Wolfhampcote, St Peter's
Baptisms from 1633 to 1658

ëWarwick Info

This register has several entries jumbled, some have been sorted by the original transcriber,
others by the transcription of that document and more by the creation of this page.
If you find something of interest, you are strongly advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Sheila Steane for transcribing and providing this data

                    Surname Listing:

Allibone, Arnall, Arnol, Arnold, Arnoll, Atkins, Baseley, Beatly, Beth, Biddel, Biddle, Bidle, Bucknal, Bucknall, Bucknell, Bucknol, Bucknoll, Chiles, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clerke, Cox, Crooke, Crosse, Curtise, Curtisse, Danford, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Denney, Dinny, Draper, Enfield, Eyles, Gardner (? Garner), Good, Goode, Graunt, Groobie, Grooby, Gude, Higgens, Hill, Hindes, Hines, Holmes, Langham, Leeson, Lukas, Mastars, Masters, Nicolls, Propheta, Puller, Quinney, Radburne, Rawbone, Saunders, Shaw, Shawe, Shelsbie, Shenston, Sherod, Smart, Smith, Spicer, Sutton, Tustian, Vicars, Watson, Webb, Webbe, White, Wilkins, Worley, Yardley

Name   Father Date Notes
1633 Baptisms
Marydaughter ofRichard Shenston28th March 
Richardson ofRichard Goode5th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert Goode7th July 
Thomasson ofWilliam Tustian4th August 
Marydaughter ofJohn Higgens11th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn Webbe25th August 
Thomasson ofThomas White1st September 
Matthewson ofMatthew Arnall16th September 
Johnson ofRobert Cleaver29th September 
Annadaughter ofRichard Yardley29th September 
Rebeccadaughter ofJoseph Bucknall29th September 
Williamson ofEuseby Holmes17th November 
Matthewson ofRichard Cox27th November 
1633/34 Baptisms
Susandaughter ofJohn Puller25th February 
Williamson ofThomas Crosse9th March 
1634 Baptisms
Williamson ofWilliam Smith9th April 
Johnson ofRichard Shenston senior13th April 
Millicentdaughter ofRobert Sherod8th June 
Agnesdaughter ofNocholas Goode6th July 
Edwardson ofRichard Goode18th October 
Marydaughter ofJohn Masters23rd October 
Williamson ofJohn Groobie30th November 
Rebeccadaughter ofRichard Wilkins26th December 
1634/35 Baptisms
Richardson ofNicholas Masters9th January 
Williamson ofWilliam Propheta9th January 
Millicentdaughter ofWilliam Clarke18th January 
Robertson ofFrancis Nicolls25th March(January crossed out and March inserted)
Millicentdaughter ofJohn Masters18th January 
1635 Baptisms
Annadaughter ofWilliam Tustian29th March 
Thomasson ofThomas Graunt30th May 
Marydaughter ofThomas Curtise30th May 
Annadaughter ofJoseph Bucknell16th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam Smith13th August 
Richardson ofWilliam Beatly18th October 
Richardson ofNicholas Leeson18th November 
Edwardson ofThomas & Elizabeth Clark19th November 
Agnesdaughter ofLawrence Bidle13th December 
1635/36 Baptisms
Johnson ofMatthew & Elizabeth Arnall6th January 
Isabeldaughter ofThomas White10th January 
Marydaughter ofNathaniel Bucknell28th February 
1636 Baptisms
Joandaughter ofNicholas Goode21st April 
Isabeldaughter ofRobert Sherod15th May 
Davidson ofEdward & Millicent Draper19th June 
Johnson ofJohn Puller24th June 
Margaretdaughter ofWilliam & Alice Tustian7th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofEdward Smart11th September 
Alicedaughter ofJohn Grooby25th September 
Robertson ofThomas Shaw23rd October 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & Anna Clark13th November 
Millicentdaughter ofRobert & Alice Cleaver18th December 
1636/37 Baptisms
Williamson ofThomas Graunt11th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard Yardley15th January 
Marydaughter ofRichard Wilkins24th January 
Henryson ofHenry (crossed out) Robert Gude29th January 
Robertson ofThomas Crosse5th February 
Ursuladaughter ofNicholas Masters12th March 
1637 Baptisms
Johnson ofNicholas Leeson7th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard Shenston19th November 
Edwardson ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters19th November 
1637/38 Baptisms
Joandaughter ofMatthew & Elizabeth Arnol28th January 
Rebeccadaughter ofJoseph Bucknol28th January 
1638 Baptisms
Marydaughter ofNicholas Crooke1st April 
Thomas,nothus ofThomas Goode & Mary Masters3rd April(nothus = bastard child)
Markson ofNathaniel Bucknoll29th April 
John Mastersson ofEdward Masters & Anna his wife Bapt May 1638(Entry in latin)
Sarahdaughter ofJohn Arnall8th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry Clarke10th June 
Joandaughter ofThomas Shaw12th August 
Johnson ofThomas Curtisse17th October 
1638/39 Baptisms
Thomasson ofJoseph & Catherine Sutton12th January 
Williamson ofJohn & Elizabeth Hindes19th January 
Robertson ofLawrence & Anna Bidle19th January 
1640 Baptisms
Thomasson ofJoseph & Elizabeth Bucknall19th April 
Joandaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Groobie10th May 
Thomasson ofJoseph & Catherine Sutton25th May 
Eusebyson ofEuseby & Amtisa Holmes18th June 
Henryson ofLawrence & Annisa Biddel19th June 
Johnson ofJohn & Alice (illegible)21st June 
Robertson ofRobert & Mary Beth26th July 
Thomasson ofThomas & Margaret Davies26th July 
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Allibone26th July 
Alicedaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters8th August 
Robertson ofWilliam & Anna Clark23rd August 
Thomasson ofNathaniel & Elizabeth Bucknal23rd August 
Richardson ofThomas & Anna Graunt30th August 
Robertson ofRobert & Elizabeth Enfield18th October 
Robertson ofMatthew & Elizabeth Arnall19th November 
Richardson ofJohn & Frances Puller26th December 
Williamson ofJohn & Frances Puller26th December(This is a joint entry)
Marydaughter ofNicholas & Joan Leeson27th December 
1641 Baptisms
Sarahdaughter ofRadalph & Margaret Atkins2nd April 
Millicentdaughter ofEdward & Millicent Draper20th April 
Sarahdaughter ofRobert & Margaret Goode4th May 
Nicholasson ofEdward Masters2nd September 
Alicedaughter ofNicholas Leeson4th November 
1641/42 Baptisms
Richardson ofThomas Shaw1st January 
Alicedaughter ofJohn Hines14th January 
Peterson ofWilliam Tustian30th January 
Thomasson ofThomas Wilkins4th March 
Thomasson ofThomas Radburne7th March 
Gracedaughter ofJoseph Bucknoll20th March 
1642 Baptisms
(no given name)daughter ofRichard Shenston4th April 
Richardson ofEuseby Holmes10th November 
Thomasson ofWilliam Clarke25th November 
Christopherson ofThomas Davis4th December 
1642/43 Baptisms
Josephson ofNathaniel Bucknoll19th February 
Henryson ofJohn Spicer10th March 
Lawrenceson ofLawrence Biddle19th March 
1643 Baptisms
Ursuladaughter ofRichard & Mary Shenston1st April 
Johnson ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters8th June 
Annadaughter ofRichard & Elizabeth Quinney3rd September 
Edwardson ofMatthew & Elizabeth Arnoll8th September 
Nicholasson ofNicholas & Elizabeth Goode8th September 
Thomasson ofJohn & Alice Arnoll10th October 
Richardson ofThomas & Anna Wilkins26th October 
Thomasson ofWalter & Elizabeth Clerke27th DecemberSept (crossed out)
1643/44 Baptisms
Thomasson ofNathaniel Bucknol & Elizabeth Bucknol14th January 
Thomasson ofThomas Rawbone & Alles his wifewas borne 21st FebruaryBirth
1644 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Margaret Webbe9th April 
Saradaughter ofRichard & Sarah Shelsbie28th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Elizabeth Goode26th July 
Williamson ofWilliam & Helinor Masters24th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth White7th November 
Robertson ofRichard & Mary Shenston21st November 
1644/45 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & Mary Masters16th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofJoseph & Elizabeth Sutton19th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & Frances Langham?6th February 
1645 Baptisms
Anndaughter ofWilliam Clerke1st September 
Katherinedaughter ofEdward & Millicent Draper30th October 
Isabeldaughter ofRichard Wilkins13th November 
1645/46 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & Mary Masters30th JanuaryFlecknoe 1645/46 ? Baptism
Alicedaughter ofRobert & Mary Webb31st January 
Marydaughter ofHenry Webb10th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas Shawe of Nethercot24th March 
1646 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters17th April 
Richardson ofThomas & (wife's name omitted) Rawbonewas borne 5th JulyBirth
Elizabeth Gardnerdaughter ofRichard & Ann Gardner (? Garner)17th October 
Robertson ofRobert Enfield2nd November 
Marydaughter ofHenry & Elizabeth Goode5th November 
1646/47 Baptisms
Marydaughter ofRichard & Frances Langham1st March 
Allesdaughter ofThomas & Alles Rawboneborne 5th FebruaryBirth
1647 Baptisms
Henryson ofHenry & Frances Danford8th June 
Annedaughter ofJohn & Clementis Vicars25th September 
1647/48 Baptisms
Henryson ofHenry & Joan Eyles7th March 
Marydaughter ofRichard & Margery Masters23rd March 
1648 Baptisms
Georgeson ofWalter Watson19th June 
Thomasson ofRobert Cleaver junr22nd June 
Richardson ofRichard Shenston junr30th June 
Joandaughter ofThomas Worley1st July 
Robertson ofRichard Shenston sup montem6th July 
Williamson ofWilliam Clerke4th August 
Richardson ofRobert & Alice Webb24th August 
Johnson ofHenry & Margery Webb24th August 
Samuelson ofWilliam & Annise Baseley24th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Frances Davenport28th November 
1648/49 Baptisms
Annadaughter ofEuseby & Elizabeth Holmes(no date) January 
Edwardson ofThomas & Alles Rawboneborne 14th MarchBirth
1649 Baptisms
Hannadaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters2nd February 
Alicedaughter ofThomas & Alice Goodeborne(date illegible) MarchBirth
Richardson ofThomas & Ann Hill24th March 
Marydaughter ofHenry & Mary Dinny12th October 
Helenoradaughter ofRichard & Frances Langham22nd November 
1650 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & Annise Baseley2nd January 
Johnson ofRichard & Frances Langham3rd January 
Samuelson ofMatthew Arnold(?)5th March 
Edwardson ofHenry & Frances Davenport27th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Mary Dinny20th July 
Esterdaughter ofRichard & Mary Masters1st November 
Annadaughter ofRobert Lukas (no date)
1651 Baptisms
Marydaughter ofRobert & Elizabeth Cleaver27th February 
Nicholasson ofWalter & Mary Watsonborne 25th MarchBirth
Henryson ofHenry Goode27th June 
Sarahdaughter ofHenry & Frances Davenport(no date) July 
Marydaughter ofThomas & Alles Rawboneborne 23rd AugustBirth
Thomasson ofEuseby & Elizabeth Holmes(no date) October 
Simonson ofThomas & Anna Worley11th October 
1652 Baptisms
Francesdaughter ofRichard & Rebecca Wilkins8th April 
Ursuladaughter ofMatthew & Elizabeth Arnold6th May 
Annadaughter ofSimon Saunders14th June 
Lydiadaughter ofThomas & Dorothy Chiles9th September 
Thomasson ofRichard Quinney23rd October 
Alicedaughter ofThomas & Dorothy Webbe26th October 
Elinordaughter ofWilliam & Annise Baseley9th November 
Henryson ofHenry & Mary Denney14th November 
Brigettadaughter ofRichard & Mary Masters18th November 
Thomasson ofThomas & Ann Hill30th December 
1652/53 Baptisms
Williamson ofHenry Goode21st January 
Joandaughter ofThomas & Isabel Goode29th January 
Annadaughter ofRichard & Frances Langham6th January 
Thomasson ofHenry & Elizabeth Goode24th March 
Marydaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shenston31st March 
1653 Baptisms
Marydaughter ofWalter & Mary Watsonborn 16th February 
Anndaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters24th February 
Christopherson ofHenry & Frances Davenport28th April 
Alicedaughter ofRichard & Ann Shenstonborn 29th September 
Brigitdaughter ofRichard & Mary Masters30 September 
Henryson ofHenry & Margery Webb13th October 
Thomasson ofJosef & Elizabeth Suttonborn 21st NovemberBirth
1654 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Alles Rawboneborn 15th SeptemberBirth
Baratson ofWilliam & Ann Baseley1st November 
Williamson ofHenry & Mary Dinnyborn 15th DecemberBirth
Samuelson ofThomas & Alles Rawboneborn 6th JanuaryBirth
1655 Baptisms
Isabeldaughter ofRichard & Mary Mastarsborn 15th MayBirth
Alisdaughter ofHenry Goodeborn 11th AugustBirth
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn Clarke27th September 
1656 Baptisms
Samuelson ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters(?)19 January(?)1656
Thomasson ofWalter & Mary Watsonborn 21st DecemberBirth
Anndaughter ofWilliam & Ann Baseley6th March 
1658 Baptisms
Anndaughter ofHenry Goodborn 26th MayBirth
1659 Baptisms
Millicentdaughter ofRobert & Sara Watson23rd June(no year given but possibly 1659)
Millicentdaughter ofWalter & Mary Watsonborn 16th November1659 & bapt 18th December 1659

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