Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2421 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Duddeston cum Nechells

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ASTON Duddeston cum Nechells

Abdale, Ablethorpe, Acton, Adams, Ager, Aitchaison, Aitchson, Alcock, Alder, Allan, Allcock, Allday, Allen, Allport, Allso, Allwood, Amphlett, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Anthers, Apperley, Archer, Arnott, Ashby, Ashford, Ashton, Asker, Askew, Astley, Aston, Athersych, Atkins, Attwood, Austin, Austy, Avern, Avery, Ayre, Ayres.

Bacon, Badcock, Badger, Baggott, Bagnall, Bagnel, Bailey, Baily, Baird, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Bambury, Band, Barber, Bardell, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Barrs, Bartlett, Barton, Bashford, Baslick, Bastable, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bathurst, Batsford, Baufoy, Baylis, Bayliss, Beard, Beardes, Bearley, Beasley, Beason, Beauchamp, Beckenseal, Beckett, Beddell, Beech, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Bennell, Bennett, Beresford, Berrick, Berry, Betteridge, Betts, Biddle, Biggerstaff, Biggin, Billing, Billingham, Binley, Binnall, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Black, Blackwell, Blakemore, Bleinkworth, Blewitt, Blodwell, Bocking, Boddington, Boden, Bohen, Bolter, Bonchill, Bonehill, Bonner, Bontell, Booth, Bostlidge, Boswell, Bosworth, Bott, Bough, Boulton, Bourne, Boutell, Bowden, Bowen, Bower, Bowers, Bowles, Bown, Boylstone, Boz, Brabee, Bracey, Bradley, Bransby, Breedon, Brelsford, Brewer, Bridges, Bridgwater, Briggs, Brinkworth, Brittain, Brittian, Broadbent, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Browing, Brown, Browne, Bruce, Bryan, Bryant, Buckfield, Buckton, Bucroft, Buffey, Bull, Bullock, Bunce, Burbidge, Burbridge, Burke, Burley, Burns, Burrows, Burton, Bushell, Butler, Buxton.

Cadby, Cadd, Caddick, Caldicott, Camerer, Canner, Canning, Capell, Carly, Carrington, Carter, Cartland, Cartwright, Carver, Castle, Caudwell, Causer, Causier, Cave, Chabreton, Chaffee, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapman, Chappell, Charles, Chattaway, Chatterton, Checkett, Chell, Cherry, Cheshire, Chester, Chidler, Chiles, Churchill, Clamp, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clenton, Climer, Clinton, Clive, Cloe, Clove, Clower, Cochrane, Cockbill, Cockerill, Coleman, Coles, Colesby, Coley, Colledge, Collier, Collins, Collishaw, Compson, Congrave, Congreave, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Corfield, Cosford, Coton, Cotton, Coultass, Court, Cox, Crapp, Craythorn, Creed, Crees, Cresswell, Crockett, Crockford, Croker, Crook, Crowley, Crowton, Crumpton, Crutchley, Culley, Cummings, Cureton, Curran, Curtis, Cutler.

Dainter, Dale, Dampier, Dandy, Daniells, Dare, Darkes, Darrington, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Davison, Daw, Daws, Day, Deakin, Deeming, Dennis, Denniss, Dent, Devenport, Devereux, Devey, Dewe, Dexter, Dickens, Dickinson, Dingley, Dipple, Ditch, Dix, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodd, Dolphin, Donovan, Doody, Dorrington, Doughty, Douglas, Dowell, Dower, Dowler, Dowling, Downing, Drable, Drakefield, Drakeley, Drakely, Drakley, Draper, Drew, Drinkwater, Drury, Duckett, Duffield, Dugmore, Dunbar, Durber, Dutton, Dye.

Eade, Eagan, Eales, Eaton, Eaves, Eddes, Edge, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egington, Eglin, Elkington, Elleman, Ellis, Ellt, Elmes, Elvins, Emblein, Emuss, England, Etches, Eustace, Evans, Evason, Even, Eveniss, Evens, Everall, Everiss, Evetts, Evins.

Facer, Fairfax, Farmer, Farndon, Farnell, Farr, Faulconbridge, Faulkner, Fawkes, Fear, Fellows, Felton, Fennell, Ferris, Field, Fielding, Finch, Finnemore, Firkin, Fisher, Fitchew, Fleeman, Fletcher, Flint, Flintoff, Folland, Ford, Forester, Forgatt, Forrell, Forrest, Forster, Forty, Fose, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxley, Francis, Frankcom, Freeman, Freeth, French, Frith, Frodsham, Froggatt, Fry or Foy, Fryer, Fullelove, Fulleylove.

Gadsden, Gales, Galleyn, Galvin, Ganderton, Gansey, Gardiner, Gardner, Garrett, Garrity, Gaskin, Gaule, Gay, Geary, Genge, George, Gerrard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gilkes, Gilks, Gill, Gindrod, Ginks, Glassbrook, Glaze, Glendining, Glover, Goadly, Godwin, Gold, Goldsbury, Goodland, Goodman, Goodwin, Gorman, Gorton, Govan, Graham, Grange, Grant, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenfield, Gregory, Grewcock, Greyhurst, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grinnell, Groak, Groocock, Groom, Groves, Grubham, Guest, Gummings, Gunn, Gurnett, Gwinn.

Hadden, Hadley, Hagan, Hain, Haines, Haley, Hall, Hallam, Hambly, Hamer, Hames, Hamilton, Hampton, Hanas, Hancocks, Handley, Hands, Hanson, Harbone, Harbour, Hardiman, Harding, Hardwick, Hardy, Hargreves, Harker, Harley, Harman, Harper, Harries, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartell, Hartland, Hartles, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Hawker, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawks, Hayday, Hayes, Hayne, Haynes, Hazlewood, Heacock, Healey, Heap, Heath, Heaton, Heaven, Hebb, Hedges, Heeks, Heisley, Hemming, Hemmings, Henderson, Hendren, Henman, Hensman, Henson, Hepworth, Heraper, Herbert, Hesam, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heyward, Hiatt, Hickbotham, Hicklin, Hickman, Hicks, Higginson, Hildreth, Hill, Hills, Hinds, Hines, Hinsley, Hirons, Hirst, Hoare, Hockley, Hodder, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Hoffman, Hogg, Holden, Holder, Holding, Holland, Hollick, Hollier, Hollins, Holman, Holmes, Holsey, Holt, Holtham, Holtom, Holton, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopton, Hornsby, Horton, Houghton, House, Howard, Howell, Howlett, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Humphrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hutt.

Ileif, Iles, Ingram, Insley, Ireland.

Jackson, Jacques, James, Jeavons, Jefcott, Jeffcott, Jelfs, Jelks, Jenkins, Jenks, Jeromes, Jeynes, Jobber, Jobberns, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jordon, Judd, Judge, Judson, Jukes.

Kebby, Keeling, Keep, Kefford, Kelley, Kelly, Kemp, Kempson, Kempster, Kendall, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenning, Kenny, Keye, Kibler, Kile, Kimber, Kimberley, King, Kingham, Kings, Kirk, Kirkbright, Knight, Knill, Knott, Knowles, Kynaston.

Lacey, Lainchbury, Lamb, Lambert, Lander, Lane, Langford, Lannan, Lapidus, Large, Latham, Lathwood, Lattom, Lawley, Lay, Layton, Lea, Leatherland, Lee, Lees, Leeson, Lenton, Letteridge, Levens, Lewis, Liggins, Lilley, Lincoln, Linforth, Littler, Littlewood, Livesay, Livesey, Lloyd, Loach, Lodge, Long, Longden, Look, Lorton, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Luck, Luckock, Ludford, Luker, Lynch, Lynes.

Machin, Macmahon, Maddox, Main, Malbut, Malleby, Malone, Manders, Manger, Manley, Mann, Mansell, March, Marklam, Marks, Marlow, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mashee, Mason, Masser, Masson, Mathers, Mathews, Matthews, Maule, Maund, Maycroft, Mayo, Mccabe, Mcdermaid, Mcdonnell, Mcgarey, Mcgee, Mckenna, Mcshee, Meades, Meadows, Meakes, Meigh, Mekins, Meredith, Merrell, Merrick, Messenger, Metcalf, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Millington, Millner, Mills, Millward, Milner, Mitchell, Mobberley, Molynues, Monks, Moorcroft, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morrall, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Mosesley, Moss, Mould, Mound, Mountford, Mountney, Muller, Mullis, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Musgrove, Mussett, Mutlow.

Napthorn, Narborough, Nash, Neal, Neale, Neill, Newbold, Newey, Newman, Newns, Newton, Nibbett, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickles, Nightingale, Noah, Noke, Nokes, Nolen, Noon, Norris.

Oakley, Oland, Oliver, Oner, Onions, Onler, Osborne, Otton, Oulton, Overson, Overton, Owers.

Page, Pallett, Palmer, Pane, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parrott, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Pass, Pate, Pawles, Payle, Payne, Peacock, Peak, Peake, Peakman, Pearce, Pearman, Pearsall, Pell, Penn, Penny, Percival, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Petty, Phelps, Phillipps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pike, Pile, Pilgrim, Pimm, Pincher, Pinnock, Pitman, Pitt, Pittaway, Plant, Playdon, Plester, Plummer, Plunker, Point, Pollard, Poltom, Poole, Popple, Porter, Portlock, Portman, Potter, Powdrill, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Price, Priddey, Pridmore, Pritchard, Probert, Prophet, Prosser, Proudlove, Pugh, Pullin, Purland, Purshouse.

Radford, Rafferty, Ralph, Ramn, Ramsey, Randall, Randell, Rathbone, Raven, Rawbone, Rawlins, Read, Reddon, Reeph, Reeve, Reeves, Renaud, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhymer, Rice, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Rickard, Rickards, Riddle, Ridgway, Ridley, Riley, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robottom, Rock, Roden, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rolfe, Rooke, Roome, Roote, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rudge, Rufford, Rulley, Russell, Ryan, Ryder.

Sadler, Salisbury, Sallis, Salt, Sammons, Sampson, Sandbrook, Sanders, Sargent, Sartorius, Satchwell, Saul, Saunders, Savage, Savile, Scarrott, Scouford, Seabrook, Sealy, Seamark, Sebley, Sedgley, Seeney, Sefton, Sermon, Sessions, Sewell, Sexton, Shakespear, Shakesphere, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheck, Shelcher, Shelley, Shellurd, Shelswell, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherriff, Shevym, Sheward, Shillitto, Shingler, Shipley, Shirley, Shirrat, Shirratt, Shone, Short, Shorter, Showell, Siddens, Silk, Silvester, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Singer, Skermer, Skett, Skidmore, Skipp, Slade, Slater, Slaughterer, Sleet, Slim, Sloper, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snarcy, Sneddon, Snelson, Snow, Soden, Soles, Solomon, South, Southon, Spears, Spencer, Spink, Spooner, Stanley, Stanton, Stead, Steele, Steeples, Stephens, Stevans, Stevens, Stinson, Stock, Stockley, Stockton, Stockwell, Stokes, Stone, Stordart, Storey, Stott, Stride, Strong, Stroud, Sturgess, Stutley, Suckling, Summer, Summers, Surman, Sutton, Swallow, Swann, Swingler.

Talboys, Taylor, Tebbitt, Temple, Tennant, Terry, Thacker, Thimpson, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornley, Thornton, Thurman, Thurston, Tiche, Tilley, Tilsley, Timbrell, Tinebuck, Tippens, Todd, Toller, Tomas, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Tomms, Tongue, Tonkinson, Tonks, Torkington, Toroni, Tovey, Tovy, Townsend, Tranter, Trauler, Treble, Trehearne, Trew, Trimbrell, Trinder, Trip, Trotman, Trueman, Truman, Trunkfield, Tucker, Tuckley, Tufft, Tunstall, Turfrey, Turley, Turnbull, Turner, Turvey, Tustin, Twamboy, Twyford, Tye, Tyler.

Underhill, Underwood, Unsworth.

Vallender, Varley, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vincent, Viner, Vizard, Voice.

Wade, Wadsworth, Wain, Waine, Walden, Walkeden, Walker, Wall, Waller, Wallett, Wallis, Wallise, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wardle, Wareing, Warner, Washen, Wassall, Wassell, Waterhouse, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Wearing, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weetman, Welch, Wells, West, Westbury, Weston, Whale, Wheatley, Wheatstone, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitlock, Whitney, Whittingham, Whyatt, Wicklen, Widdowson, Wier, Wiggin, Wilcock, Wilcox, Wilder, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willatt, Willett, Willetts, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willoughby, Wills, Wilmott, Wilson, Wiltshire, Winchurst, Wincott, Windows, Windridge, Wingrove, Winters, Withey, Wolverson, Wont, Wood, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodroffe, Woodward, Wooldridge, Woolerton, Wooley, Woolley, Wooton, Wootton, Worker, Wormington, Worrall, Wort, Worthington, Wragg, Wright, Wyatt, Wyke.

Yates, Yeomans, Yerrington, York, Youd, Young.

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