Monumental Inscriptions for Newbold-on-Avon
St Botolph’s Church

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St Botolph’s Church in Newbold-on-Avon, Warwickshire
Fiche number I181 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
Transcription kindly submitted by Roy Simons

A Abbott, Aldwinkle, Allen, Allisley, Allitt, Anderson, Antill, Ashwood, Attkins
B Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Barnacle, Barnwell, Bates, Beech, Bees, Belcher, Benworth, Best, Bird, Bolton, Booth, Boughton, Boughton-Leigh, Bowne, Bradshaw, Brazier, Bromwich, Buckby, Buckley, Budd, Buller, Burton, de Burwell, Bush, Butter
C Cairney, Caldecott, Carroll, Carter, Cartlidge, Catesbie, Cave, Chambers, Chapman, Cheadle, Cheney, Cheshire, Chester, Church, Clarke, Clewes, Clemlow, Colborne, Coles, Colgrove, Colledge, Collins, Combe, Commons, Cooper, Coppull, Cotterell, Cowley, Cox, Cramb, Crofts, Cubbins, Curries, Curtis
D Dadley, Daffern, Dale, Daniels, Day, Deacon, Derby, Dickins, Dobson, Dodwell, Drew, Duffin
E East, Edwards, Elkington, Ellis, England, Egerton, Essex, Evans, Eveleigh, Ewing, Eyre-Maunsell
F Facer, Fall, Farnsworth, Fenimore, Fitzpatrick, Flavel, Flockart, Ford, Francis, Fraser-Mitchell, Free, Freeman, Frelond, Frith, Frost
G Gamble, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Goodyer, Gossage, Gould, Grant, Graves, Green, Griffiths, Groves, Gun, Gurney
H Hall, Halsall, Hammond, Hancox, Hands, Hardstaff, Hare, Harkins, Harratt, Harris, Hartles, Harvey, Haycock, Haynes, Hayward, Heath, Heather, Hence, Hewitt, Hibberd, Hill, Hilton, Hipwell, Hirons, Hogan, Hollinshead, Holmed, Holt, Holyoak, Hopkins, Horrex, Howard, Howes, Humphries, Hunt, Hutchings, Hyde
I Ivens, Izzard
J Jenkins, Jenson, Johnson, Jones
K Keates, Kendall, Kettell, King
L Lambert, Lane, Langhor, Lawson, Leach, Lee, Leeson, Leigh, Leigh-Spencer,Leonard, Lettice, Levoi, Liggins, Line, Lines, Lloyd, Locke, Loggin, Louch, Lowe
M Malin, Marlsburgh, Marriott, Martin, Matthews, Maud, Mawby, Meddows, McGuire, Mighall, Millington, Mills, Minards, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Mormanton, Morris, Muldoon
N Neal, Neild, New, Newcomb, Newman, Nichol, Nicholls, Norman, Norton
O Oakes, Ogden, O’Hara, Oldham, Onely, Owens
P P. . . . ., Pails, Parker, Parkin, Parr, Parsons, Payne, Pearce, Pearson, Pierce, Pell, Perfitt, Perkins, Pettifer, Piercy, Poland, Potter, Powell, Prentice, Prestidge, Price, Prince, Pulley, Pullen
R Radburn, Rankine, Rathbone, Raymo, Read, Redley, Reid, Rennocks, Reynolds, Richmond, Ridley, Rigby, Rivers, Roberts, Robinson, Round, Rowicki, Rowe, Ruffhead, Russell, Rushton
S Salisbury, Sanderson, Savage, Scarlett, Schofield, Scott, Sefton, Selley, Seymour, Shaw, Shears, Shellard, Shone, Shuckburgh, Sinclair, Skeet, Slatcher, Smith, Smiton, Snook, Sodin, Spencer, Spokes, Stallard, Stamford, Starmer, Steel, Stehlik, Stephens, Stevenson, Stewkeley, Summers, Sutton
T Tapp, Taylor, Tew, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Tilcott, Tofte, Towers, Townsend, Travis, Truslove, Turland, Turton, Tyrrell
U Umbers, Underwood
V Varney, Vears
W Walker, Walker-Smith, Wallis, Walton, Wardell, Waring, Waters, Watkins, Watts, Wearing, Webb, Welsby, West, Weston, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whyment, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wiltshire, Wing, Wolfe, Wood, Woodward, Worthington, Wratislavia, Wyke, Wylde
Y Young
Masons Birchall, Ianson (Rugby), Thompson (Brinklow),
Bellmaker Taylor & Co, Loughborough

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