Captain Mumford's Mule Train Surname Listing 28 wagons & 250 passengers on a mule train to Salt Lake City. 01.09.1868 - 24.09.1868
A list of dates and duration of plagues etc on the Disease Database Dates and locations of natural disasters throughout modern history
This may explain why many family members all died in a short period
Extract from a map of Bermuda, 1622 with references to Lord Warwick and other gentry ! Bermuda 1622
Journal of a LONDON Policeman's arrests A summary of the arrests and fines made by a London Policeman in 26 years 'in the Met'
Wade Street Congregational Church Lichfield STS List of 19C Members from the membership lists as they appear in the Church Book held at Lichfield Joint CRO
A link to my tree and TREPESS genealogy The TREPESS Tree

Created & Maintained by Pickard Trepess    Revised: 11 March 2016
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