, Aldridge, Allcoat, Allcock, Allcott, Allday, Allen, Allerbury, Allport, Allsop, Amos, Anderson, Appleby, Arch, Argyle, Arkell, Arlige, Armson, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnold, Arthway, Asbury, Ash, Ashbourn, Ashbourne, Ashby, Ashbys, Ashley, Ashmore, Askill, Assander, Assheton, Astill, Atkin, Atkins, Aucott, Austin, Ayres.

Bacchus, Bacheldor, Bachin, Baggott, Bagley, Baile, Bailey, Bailiss, Bailley, Baily, Baines, Baker, Baldock, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Balm, Banbury, Bandicutt, Bannister, Baracliff, Barber, Bark, Barkby, Barker, Barlow, Barmil, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnitt, Barnwell, Barr, Barratt, Barriett, Barrows, Barrs, Barson, Barton, Bason, Bass, Basset, Bassett, Batchelor, Bate, Bates, Battersby, Baxter, Bayles, Baylis, Bayliss, Beacham, Beal, Beale, Beamish, Beasley, Beasly, Beck, Bedda, Bedder, Beebe, Beeby, Beech, Beesley, Beesly, Belcher, Bell, Bellairs, Bellis, Bend, Benison, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Bently, Berresford, Berridge, Berry, Bert, Beswick, Betteridge, Betty, Bevins, Bice, Bickley, Bicknell, Bicknill, Biddock, Biggs, Bill, Billers, Bind, Bindley, Bingden, Binley, Birch, Birchall, Bird, Birdett, Birditt, Bishop, Biss, Black, Blackborne, Blackford, Blake, Blakemore, Blakman, Blithe, Blockley, Bloore, Bloxham, Bloxom, Blundall, Blundell, Blundon, Blythe, Boastridge, Boddington, Bodicot, Bodin, Bolstridg, Bolstridge, Bolstrige, Bolton, Bond, Bone, Boneham, Bones, Bonnell, Bonsor, Booth, Booton, Boots, Bordecott, Borm, Borton, Boston, Bosworth, Bott, Botterall, Botterill, Bottrill, Bounds, Bourton, Bowen, Bowers, Bowns, Brabbin, Bradbury, Bradfad, Bradfod, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brailsford, Brandist, Brandon, Brane, Branson, Branston, Braunstone, Bray, Bree, Brierly, Briscoe, Brittan, Broadbrook, Broadhurst, Broadnight, Broadst, Brockhurst, Brodly, Broker, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Brownson, Brunt, Bryan, Buckby, Buckingham, Buckler, Bucknel, Bucknill, Budd, Buggin, Buggins, Bullock, Bunney, Bunt, Bunting, Burbage, Burbery, Burbidge, Burbige, Burbury, Burdett, Burdin, Burditt, Burges, Burgis, Burke, Burrows, Burson, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bussby, Busson, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Butt, Buttler.

Cable, Cadd, Cadman, Calington, Callington, Calton, Camp, Camvell, Cane, Canning, Canton, Capener, Capers, Capewell, Capson, Capwell, Carey, Carr, Carrell, Carrington, Carter, Carvell, Cashmore, Castill, Cater, Cator, Cattell, Cattle, Cave, Cavel, Cavley, Cawthorn, Challner, Chalson, Chalton, Chamberl, Chamberlain, Chamberlan, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chamberton, Chanlin, Chaplan, Chaplin, Chapman, Charlton, Charnel, Charnell, Chater, Chattaway, Cheatley, Checkland, Checkley, Checklin, Chery, Cheshire, Cheslin, Chester, Chetten, Chetwin, Chipman, Choice, Cholton, Chorlton, Chowan, Chown, Choyce, Clamp, Clarck, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Cleaver, Clements, Clementson, Clemments, Clempson, Clemson, Clerk, Clewer, Clewes, Clews, Cliffe, Clifford, Clifton, Clueley, Cluley, Cock, Cockbill, Cockerill, Cockrill, Coldge, Coledge, Coleman, Coling, Colins, Colledge, College, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collyer, Colstone, Coltman, Colver, Compton, Coney, Congreve, Connor, Conpton, Constable, Constant, Cook, Cooke, Cooknill, Cooper, Coopson, Cope, Copsey, Copson, Corbit, Cornforth, Cornhill, Cosby, Coton, Cotton, Courts, Cowdell, Cowley, Cox, Craft, Crees, Croft, Crofts, Croshaw, Cross, Crossley, Crow, Crutchlow, Crydon, Cryer, Cull, Cure, Curtis, Cuthbert.

Daffern, Daft, Dakin, Dale, Dalerimple, Dallimore, Dalton, Dand, Danials, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Darlinson, Darlison, Darliston, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawkins, Dawson, Day, Dealey, Deaman, Dean, Deaune, Deedman, Deeman, Deeming, Dent, Devenport, Deveraux, Devereux, Devlin, Devonport, Dewell, Dewis, Dial, Diall, Dickens, Dickison, Dickman, Digby, Dilks, Dix, Dixon, Dobson, Docker, Dod, Dodd, Dodwell, Donaldson, Dorkins, Dougless, Dowel, Dowell, Dowling, Downing, Downs, Drake, Drakeford, Drakford, Draper, Dryden, Duddell, Duffield, Dumbleton, Dun, Dunckley, Dune, Dunn, Dunning, Durrard, Dyson.

Eabry, Eades, Eaglestone, Eales, Early, East, Eaves, Ebborn, Ebroral, Ecleford, Edmands, Edmans, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Elias, Eliott, Elkington, Elleners, Ellingham, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellitt, Ellton, Elson, Elton, Emery, Enoch, Ensley, Essex, Eton, Eubank, Evans, Everitt, Everton, Eveson, Evington, Ewartt.

Facer, Falconbridge, Falkner, Fall, Farefield, Farmer, Farndon, Farr, Farrar, Farrer, Faulconbridge, Faulks, Fawks, Fawson, Fell, Fennel, Fennell, Fenton, Ferguson, Fergusson, Ferrey, Ferry, Field, Fields, Finch, Findon, Fisher, Fitter, Fittes, Fitton, Flanagan, Flavel, Fleckner, Fletcher, Florance, Florence, Flower, Flowers, Flurance, Ford, Forman, Forns, Fortescue, Foster, Foulkner, Fowkes, Fowler, Fox, Foxon, Franklin, Frankton, Freeman, Freer, French, Freswell, Fretter, Friend, Friswell, Frizwell, Froggatt, Frogget, Froggett, Frooines, Frost, Fullard, Fulleylove, Fullylove, Fulwell.

Gadsby, Gaisy, Gales, Gamble, Gammage, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Garton, Gascoigne, Gascoine, Gasey, Gater, Gazy, Geary, Gee, George, Geydon, Gibbard, Gibbens, Gibberd, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddens, Giddings, Giddins, Gilberd, Gilbert, Gilks, Gill, Gillings, Gillitt, Gilliver, Gills, Githing, Gittins, Glen, Glover, Godard, Goddard, Godfrey, Godfry, Golby, Golding, Goldsby, Good, Goode, Goodfellow, Goodman, Goodyer, Gorbley, Gordon, Gorrys, Goulby, Grant, Greasley, Greatorex, Greatrex, Green, Grewcock, Grice, Griesley, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimsley, Grinsly, Gritten, Grove, Groves, Grubb, Gun, Gupwell, Gusswell, Gutteridge.

Habetts, Hackett, Haddon, Hadler, Haines, Hains, Halford, Halfway, Hall, Hambleton, Hames, Hammersley, Hammersly, Hammerton, Hammond, Hammons, Hamsley, Hancock, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Hanes, Hannots, Hanson, Harbett, Harbon, Harbour, Harby, Hardesty, Harding, Hardy, Hare, Harisson, Harley, Harper, Harpwood, Harrall, Harratt, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrisson, Harrod, Harrol, Harrold, Hart, Harthway, Hartill, Hartop, Hartopp, Harvey, Harwell, Haselwood, Haslow, Hassall, Hassell, Hastelow, Hastings, Haswell, Hatfield, Hatherstick, Hawes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hawthorn, Haydon, Hayes, Hayley, Haymes, Haynes, Hays, Hayward, Haywood, Hazeldene, Hazeldine, Hazlewood, Heales, Heane, Hearne, Heath, Hedwards, Heel, Heels, Heming, Hemmery, Hemming, Hemmings, Hence, Henley, Hennett, Henrey, Henry, Henson, Herbert, Herdman, Heritage, Herman, Hervey, Hewat, Hewatt, Hewetts, Hewitt, Hewson, Hextall, Hickingbottom, Hicklin, Hickman, Hiett, Higgins, Higginson, Hill, Hillyer, Hincks, Hinge, Hinks, Hinman, Hinson, Hiones, Hiorns, Hirons, Hison, Hobbess, Hobbins, Hobley, Hobly, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodgskin, Hodgskins, Hodgson, Hodins, Hodley, Hodman, Hodson, Holding, Holiland, Hollice, Hollick, Hollingworth, Hollins, Hollinsworth, Hollis, Holly, Hollyoak, Holmes, Holt, Holyland, Homer, Hood, Hookey, Hopkins, Hopps, Hopson, Horn, Horne, Hornibleu, Horobin, Horton, Hosland, Hostel, Houghton, Houlton, House, How, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howett, Howkins, Hubbard, Hubley, Huffer, Huges, Hughes, Hughs, Hull, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Humphry, Hunscott, Hunt, Hurley, Hurly, Hurst, Husband, Husher, Huson, Hutt, Hutton, Hyde, Hydes.

Ibbotson, Iliff, Iliffe, Ingham, Ingram, Inman, Insley, Ireland, Irelands, Irish, Irons, Ison, Ivens.

Jackson, Jacques, Jakeman, Jakeways, James, Jamsin, Jaques, Jarvis, Jeakways, Jee, Jeffcoat, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jekson, Jelly, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcote, Jephcott, Jervis, Jewis, Jeyes, Jilks, Jinks, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan, Jordon, Just.

Kanney, Kealtley, Keatley, Keeling, Keen, Keene, Keightly, Kellam, Kelley, Kellsey, Kelsey, Kembell, Kendall, Kenet, Kennard, Kenning, Kenny, Key, Kiddermaster, Kimberley, Kimberlin, Kinder, King, Kingdom, Kirby, Kirkham, Knight.

Laband, Laben, Labram, Ladkin, Lain, Lakin, Lalor, Lamb, Lambert, Lamsdale, Lanceby, Lane, Langham, Langley, Langtry, Lansbery, Lant, Lapworth, Larance, Large, Larrance, Lathem, Law, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawrens, Lea, Leadbury, Leader, Leak, Leavesly, Lee, Leeds, Leek, Leigh, Leithland, Lemon, Lent, Lenton, Lester, Letherland, Letts, Lewes, Lewis, Lifford, Liggans, Liggins, Ligins, Lilley, Limber, Lindess, Lindon, Lindup, Lines, Linney, Linsmer, Lion, Lissaman, Lisseman, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Lockington, Locumber, Loden, Loke, Lole, Lomas, Longslow, Lonison, Loone, Lord, Louks, Lovegrove, Loveitt, Lovell, Lovet, Lovil, Lowe, Lowke, Loyd, Lucas, Luckman, Ludfoot, Ludgate, Lumbley, Lumley, Lydister, Lynes, Lyod, Lyon, Lythall.

Maddy, Madelin, Maine, Malabone, Malin, Mallaban, Mallaband, Mallabone, Malls, Man, Mander, Manger, Mann, Manton, Maris, Markin, Marks, Marlow, Marrey, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Masten, Master, Masters, Matchem, Matheson, Mathews, Matthews, Mawby, Mawson, May, Maycock, Mayne, Mayo, Mazey, McFarland, McInnes, Meadows, Mealand, Measurs, Meddows, Mellor, Mercy, Merick, Merry, Mersy, Messenger, Middleton, Middy, Milerchip, Miles, Miller, Millerchip, Millford, Millis, Mills, Millwood, Milne, Milner, Minors, Mitchell, Mitchum, Mockford, Moisey, Mole, Moles, Moor, Moorcroft, Moore, Moores, Moorwood, More, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morson, Morton, Mosely, Mosley, Moss, Moule, Moulton, Mountford, Mow, Mowe, Moxon, Mulins, Mullis, Mulliss, Murcott, Murdin, Muson, Musson, Muston.

Nason, Neal, Neale, Needham, Nelson, Ness, Neville, Newbold, Newbould, Newcomb, Newell, Newitt, Newland, Newman, Newport, Nichols, Nickels, Nicklinson, Nicks, Nightingale, Nix, Nixon, Nobles, Noone, Norman, Norris, North, Notley, Nutt.

Oakley, Obson, Oldacres, Oldams, Oldham, Oliver, Olner, Olorenshaw, Orchard, Orne, Orrill, Orton, Orvill, Osborn, Osmond, Oughton, Oulton, Over, Overton, Owen.

Pace, Pachstone, Padbury, Page, Paine, Pallet, Pallett, Pallin, Palmer, Pane, Pargent, Pargtery, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parkinson, Parmer, Parnel, Parnell, Parsons, Partridge, Patchet, Patchett, Patckton, Patstone, Patterson, Paul, Paybody, Payne, Peake, Pearey, Pears, Pearse, Pearson, Peers, Peeters, Peg, Pegg, Pemberton, Pennington, Percival, Perkin, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Peters, Petifer, Pettifor, Phillips, Phipps, Picering, Pickard, Pickering, Pickring, Piercy, Piezzey, Pigeon, Pinchback, Pinfold, Pitafor, Pittam, Pittom, Ploughright, Plover, Plummer, Podmore, Pollard, Pollen, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porter, Potter, Potts, Poultney, Pountney, Povey, Powel, Powell, Power, Powers, Pratt, Preedy, Prescott, Price, Pridmore, Priest, Priestly, Probait, Proctor, Proof, Prosser, Puffit, Puffitt, Pugh, Pullen, Pullin, Pulman.

Quarterman, Quincy, Quinney, Quinny.

Radban, Radbourne, Radburn, Radcutt, Radford, Rainbow, Ralley, Randle, Ransford, Rately, Rathbone, Rathbourn, Ratley, Raven, Rawband, Rayner, Rayson, Read, Reader, Reading, Reavs, Record, Reeder, Reeve, Reeves, Rench, Rencher, Renshaw, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhead, Richards, Richardson, Ridgway, Riles, Riley, Ringrose, Rippington, Ritchards, Rivitt, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roe, Rogers, Rolfe, Rollason, Rollins, Rollston, Roobottom, Rose, Ross, Rostill, Roughsay, Rowbotham, Rowe, Rowles, Rowley, Rowly, Rudd, Russ, Russel, Russell, Ryles, Ryley.

Sabin, Sage, Sale, Salford, Salisbury, Salmond, Salt, Sammons, Samsome, Sandall, Sanders, Sands, Sankey, Sansom, Sansome, Sansone, Sargant, Sargeant, Sargent, Sarlock, Satchwell, Saunders, Saunt, Savage, Savoy, Scattergood, Scott, Scotton, Scrimigese, Scruby, Seaton, Sedgley, Sedgly, Semark, Sergant, Sewell, Sexton, Shacklock, Shaesby, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Sharlock, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharratt, Shaw, Shawell, Sheasby, Sheepy, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shellard, Shelley, Shelton, Shemans, Shepherd, Sheriff, Sherratt, Shetland, Shettle, Shettlewood, Shickleworth, Shilcock, Shilton, Shirley, Shooe, Shortland, Shutterworth, Shutteworth, Shuttleworth, Siddowns, Sidwell, Silvester, Simkins, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Sinia, Siveter, Skeley, Skipworth, Skitchley, Slack, Slade, Slater, Sleath, Slibourne, Slingsby, Sly, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snape, Snow, Soden, Solford, Solomon, Sommers, Sorton, Southam, Southorn, Southorne, Sparks, Sparrow, Speakman, Spencer, Spires, Spragg, Sprason, Stafford, Stain, Staine, Staines, Staley, Standley, Stanfield, Stanley, Stannard, Stanton, Starkey, Statham, Stathem, Stean, Steane, Stein, Stelfox, Stephans, Stephen, Stephens, Stevens, Stewart, Stockley, Stockly, Stonely, Stones, Stonleigh, Stop, Storer, Story, Stow, Strain, Stranger, Stretton, Suffock, Suffolk, Summers, Summerton, Sutton, Swain, Swane, Swayne, Swinfield, Swinnerton.

Talbot, Tallis, Talliss, Tanzer, Tastian, Taverner, Taylor, Tebbitt, Tebbitts, Tebitt, Tedd, Tedds, Terrell, Terry, Tew, Thacker, Thirdborough, Thomas, Thompson, Thornicraft, Thornton, Thorp, Thorpe, Thrasher, Thurman, Tibbals, Tibbetts, Tidman, Tidmash, Till, Tilley, Tillson, Tilly, Timms, Timpson, Tims, Tinsley, Tipler, Tipton, Todd, Tomlinson, Tomms, Tompson, Tookey, Toon, Toone, Topp, Torbitt, Tow, Townsend, Townshend, Traddle, Train, Tranter, Treadle, Treadwell, Trean, Treddle, Tredle, Treen, Treppess, Tripass, Truelove, Truswell, Tucker, Tuckey, Tunnicliff, Tupley, Turner, Turnival, Turrall, Tustin, Twig, Twiger, Twigger, Twigges, Twist, Tyler.

Underhill, Underill, Underwood, Undrill, Upton, Usher, Usherwood.

Vallance, Vann, Vaughton, Veary, Veasey, Vernon, Vigers, Viot, Voss.

Waddams, Wagg, Wagstaff, Wain, Waite, Wakefield, Wakelin, Waklin, Waldin, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallin, Wallsgrove, Walter, Walton, War, Ward, Warden, Warder, Wareker, Waring, Warmingham, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Washbound, Washbourne, Waters, Wates, Watham, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Wearing, Weaver, Web, Webb, Webster, Wedding, Wedge, Weightman, Welch, Wells, Welton, West, Weston, Wetton, Whale, Whapples, Wheatley, Wheatly, Wheeler, Whetstone, Whitcombe, White, Whitehead, Whiting, Whitmore, Whittall, Whitworth, Whyat, Wilday, Wile, Wilelove, Wiles, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willerbee, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willkins, Wills, Willson, Wilmot, Wilson, Windleberry, Winkles, Winkley, Winters, Winterton, Wise, Wisker, Wolfe, Wolley, Wood, Woodburn, Wooddle, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woods, Woodward, Wooly, Wormlighton, Wormlington, Worrell, Worrington, Worthington, Worthy, Wortley, Wray, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes.

Yates, York, Young.

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