Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2419 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Duddeston cum Nechells

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ASTON Duddeston cum Nechells

Abbott, Abdale, Abel, Adams, Adkins, Alexander, Allcock, Allen, Allsop, Allsopp, Almond, Anderson, Andrews, Angel, Anthony, Appleford, Arkinstall, Arnold, Arundel, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashley, Ashton, Askey, Aston, Atkins, Avenue, Avins.

Badger, Baggot, Bagley, Bagnall, Bailey, Baizon, Baker, Ball, Ballingar, Ballinger, Balmond, Bamford, Banett, Banks, Banton, Bardill, Bark, Barker, Barlow, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barton, Bartram, Bashford, Bate, Bates, Bath, Battin, Battle, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beal, Beale, Beasley, Beaufoy, Beddall, Bedder, Beddows, Bedwood, Beebe, Beesley, Beet, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Benbow, Bennett, Benton, Beresford, Berris, Berry, Beston, Betts, Bevan, Bickler?, Biddle, Biggs, Billington, Bills, Birch, Birchenough, Bird, Birkett, Birt, Bishop, Blackwell, Blake, Blanton, Blockley, Bloomer, Bloor, Blower, Bloxham, Blunn, Blunt, Boden, Bond, Bonehill, Bonell, Bonner, Bostings, Bosworth, Bott, Boulton, Bourne, Bowater, Bowden, Bowdler, Bowen, Bowyer, Bracey, Bradbury, Bradley, Brakewell, Bramwell, Brannon, Brasenell, Breen, Bregazzi, Brettell, Brewin, Brian, Bridge, Bridgewater, Brijan, Brindley, Bristin, Brittain, Broadfield, Broadhurst, Bromage, Bromfield, Brookes, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Brueton, Bryan, Bryant, Buckerfield, Buckingham, Buffery, Bull, Burgess, Burke, Burn, Burns, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Bushill, Busst, Bust, Butler, Buttler, Butts, Bygolt, Byrne.

Cain, Cale, Callaghan, Cammerer, Caney, Canning, Cantrill, Capaur, Capell, Capener, Capewell, Capner, Capper, Carlan, Carney, Carr, Carrod, Carter, Cartwright, Casey, Cashmore, Castello, Catley, Cattell, Caunter, Chadaway, Challingsworth, Challinsworth, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chaplain, Chapman, Charles, Charlotte, Charlton, Charter, Chattany, Cherrington, Cheshire, Chester, Chew, Child, Chinn, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleeton, Clements, Clewie, Clews, Clifford, Clifton, Clive, Clucas, Cobin, Cockbill, Colcombe, Cole, Coleman, Colerick, Coley, Collingwood, Collins, Colston, Commander, Conner, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Corbishley, Corfield, Cot, Coton, Cotter, Cotterill, Cotton, Couch, Cowley, Cox, Craner, Crawford, Cresser?, Crew, Crisp, Cross, Crossley, Crowley, Crowther, Crowton, Crump, Cudd, Cumberland, Cummings, Cuna, Cure, Curran.

Daley, Dance, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Dare, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De Boole, Deacon, Deakin, Deeley, Delves, Demmery, Dendle, Dent, Devey, Devlin, Dewen, Dickenson, Dicks, Dilor, Dilworth, Dirden, Dixon, Dodd, Doleman, Dolphin, Donnely, Doolan, Dooling, Dounes, Dovey, Downes, Downey, Downton, Doyle, Drew, Dudley, Duffey, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunkley, Durben, Duval, Dykes, Dyos.

Eastwood, Ebbon, Eden, Edge, Edmonds, Edridge, Edwards, Eggington, Egginton, Eggison, Eivers, Ellaman, Elliman, Ellis, Elton, Eneill, Essex, Etherington, Evans, Evitts, Eyre.

Falvey, Fanell, Farley, Farmer, Farnsworth, Farr, Farrell, Faulkner, Fawke, Fawkes, Fear, Feasey, Fellows, Felton, Fennell, Fenton, Fewtrell, Field, Finnemore, Fisher, Fitzmaurice, Flaherty, Flanagan, Flannely, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Foden, Fogall, Foley, Folland, Ford, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foxley, Fradley, France, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, French, Frost, Fulwell.

Gale, Gandy, Ganner, Garbett, Gardener, Gardner, Gargin, Garner, Garratt, Garrish, Garrison, Gascoigne, Gascoyne, Gaunt, Gauntlett, Gazey, Gee, Gensburg, George, Gibbins, Gibblin, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giblin, Gibson, Gilderson, Gilks, Gingell, Ginn, Girling, Gittings, Glen, Glover, Godfrey, Godrick, Godsill, Goldingay, Good, Goodchild, Goodes, Goodhead, Goodman, Goods, Goodwin, Goodyear, Gordon, Gorton, Gough, Gould, Grainger, Granley, Grantham, Grattidge, Greatorex, Greaves, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Grew, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grosvenor, Grove, Guest, Guff, Gwynn.

Habbots, Haddick, Haddock, Haden, Hadley, Haines, Halford, Hall, Hallifax, Hallington, Hamer, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Hancox, Hands, Handy, Hanson, Hapworth, Hardle, Hardman, Hardwick, Hardy, Harley, Harman, Harper, Harricker, Harris, Harrison, Harrisson, Hartell, Hartill, Hartle, Hartley, Harvey, Hasty, Hateley, Havard, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hawthorn, Hawthorne, Haycock, Hayden, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heale, Healey, Heap, Hearbut, Heaton, Heaven, Hembrough, Hemming, Hemus, Hend, Hepworth, Herbert, Heslington, Hewes, Hewish, Hewston, Hicken, Hickman, Hickway, Higgins, Hilcox, Hilditch, Hill, Hillman, Hingeley, Hingley, Hingsley, Hinks, Hipkiss, Hirsh, Hiscox, Hitchcock, Hives, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoges, Holder, Holland, Hollier, Holloway, Holmes, Holster, Holyoak, Homer, Homewood, Honeyburn, Honeywood, Hooper, Hopkins, Horer, Horions, Horton, Howells, Hudson, Hughes, Hugins, Humfrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hussey, Hutchins, Hyde, Hyland, Hysiett.

Ingram, Ironmonger, Irwin, Isgrove.

Jack, Jackson, James, Jay, Jeavons, Jeenes, Jefferies, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jewkes, Jewsbury, Jinks, Johns, Johnson, Jonas, Jones, Jordan, Joster?, Joyner, Judd, Jukes.

Keefe, Keeling, Keenan, Keight, Kelly, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Kenney, Ker, Kerr, Kerrigan, Ketch, Kiggins, Kimberlin, Kindel, Kindon, King, Kirby, Knight, Knowles, Kurill.

Lacey, Lakin, Lambert, Lambor, Lane, Lasendar, Lauchbury, Lauford, Lavender, Lavinder, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Lecount, Lee, Lees, Leeson, Left, Leigh, Lenard, Leonard, Lester, Lewis, Leznby, Lightwood, Lilley, Lindley, Lines, Liney, Linforth, Ling, Linnecor?, Linnell, Little, Littlehales, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Loader, Lock, Long, Lorton, Loughman, Love, Lovett, Lowe, Lucas, Lucus, Lydon, Lye, Lyon, Lyster.

Mack, Mackenzie, Mackin, Malin, Manley, Mann, Manners, Manns, Mantle, March, Margetts, Marklew, Marks, Marlow, Marr, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matthews, Maund, Maybery, Maydon, Mayher, Maynard, Mc Connell, Mc Coy, Mc Donald, Mcdonald, Mcdowell, Mcgiff, Mcgwyer, Mcintyre, Mckean, Mckeay, Mcmanus, Mcwade, Mead, Medlicott, Merchant, Merrill, Merry, Messenger, Metcalf, Middleton, Miles, Millen, Miller, Millin, Mills, Millward, Milner, Mitchell, Mocock, Mogford, Mole, Molesdale, Molloy, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Morten, Mortimer, Morton, Moss, Mottram, Mountford, Mountjoy, Muddyman, Muller, Mullett, Mullis, Mumford, Munday, Murcott, Murphy, Murry, Musty?, Mutlow.

Nadin, Naughton, Naylor, Neal, Needle, Nelms, Neville, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nickless, Nightingale, Noakes, Nolan, Norman, Northwood, Nutt, Nuttall.

Obrien, O'connell, O'connor, O'grady, O'hanlon, Oldbury, Oliver, Onions, Organ, Orton, Overton, Owen, Owens, Oxley.

Padmore, Page, Pagett, Palmer, Pardoe, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parsonage, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Pattison, Payne, Paynton, Payton, Peacock, Peake, Pearce, Pearman, Pearson, Peek, Peel, Peers, Pell, Pemberton, Pembry, Penney, Pepall, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perrius, Perry, Pettifer, Phamphelion, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pierpoint, Piggott, Pilloway, Pinfold, Pittaway, Platts, Playdon, Poole, Pooley, Poolton, Pope, Popplewell, Porter, Portlock, Portman, Potter, Poulson, Pountney, Povey, Powell, Power, Powers, Poyner, Pratt, Pratty?, Preece, Prees, Prescott, Presscott, Preston, Prew, Price, Pridey, Priest, Prime, Primer, Prince, Pritchard, Pritchett, Probert, Prout, Pullen, Purchase, Purser.

Ralph, Randell, Ratcliffe, Rathbone, Ravenhill, Raybold, Read, Reading, Redmons, Reece, Rees, Reeson, Reeves, Reid, Reoul, Retchford, Reynolds, Rheeley, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Riddle, Ridley, Rigby, Riggey, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roduc, Roe, Rogers, Roland, Rollason, Roman?, Romney, Rooke, Rooney, Rose, Roseindale, Rotten, Rowe, Rowland, Rowlands, Rowley, Ruddis, Rudge, Rushton, Russell, Ryland.

Sabin, Sale, Salmon, Salt, Samways, Sanaland, Sanders, Sandlast, Sands, Sanger, Sankey, Sarsons, Saunders, Savage, Scadden, Scarf, Scattergood, Scott, Seabold, Seddon, Shakelford, Shakespeare, Shan, Shannon, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheldon, Shelley, Shemmell, Shenton, Sheward, Shout, Shrimpton, Shuter, Silk, Silver, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Siviter, Sketchley, Slaney, Slater, Slaughter, Slayford, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smithaman, Smitleyman, Smitten, Souls, Southall, Southwell, Spears, Speed, Spencer, Sreeves, Stacey, Stail, Staite, Stanfield, Stanier, Stanley, Starkey, Steel, Steele, Stephens, Sterling, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Steward, Stewart, Stirk, Stock, Stockwell, Stokes, Stonall, Sturch, Sturgess, Styles, Such, Suetling, Sullivan, Summerill, Summers, Sunderland, Sutton, Swadkins, Swaine, Swann, Swindler, Swingler, Syron.

Tabbener, Talbot, Talbott, Tamlyn, Tansell, Taplin, Tarber, Tavenner, Taverner, Taylor, Terry, Thacker, Thirbly, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Thornton, Thung, Thurman, Thursfield, Tilbury, Tilley, Timmins, Tims, Tipper, Tipping, Tippins, Tomkinson, Tomkiss, Tonks, Toone, Torrest, Tovey, Towel, Towell, Townsend, Tromans, Trona, Troth, Trowbridge, Trueman, Truman, Tubb, Tudor, Turell, Turner, Turton, Turvey, Tustin, Tuwell, Twamley, Twigg, Tyler.

Upton, Usherwood.

Vale, Vann, Venables, Vickers, Villers, Vincent, Voce, Vyse.

Wade, Wadley, Wain, Wainwright, Wait, Wakefield, Walden, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Wallin, Wallras, Walls, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wardle, Wareing, Warren, Washington, Waters, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Weetbrook, Welch, Wellings, Wells, Welsby, Welsh, Wentner, West, Westbrook, Westwick, Wheeler, Wheston, Whillock, Whitaker, White, Whitehouse, Whiten, Whittaker, Whittingham, Whitworth, Whlan, Wickham, Wiggin, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willard, Willets, Willett, William, Williams, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wimlett, Windridge, Wing, Winnall, Wire, Witherington, Withers, Wolley, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodward, Wooldridge, Woolley, Wootton, Wordall, Worker, Worsley, Wragg, Wright.

Yarnold, Yates, Yeomans, Yoemans, York, Yorke, Young.


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