Monumental Inscriptions for Northfield, St. Laurence

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St. Laurence Church in Northfield, Birmingham

Fiche number I064 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
Transcription kindly submitted by Ken Hallock


A....., Abrahams, Ackroyd, Adams, Adderley, Adlard, Albutt, Aldous, Aldridge, Alford, Allcock, Allcott, Allday, Alldrit, Allen, Amber, Amiss, Ammerton, Andrews, Antrobus, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbury, Ashcroft, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Aucott, Audley, Aulton, Austin, Aveline, Avery, Ayers, Ayres


B....., Bacon, Bagwan, Bailey, Baillie, Baines, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Bamford, Banister, Banks, Banner, Banton, Barker, Barnes, Barratt, Barrett, Bartlett, Bass, Bate, Bates, Batsford, Batson, Bawn, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beards, Beasley, Beattie, Beaumont, Beck, Beckley, Belcher, Belfield, Benham, Benjamin, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Benton, Beresford, Bernard, Bernays, Berry, Besval, Bethell, Betts, Bevan, Bibb, Biggs, Bignell, Bingham, Birch, Bird, Birken, Birley, Blake, Blakemore, Blissett, Blizard, Blohm, Blood, Bloomer, Bloor, Blunden, Boddington, Bollard, Bolton, Bond, Boonham, Borg, Boswell, Botting, Bottomley, Boulton, Boundy, Bourne, Bowers, Bowkett, Bowman, Bown, Box, Boyce, Boyle, Bradbear, Bradbury, Bradley, Branson, Breakspear, Breakwell, Brewer, Brewster, Broad, Broadbent, Broghton, Bromley, Brook, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruges, Brunt, Buckley, Budd, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Bunce, Burbridge, Burdett, Burley, Burnet, Burton, Butler, Buttler, Buxton, Byng


Cain, Cairns, Caldow, Caldwell, Cale, Caley, Cam, Canaway, Carnell, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carter, Cartwright, Cashmore, Casson, Caswell, Causier, Cave, Cawston, Cedyngton, Chadney, Chadwick, Chaloner, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Charles, Charlton, Chatwin, Cheetham, Cheftelyn, Chester, Child, Chiswell, Christie, Churchley, Clarke, Clarkson, Cleaver, Clelford, Clerke, Clews, Clifford, Clinton, Close, Clulee, Coatham, Cobley, Cochrane, Cockbill, Cole, Coley, Colley, Collins, Collyer, Colville, Compson, Cond, Condron, Connolly, Cook, Cooke, Coombe, Coombs, Cooper, Cope, Copson, Corbett, Corey, Coslett, Cottier, Court, Coventry, Coward, Cowley, Cox, Crees, Crisp, Crofts, Crokam, Crook, Cross, Crossby, Cull, Culverwell, Cumberland, Cund, Cundy, Cunliffe, Currie, Curtis, Curzon, Cutler, Cuttler


D....., Dackus, Dagnall, Dalby, Dallaway, Daniel, Daniels, Darby, Darwood, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Deeley, Delahay, Demaret, Dennison, Dixon, Dobbs, Dobson, Dodd, Doleman, Donkin, Donnelly, Dorgan, Downes, Downie, Doyle, Drake, Drakeley, Dudley, Duggins, Dugmore, Dukes, Dunn, Du-Rows, Dutt, Dutton, Dyer, Dytiche


Eagles, Eaton, Eaves, Ecclestone, Eden, Edgar, Edge, Edmonds, Edser, Edwards, Edwins, Egerton, Eggington, Eggleton, Elesmore, Elkington, Elkinton, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elvins, Espley, Etherton, Evans, Everson


Falconbridge, Fallows, Farrant, Faulkener, Faux, Fawcett, Feeney, Fell, Felton, Fenner, Fenwick, Fern, Fessey, Fewster, Fidian, Field, Fielders, Figures, Finch, Finn, Fisher, Fitch, Fitzsimmons, Flavell, Fletcher, Floud, Floyd, Fluck, Follows, Forester, Forrest, Forrester, Foster, Foulds, Foulkes, Fountain, Fowler, Fox, Frame, Franklin, Freebury, Freeman, Fryer, Furniss


Gale, Gamble, Ganderton, Gapper, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfield, Garland, Garlick, Garratt, Garside, Garter, Gaskin, Gay, Gee, Gibbins, Gibson, Golbert, Giles, Gill, Gillings, Glassbrook, Glasscoe, Glossop, Glover, Godwin, Golding, Gooch, Goode, Goodhand, Goodwin, Gopsill, Gosling, Gotheimer, Gough, Gould, Goulding, Graham, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Greatorex, Greatrix, Greaves, Green, Greene, Greenhall, Greenhill, Greensill, Greenway, Greenwood, Gregory, Gregroire, Grew, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimley, Grimmitt, Gritchley, Grogan, Grove, Guest, Gumbley, Gunn, Gunnell, Guy, Gwillian, Gylbert


H....., Hacker, Hackett, Hadfield, Hadley, Haigh, Haines, Hakesley, Hales, Hall, Hallam, Halliday, Halsted, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampson-Simpson, Hampton, Hancocks, Hancox, Handley, Handly, Hands, Hanks, Hanley, Hanson, Hardy, Hargreaves, Harleya, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartill, Hartland, Hartle, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hasell, Hastings, Hastwell, Hatch, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkings, Hawthorn, Haycock, Haycox, Hayes, Haynes, Haysom, Hayward, Heathcote, Hebbron, Heeley, Hemmings, Hems, Hemus, Hendry, Henkel, Herbert, Herickx, Hewitt, Heyes, Hickman, Hickson, Higgins, Higham, Higgs, Hill, Hillard, Hinckley, Hindle, Hines, Hinks, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hitchman, Hobbis, Hobday, Hoddell, Hodge, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Holborrow, Holbrook, Holland, Holley, Holliday, Hollis, Hollister, Holmes, Holohan, Holroyd, Holtem, Holtom, Holyoake, Homer, Hood, Hoogland, Hook, Hooper, Hopes, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Horne, Horston, Hoskins, Houghton, Houldey, Howard, Howe, Hubble, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Hulse, Humpage, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Hunt, Hussey, Hutton, Hyde, Hyett


Incell, Ingram, Instone, Ireson, Isgar


Jacks, Jackson, Jagger, James, Jaques, Jarrett, Jeffery, Jeffs, Jelfs, Jell, Jenking, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jephcott, Jepson, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Joines, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Juckes, Judge


Kannreuther, Kear, Keeling, Kemp, Kennedy, Kenyon, Kerby, Kerwood, Key, Kibler, Kidner, Kimberley, King, Kingscote, Kinsey, Kirby, Kirk, Kitchen, Knapp, Knight, Knightleye, Knighton, Knott, Knottley, Knowles


Lacey, Laight, Laker, Lambe, Lambert, Lammas, Lancaster, Lane, Langham, Langman, Larkins, Latham, Law, Lawrence, Layton, Lea, Leatham, Lee, Leek, Legge, Leonard, Lester, Levers, Levins, Lewis, Lidde, Liddell, Lillyman, Lilwall, Linge, Linton, Lister, Little, Littleford, Lloyd, Lockley, Lockwood, Longford, Longman, Lord, Loud, Loveridge, Lowe, Lucadov-Wells, Lucas, Ludlow, Luff, Lunt, Lutteridge, Lynes, Lynock


MacAskill, Macauley, Machin, Mackenzie, Madden, Maddocks, Maile, Malcolm, Maldrem, Malen, Malkin, Mann, Mansell, Mansfield, Marc, Marklew, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Maschwitz, Masefield, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matchett, Mathews, Matthewson, Mauvan, McCairn, McConnell, McGrady, McKenzie, McMurray, McNish, Meades, Megson, Melley, Mellor, Meredith, Merrick, Merryday, Metcalf, Meyer, Middlemore, Miles, Miller, Mills, Minogue, Mitchell, Mole, Mombrun, Montgomery, Moor, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Mosson, Mudie, Munn, Murphy, Murwedy, Musgrove, Myring


Nash, Neal, Neale, Needham, Needle, Negus, Nesbitt, Newberry, Newbold, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Niblett, Nichol, Nicholds, Nicklin, Nicol, Nines, Nix, Nixon, Nobbs, Nock, Nokes, Norbury, Norffeld, Norman


Oakes, O’Key, Oliver, O’Neill, Onions, O’Reilly, Osborn, Osborne, Ostler, Overall, Overton, Owen, Owens


P......, Pache, Paddy, Page, Palethorpe, Palmer, Pannel, Panter, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parrish, Parrott, Parslew, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Paton, Paxton, Payne, Payton, Peach, Pearsall, Pearson, Pedley, Pemberton, Pendle, Penn, Percy, Perrin, Perrins, Perry, Perry-Keene, Pescud, Petersen, Peterson, Petford, Pettit, Phelps, Phillips, Phipson, Pickering, Pickett, Pinner, Pitt, Plevey, Plummer, Plumpton, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portman, Porton, Postlethwaite, Potter, Poulton, Pountney, Poutney, Powell, Pratt, Prescott, Preston, Price, Priest, Pritchard, Proctor, Pugh, Pummell, Pumphrey, Purchase, Purejoy, Purnell, Purser, Pychyn


R...., Raby, Radford, Rainbow, Rainey, Ramage, Randall, Randell, Randle, Ranford, Ranyell, Ray, Raybould, Raymond, Raynell, Rayson, Read, Reader, Reading, Redding, Reece, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Reid, Reilly, Restall, Retchford, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Rickards, Ricketts, Ridge, Riley, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rodgerson, Rodway, Rogers, Rollason, Rollings, Rone-Clarke, Roofe, Rose, Ross, Rosten, Rowe, Rowley, Rudge, Rundle, Rushton, Russell, Ryles


Sadler, Sale, Salsbury, Sanders, Sarga...., Satchwell, Saunders, Sayer, Sayers, Schneider, Schofield, Scotson, Scott, Scrimshaw, Scruton, Seccombe, Sell, Sephton, Setten, Sew..ell, Sewell, Shakespear, Shann, Sharp, Sharrocks, Shelley, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherrif, Sheward, Shinnie, Shipway, Shirbourne, Short, Shred, Shropshall, Shuttlewood, Siddorn, Silver, Simister, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Skett, Skoczylas, Sktadzien, Skyrme, Slader, Slater, Slatter, Slim, Smallman, Smallwood, Smerdon, Smith, Smyth, Snape, Soley, Solly, Sorrell, Southerton, Southwell, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speakman, Spilsbury, Spinks, Spires, Spittle, Sponton, Spurrier, Squier, Stabler, Stafford, Stagg, Stainton, Stait, Staples, State, Steadman, Steane, Steele, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stife, Stock, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Strong, Sturgnell, Stuart, Sturgess, Styles, Such, Summmerfield (Summerfield), Summers, Sunderland, Swift, Symes, Symons


Tait, Talbot, Tarbolton, Tatlow, Tattersall, Taunton, Tay, Taylor, Tedds, Teece, Tenens, Terry, Thacker, Theobold, Thomas, Thompson, Thorburn, Thornewill, Thornicroft, Thornton, Thorpe, Thursfield, Tibbitts, Ticer, Tidmarsh, Tilley, Timmins. Tobin, Tomson, Tonks, Tovey, Towlson, Townsend, Tracy, Trapp, Trembath, Trengrouse, Troman, Tropman, Troth, Trueman, Tudor, Tunnicliffe, Turbill, Turner, Turrall, Twine, Tyler




Valente, Vaughan, Veevers, Vellere, Venables, Vickerstaff, Vickrage, Vincent


W....., Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Waldron, Walkar, Walker, Waller, Wallis, Walters, Walton, Wansborough, Ward, Warden, Warren, Warwood, Watson, Watton, Weake, Webb, Webster, Weekes, Weighell, Wells, West, Westwood, Wetherington, Wetton, Whale, Wheeler, Whiston, Whitaker, White, Whitefoot, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitgrove, Whitney, Whitworth, Whybrow, Wight, Wightman, Wignall, Wilby, Wileman, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willetts, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Wilson, Wilton, Winby, Windibank, Windle, Winkle, Winnard, Winson, Winterton, Witcomb, Witherford, Withers, Withey, Wolferstan, Wolferston, Wolter, Wood, Woodbine, Woodbridge, Woodfield, Woodgate, Woodine, Wooding, Woodroffe, Woods, Woodward, Woodwiss, Woolley, Woolridge, Workman, Worley, Worrall, Worsey, Wort, Worth, Wright, Wyatt, Wyers, Wylde, Wytlisford-Brigge


Yardley, Yates, Yeabsley, Young


Bellamy, Cook, Morton


Kettle, Smith, Taylor, Wardens

Incomplete Names

??Eda, ??Edgar, ??George, ??James, ??Jean, ??Kenneth, ??Mary, ??Sarah, ??Vivienne, .....nce William

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