Monumental Inscriptions for the Churches of Leamington Spa

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St Mark's - New Milverton, Leamington Spa
St. Paul's - Leicester Street, Leamington Spa
St. John the Baptist - Tachbrook Street, Leamington Spa
St Mary's - St. Mary's Road, Leamington Spa
Spencer Street Burial Ground - Leamington Spa
St. Peter's RC Church - Leamington Spa
Holy Trinity - Beauchamp Avenue, Leamington Spa
St. Joseph's - Whitnash, Leamington Spa

Fiche number I158 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry


Abell, Adams, Adie, Aitkin, Alexander, Allen, Alsop, Allwood, Ansell, Anstead, Argyll, Ashwell, Ashwin, Atkins, Atkinson, Austed, Aylett


Bailey, Baker, Ball, Bannerman, Barham, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnwell, Barry, Bartlett, Bartholomew, Bastock, Batchelor, Bayley, Bearman, Beasley, Beaumont, Beecham, Bench, Bennett, Bessex, Bickerstaff, Billington, Bird, Bishop, Bisshop, Blackham, Bland, Bliss, Bloxham, Bond, Bonham-Tod-Pratt, Bonner, Boucher, Bowles, Boyt, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brockholls, Bromley, Browne, Bruce, Bryan, Buchan, Budd, Bull, Bullimore, Bunn, Burden, Burt, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Butterworth, Byford, Bynde


Carns-Wilson, Carvell, Caswell, Caswell Sheen, Cattell, Cave, Chapman, Chavasse, Cheffins, Chilcott, Childs, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Cleary, Cleaver, Cochrane, Coleman, Compton, Comyn, Confer, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Cotterill, Court-Fisher, Cox, Crane, Crawley, Cundall, Cunnningham, Cunninghame


Dalzell, Damson, Dancer, Davies, Davis, Dawkes, Day, Dear, Deeley, Donald, Doughty, Dove, Dowell, Drake, Durham, Durran, Duton, Dwyer


Eldmann, Eldridge, Elkington, Elrington, England, Enock, Essex


Facer, Feasey, Fenstrom, Finn, Fisher, Fletcher, Flory, Foster-Knight, Forsyth, Fowell, Fox, France, Francis, Franklyn, Freeman, Friend, Fuller


Gale, Gardner, Gardner-Smith, Gascoyne, Gee, Gibsone, Glass, Gledhill, Goodway, Gossage, Gravenitz, Green, Greensmith, Greenway, Gregson, Griffin, Grimwood, Groom


Habershon, Hadley, Halcomb, Halcombe, Hall, Hales, Hammond, Handfield-Jones, Hands, Harborrow, Hardy, Harridence, Harris, Harrison, Harter, Harvey, Haselden, Hastings, Havergal, Haylock, Haymes, Heath, Hedge, Herrine, Herringshaw, Hewins, Hewitt, Higgs, Hill, Hillier, Hitchcock, Hitchman, Hollins, Holmes, Hopkins, Hopkyns, Horley, Horncastle, Horton, Hough, Hoyle, Hubbard, Hubble, Hudson, Highes, Hyde, Hydon


Ingram, Insall


Jackson, Jaggard, James, Jeffcott, Jeffries, Jeffrey, Jenkins, Hephcott, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jowett, Jowitt


Keeling, Keen, Keene, Keir, Kemp, Kennett, Kerslake, Kimble, King, Kipling, Kirby, Knibb, Kniblet, Knight


Land, Lane, Lasky, Latham, Lawford, Lawrence, Lea, Leeke, Leeson, Legge, Lenton, Lewin, Lewis, Locke, Lonsada, Loxton, Lucas, Ludd, Luggar


M....., MacDonnell, Mace, Mansbridge, Marshall, Mason, Matthews, McKean, McKenna, McLachlan, McNulty, Meagre, Mellor, Mercer, Middleton, Miles, Mills, Milton, Milward, Moore, Morrish, Morton, Mountford, Murcott, Murphy


Neale, Neville, Newdigate, Newey, Nicholls, Nickle


Oates, Orlebar, Orton, Osborne, Owen


Padbury, Pannier, Parker, Parngreen, Parr, Parson, Passman, Passy, Patterson, Paxton, Percy, Perown, Perry, Phillips, Phipps, Poole, Potterton, Powers, Poynter, Poyser, Pratt, Price, Pridmore, Prue, Purnell


Radcliffe, Rainbow, Randall, Ravenscroft, Raymond, Reading, Reed, Reeve, Reynolds, Richardson, Riman, Ringrose, Riste, Robbins, Robinson, Roe, Roberts, Rose, Rountree, Russell


S...., Salmon, Sandford, Sansome, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Sawyer, Sayer, Saywell, Schofield, Searle, Sedgley, Sewell, Sharp, Shaw, Sheen, Shipway, Shrubsole, Simpson, Skipworth, Smith, Sneyd, Snowdon, Southam, Sparke, Sparkes, Sparrow, Spencer, Sperling, Stacey, Stafford, Staite, Standbridge, Stanley, Stanton, Staunton, Stephen, Stephens, Stevenson, Stewart, St. George, Stockley, Stone, Stopps, Stranks, Stratton, Stratfield, Summers, Summerton, Summerville


Tarver, Taplin, Taylor, Tedder, Tennant, Tew, Thompson, Tickle, Tiernay, Timms, Toone, Treppass, Turner, Turnelli, Tyler


Ullerthorne, Underhill


Valentine, Varney, Vincent


Wagstaff, Walley, Wallin, Wallington, WallsgroveWalters, Ward, Warren, Wassell, Wass, Watkin, Watson, Wayne, Webb, Welch, Wells, Westlake, Wheeldon, White, Whitered, Wiggins, Wilday, Wilkins, Willes, Williams, Willoughby, Wilson, Wiltshire, Wingfield, Winn, Wippell, Wise, Wood, Woodfield, Woods, Woodward, Wright, Wrightson, Wyldes, Wynne-Edwards


Yeld, Young

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