Monumental Inscriptions for Bickenhill, St. Peter's
and Marston Green Cemetery

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St. Peter's Church in Bickenhill and Marston Green Cemetery

Fiche number I102 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry


A., Abbott, Abbotts, Abraham, Adams, Adkins, Airey, Aldridge, Allcock, Allen, Allport, Allsopp, Allwood, Anderton, Arnold, Ashley, Ashmore, Ashwin, Askey, Aston, Atkinson, Attersall, Austin, Avery, Ayshford.


B., Bailey, Baines, Baker, Ball, Barnes, Barnett, Baskerville, Bate, Batt, Baugh, Beattie, Beddow, Beere, Bennett, Bent, Berril, Bethell, Birch, Black, Blackford, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blythe, Bosworth, Boulton, Bowler, Bowles, Bowman, Box, Boyce, Bradley, Brake, Brandon, Brandreth, Brazier, Bree, Brennan, Brett?, Bridgewater, Brimble, Brindley, Broadhead, Brookes, Broomfield, Brown, Browne, Buckenhull, Buckley, Burley, Burman, Burr, Burton, Butler, Bywater.


Cameron, Capel, Carroll, Carter, Cartland, Cattell, Causer, Chalkley, Challens, Challoner, Chapman, Chater, Chatfield, Cheney, Cheshire, Chignell, Ching, Clamp, Clarke, Cole, Coleing, Collins, Collinson, Colloby, Conlan, Coombes, Cooper, Corbett, Court, Cowley, Cox, Crane, Craven, Crawford, Cross, Croxall, Crozier, Crump, Currall, Curtis.


Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawson, Day, Deathe, Deeley, Deighton, Dent, Dicken, Dickens, Docker, Dodd, Donohoe, Donovan, Dowdle, Dowell, Dukes, Dutton, Dyde.


Eaves, Edlins, Edmondson, Edwards, Element, Elers, Ellender, Ellis, Elvins, Endley, Enstone, Erle.


Falkiner, Featherstone, Fessey, Field, Ford, Foxall, Freeman, French, Fuery.


Garlick, Gartenfeld, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Gilson, Gosling, Graham, Grange, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Griffin, Griffiths, Guernsey, Gunter, Guy.


H., Hack, Hadley, Haigney, Hales, Hall, Halton, Hamilton, Hemm, Hammon, Hammond, Hampton, Hankinson, Hanson, Harby, Harding, Harkens, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrow, Hartop, Hastings, Hatfield, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hayes, Haynes, Haywood, Heath?, Hedley, Heeley, Hemmings, Herbert, Hiatt, Hickman, Hinds, Hinton, Hiorns, Hodgson, Hodrien, Holden, Holder, Holding, Holland, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Hood, Horan, Horrocks, Horsley, Horton, Howard, Howlett, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Hyde, Hytsonne.


Illidge, Inett, Ingram, Iommmi.


James, Jennings, Jephcott, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones.


Karver, Keeling, Kelly, Kennett, Kesterton, Key-Pugh, Keyte, Khan, Kibbler, Killeen, King, Knapp, Knight, Knowles.


Laing, Lake, Lambert, Lancaster, Langton, Large, Latham, Lawrence, Leaver, Lee, Leedham, Leonard, Lewis, Linfon, Linthwaite, Lovegrove, Luck, Luckett, Luckman, Lynch, Lynham, Lythe.


McGeever, McIntosh, McKillop, McKinney, MacLeod, Madeley, Malcolm, Mann, Martin, Meadows, Mellish, Mellor, Middleton, Mildren, Milloshas, Mills, Millward, Mithchell, Molton, Monaghan, Montefiore, Moore, Moreton, Morrison, Mortiboys, Moss? Moulds, Mowe, Moynihan, Murtagh, Musgrave, Mutchell.


Neal, Neunham, Newall, Newell, Newman, Newport, Noble, Norman, Nott, Nugent, Nutt.


Oakes, O'Callaghhan, Odams, Lodhams, O'Mullan, Ordway, Orme, Orr, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.


Page, Palfrey, Palmer, Palser, Parker, Partridge, Pass, Passey, Payne, Pearson, Pedley, Pegg, Pemberton, Penson, Perkins, Perks, Pettifer, Pettipher, Phillips, Plevey, Pollock, Porter, Possart, Potter, Poulton, Powell, Pratt, Preecer, Prentice, Price, Prince, Prior, Proof, Pugh.


Rains, Randle, Ratcliffe, Ravenscroft, Rawlins, Reed, Rendall, Repton, Reynolds, Richards, Richmond, Rigby, Riley, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robyns, Rogers, Rose, Roughton, Round, Rowlands, Russell, Rutter, Ryan.


Salmon, Sansum, Savage, Sawyer, Scott, Scotting, Sealey, Sears, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharrock, Sheasby, Sheehan, Sheppard, Simmons, Simpson, Singleton, Skitt, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smithson, Sowsbery, Sparks, Spillman, Spittle, Sponne, Squires, St. George, Steele, Stevens, Street, Stringer, Stronach, Sturmey, Sutcliffe, Sutheran, Sutton, Swallow, Swinburn, Symonds, Symonds?.


Tam, Tansley, Tattam, Taylor, Tees, Thompson, Thornley, Tidmarsh, Timmins, Timperley, Tolley, Tootell, Topham, Tovey, Townshend, Tunnading, Twigg.


Umbersley, Upton.


Veen, Vetch, Villers, Virgo.


W., Waddington, Wade, Wagstaff, Waine, Wakeman, Walker, Wall, Walter, Ward, Warde, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weatherall, Weaver, Wells, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whittaker, Whittingham, Wight, Wigley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wills, Wilson,, Winfield, Wise, Wood, Woodroffe, Woodward, Woodyatt, Woollaston, Wolley, Worwood, Wright, Wyatt, Wylindecote.


Yellowley, York.




Adam, Barbara, Bob, Eric, M. Natasha, Ron, Theresa


Crouch Butler Savage Associates, Dixon A.S.

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