Monumental Inscriptions for Dunchurch St. Peter's

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St. Peter's Church in Dunchurch, Warwickshire

Fiche number I114 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
Transcription kindly submitted by Wendy Boland

A Abbott, Adams, Adkinson, Alcock, Alexander, Amos, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Arden, Arnsley, Atkins, Attock, Attwood, Aubrey
B Babington, Back, Bagshaw, Bailey, Bairstow, Balick-Foote, Barber, Barley, Barnacle, Barnard, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrett, Barrs, Barton, Bason, Bates, Bather, Bawcutt, Beasley, Beaumont, Beckwith, Beever, Bell, Berridge, Berry, Bester, Beverley, Bibby, Bickersteth, Bickford, Biden, Biker, Billing, Billingham, Bilney, Binnersley, Birch, Bird, Blabey, Black, Blackburn, Bleaney, Blick, Bliss, Blood, Bolte, Bolton, Boneham, Boote, Bord, Borsley, Borton, Bosher, Bottom, Boult, Bourdillin, Bowen, Bowie, Bowley, Boyes, Bracebridge, Brain, Brathwaite, Breakspear, Brett, Brice, Bromfield, Brown, Bryan, Buckley, Bulling, Burbidge, Burrows, Burt, Burton, Bushell, Buswell, Butler, Butler-Stoney, Butlin, Buxton
C Calvert, Carey, Carlton, Carte, Carter, Caunter, Cave, Cayzer, Chambers, Chaple, Chater, Chatsworth-Musters, Chester, Clague, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clissy, Cockerill, Code, Coldman, Cole, Coles, Colledge, Collins, Collis, Colmore, Colpman, Colton, Colville, Comley, Commons, Congreve, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbishley, Corrall, Costellow, Cottrill, Cox, Crawford, Crofts, Cross, Crowhurst, Curtis
D Dafforn, Dainty, Dalrymple, Dand, Daniel, Darbishire, Davis, Davies, Daws, Daysh, Deane, Densham, Dew, Dick, Dobell, Dobinson, Dobson, Dorrian, Douty, Dowding, Dowling, Downing, Dowson, Doyle, Drayson, Duffin, Dumaresq, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunkley, Dyke
E Eagles, Eales, Eames, Earle, Edmonds, Edmondson, Edmunson, Edwards, Eley, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Elmeshale, Elslie, Elwell, Evans, Evans-Lombe
F Fallside, Farn, Farrell, Fawkes, Field, Finch, Firth, Flint, Fluendy, Footner, Forrester, Forsyth, Fortescue, Fortnan, Foster, Fox, Frankis, Frankton, Freer, French, Frost, Fulsher
G Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Gates, Gethin, Giffard, Gilbert, Gillings, Girling, Glasspool, Gloster, Goddard, Golding, Goode, Goodman, Goodway, Gordon-Deane, Gould, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenshields, Greg, Grene, Griffin, Grove, Gubbins
H Hale, Hall, Hallam, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancox, Harbord, Hardwick, Hardy, Hares, Harmwood-Banner, Harris, Harrison, Harrys, Haselwood, Haswell, Hattersley-Smith, Hawkins, Haynes, Hayter, Headley, Head, Heath, Heddon, Hemming, Hensley, Herington, Haritage, Herne, Hewitt, Hicken, Hill, Hilton, Hing, Hirons, Hodges, Holden, Holder, Hollis, Holliss, Holloway, Holmes, Homfray, Hood, Hopkins, Hopps, Horwood, Houldsworthy, Howard, Howarth, Howe, Hughes, Huismans, Hull, Hulme, Hume, Hursley, Hutchinson, Hyde- Harrison
I Iliff, Iliffe, Inglis, Ingram, Inns, Insulens, Ionides, Izzard
J Jackson, Jaffray, James, Jay, Jeffery, Jennings, Jenson, Johnson, Jubb, Judd
K Kealey,Keen, Kelcey, Kench, Kennard, Kennedy, Killick, King, Kitching, Knight, Kowal
L Lamb, Lane, Langford, Latch, Laurence, Lawrence, Lee, Leeson, Leitch, Leithen, Letts, Lewis, Liggins, Line, Linnett, Lissaman, Lock, Lockett, Lord, Love, Loveitt, Lowe, Loydall, Lucas, Lupton
M Mace, MacFarlane, MacGregor, MacMaster, Male, Malin, Maloney, Maltby, Manley, Manton, Markham, Martin, Mason, Matcham, Mather, Mathieson, Matthews, Matthias, Mayon, McCorquindale, McMahon, McNulty, Mead, Measey, Meeke, Melly, Mercy, Mere, Metcalfe, Michael, Miles, Miller, Mitchel Moffat, Moffatt, Molony, Montague-Bates, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mound, Mountney, Mousley, Mulcaster, Mundey
N Neville, Newcombe, Nixon, Noon, Norfolk, Norman, Norris, North, Nuttall
O O'Hara, Oldham, Osborne, Oselveston, Over, Overington
P Packer, Pardoe, Parker, Parris, Parrott, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Payne, Pearce, Pedrick, Peel, Peyton, Phillip, Pickering, Pihij, Pinfold, Pinnock, Player, Pollard, Poole, Powell, Pratt, Price, Prichett, Pugh, Pulham, Pursglove
Q Quiney
R Randall, Randle, Ranford, Rawes, Raymond, Read, Reading, Redmayne, Rendall, Revell, Richardson, Rickards, Ridout, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rodwell, Rowlands, Russell
S S…lon, Sanders, Sandford, Sars, Savory, Sayer, Scott, Scotton, Scrimminger, Sedgley,Seeney, Selwyn, Shanks, Shaws, Shawcross, Shearer, Shears, Shervington, Shipley, Short, Shulton, Silvester, Sims, Sinclair, Smalbrooke, Smart, Smith, Sneddon, Sparkes, Spires, Spriggs, Stagg, Stanley, Stanton, Steel, Steele, Stenlake, Stephens, Stokes, Stott, Streatfield, Stretton, Sullivan, Sumner, Sutton
T Taggart, Tait, Tarry, Tawney, Taylor, Tew, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thoyts, Thwarton, Timms, Tindall, Toes, Towers, Towner, Treadgold, Treen, Trethewey, Tripp, Trott, Troup, Truslove, Turton, Tutin
U Underwood, Unsworth
V Vann, Vass, Vernon
W Wain, Waknell, Walden, Walford, Walker, Wall, Walton, Ward, Waring, Warr, Warren, Warwick, Waters, Watson, Watts, Weatherall, Webb, Welch, Weston, Wheeler, Wheler, White, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whittaker, Wilcox, Wild, Wiley, Wilkins, William, Williams, Willoughby, Wills, Wilson, Wing, Winkless, Wise, Woerner, Wood, Wodding, Woodward, Worrall, Worth, Wratislaw, Wright, Wrigley, Wyley, Wynne
Y York

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