Walsgrave on Sowe St Mary
Marriages from 1813 to 1837

ëWarwick Info

If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Wendy Boland for providing this data

Adams, Adcock, Astill, Atkins.
Bale, Ball, Barnett, Barr, Barratt, Barson, Bason, Beale, Beasley, Beeby, Benson, Bicknell, Bird, Bishop, Blithe, Blundell, Blythe, Bolton, Bosworth, Bourton, Bradbury, Bradford, Brane, Bray, Broadhurst, Brown, Bunney, Burdett, Burrows, Bush.
Callaway, Calloway, Cater, Cave, Chaplin, Checklin, Cibble, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clements, Clewer, Clewley, Clifford, Cluley, Cluly, Cole, Collins, Collis, Compton, Constable, Cooper, Copson, Cornish, Craddock, Cross, Crutchlow.
Dalton, Davenport, Davies, Deeming, Drake, Duckham, Dunkley, Dutton.
Eades, Ebburn, Eborn, Edge, Edwards, Elliott, Elton, Enser, Everton.
Farn, Faulkener, Flower, Frankton/
Gadsby, Gaunt, George, Giddins, Gilbert, Girthing, Gittins, Goddard, Grainger, Greasby, Green, Griffiths, Gwilt.
Habbets, Hackett, Hadden, Hall, Hancocks, Harcourt, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hatfield, Hayes, Henson, Hewit, Hewitt, Hiller (or Liller), Hillyer, Hiorns, Hobley, Holdham, Holland, Horner, Houghton, Howe, Hudson, Hughes, Hurst.
Iliffe, Ison.
Jackson, Jakes, Jarvis, Jeaques, Jennings, Jenson, Jones.
Kimberley, Kirk.
Lanadill, Law, Lee, Lenton, Lester, Liggins, Lindop, Lines, Lockington.
Makepeace, Mallaband, Mander, Marlow, Marshall, Mills, Mitchell, Monk, Moona, Moore, Morris, Moss, Mower.
Neal, Newbold, Newcombe, Nicholls, Nutting.
Oldhams, Oughton.
Palmer, Parker, Peers, Pegg, Penn, Penson, Percival, Perks, Perry, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pickering, Pitton, Porter, Preedy.
Randle, Richardson, Riley, Roberts, Robinson.
Sabell, Saul, Saven, Scott, Scruby, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Sidwell, Simpson, Smallwood, Smith, Southam, Stafford, Steane, Stevens, Swain, Swinfen.
Taylor, Thacker, Thornton, Tittley, Tompson, Tuckey, Turner.
Wadkin, Wakelin, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallden, Ward, Watkins, Watts, Webb, Weston, White, Whitehall, Williamson, Windleborrow, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woral, Worrall, Worthy, Wright.

MARRIAGES 1813 - 1837

B/L Date Groom, Status, Abode Bride, Status, Abode Witnesses
L16.02.1813Joseph Newbold, bac., BagingtonSarah Deeming, spin. Minor, SoweCharles Deeming (lawful father, gave consent), Francis Grimes
B02.03.1813Aaron Dalton, bac., AnstyMartha Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweAbsalom Dalton, Sarah Gilbery (x)
B02.03.1813William Duckham, widower, SoweAnn Brown, widow (x), SoweMary Tookey (x), William Smith
B09.03.1813Thomas Bale, bac., SoweMary Williamson, spin. (x), SoweThomas Wood (x), Elizabeth Lenton (x)
B18.06.1813Thomas Davies, bac. (x), SoweMary Cooper, spin. (x), SoweThomas Cooper (x), William Smith
B26.06.1813John Dunkley, widower, SoweHannah Bosworth, spin. (x), SoweThomas Bond, Elizabeth Bond (x)
B29.08.1813William Wadkin, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Greasby, spin (x), SoweTimothy Bagnell, Mary Davenport (x)
B15.11.1813William Stafford, bac. (x), SoweMary Benson, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Smith (x), Sarah Gilbert (x)
B22.11.1813William Lenton, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Everton, spin. (x), SoweJohn Smith, Sarah Lee (x)
B22.11.1813Thomas Walker, bac. (x), SoweEsther Perry, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Millerchip (x), Ann Sidwell (x)
B28.02.1814Albin Porter, bac. (x), SoweAnn Jenson, spin. (x), SoweThomas Bond, Ann Sidwell (x)
L10.04.1814Francis Hayes, widower (x), SoweSusannah Nicholls, spin. (x), St John, CoventryRichard Walker, Elizabeth Walker (x)
B06.06.1814Thomas Beeby, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Pickering, spin. (x), SoweThomas Worthy, William Smith
B26.09.1814Thomas Craddock, bac., SoweMartha Gadsby, spin. (x), SoweThomas Gadsby (x), Elizabeth Moore (x)
B26.09.1814John Hewit, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Ball, spin. (x), SoweThomas Hewitt (x), Mary Ball (x)
B16.01.1815Benjamin Bradford, widower, SoweLucy Eades, widow (x), SoweJoseph Stain, William Smith
B06.03.1815John Marlow, bac. (x), SoweAnn Scott, spin. (x), BulkingtonCharles Marlow (x), Elizabeth Cadman (x)
B26.03.1815William Bicknell, bac., SoweHannah Perry, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Lockington (x), Sarah Smith
B26.03.1815William Lockington, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Perry, spin., SoweWilliam Bicknell, Sarah Smith
B27.03.1815John Hobley, bac., St. Michael, CoventrySarah Harper, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Hill, Mary Asthill (x)
B27.03.1815Richard Williamson, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Pegg, spin. (x), SoweRobert Lee, Catherine Randle
B07.05.1815William Porter, bac. (x), SoweAnn Sidwell, spin. (x), SoweThomas Bond, Elizabeth Bond
B29.05.1815William Clark, bac. (x), SoweMary Chaplin, spin. (x) , SoweWilliam Sketchley, Elizabeth Porter (x)
B12.06.1815John White, bac. (x), SoweMary Davenport, spin. (x), SoweDaniel Davenport (x), William Smith
B13.06.1815William Makepeace, wid.r (x), SoweLetitia Liggins, spin (x), SoweWilliam Smith, Elizabeth Jephcott (x)
B19.06.1815John Morris, bac. (x), SoweMartha Bosworth, spin. (x), SoweRichard Smith, Sarah Bray (x)
B03.07.1815George Ison, bac. (x), SoweMary Brown, spin. (x), SoweJohn Swain, William Smith
B15.07.1815Hugh Jones, bac. (x),Ann Tuckey, spin. (x),Joseph Lowe, William Smith
B17.07.1815Thomas Moss, bac. (x), SoweMary Wakelin, spin. (x),Daniel Davenport (x), Elizabeth Meek (x)
B07.08.1815John Henson, bac., Everdon, NorthantsMaria Astill, spin. (x), SoweJohn Hobley, Dinah Wales (x)
B15.08.1815John Gaunt, bac. (x), SoweJane Randle, spin. (x), SoweThomas Clues (x), William Smith
B18.09.1815Edward Bolton, bac. (x),Sarah Wakelin, spin. (x),John Bolton, William Smith
B25.09.1815Thomas Lenton, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Moore, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Nook, William Smith
B26.09.1815Richard Webb, widower (x),Ann Woral, spin. (x),Joseph Marshall, William Smith
B13.11.1815Joseph Hatfield, bac. (x), SoweSarah Cross, spin. (x), SoweJohn ?Piers, Bartholemew Cornish
B25.12.1815Henry Hobley, widower (x), SoweRebecca Weston, spin. (x), SoweRichard Wesson, Elizabeth Randle
B07.01.1816Richard Smith, bac., SoweSarah Bray, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Smith (x), William Smith
L01.02.1816Edward Fielding Palmer, bac., ColeshillSarah Brown, spin, SoweWilliam Wale Brown, Charlotte Brown, Judith Maria Palmer
B11.02.1816William Porter, widower (x), SoweAnn Turner, widow (x), SoweElizabeth Leckinton, William Leckington (x), William Smith
B18.03.1816James Kirk, bac., SoweSarah Moona, spin. (x), SoweAnn Kirk (x), William Smith
B15.04.1816Timothy Perry, widower (x), SoweElizabeth Bolton, spin. (x), Combe FieldsWilliam Smith, Charlotte Bolton (x)
B16.04.1816John Peers, widower, BulkingtonSarah Turner, widow (x), SoweJoseph Hatfield, Mary White (x)
B14.07.1816Daniel Davenport, bac. (x), SoweAnn Wakelin, spin. (x), SoweSamuel Davenport (x), Elizabeth Randle (x)
 13.08.1816John Hudson, bac. (x), AnstySarah Steane, spin. (x), SoweCharles Deeming, Sarah Randle (x), William Smith
B16.09.1816Joseph Beasley, bac., WykenSarah Callaway, spin. (x), SoweThomas Hill (x), Amy Ensor (x)
B16.09.1816James Harrison, bac. (x), SoweSarah Smith, spin. ,Thomas Oughton (x), Sarah Pirks
B23.09.1816Robert Lee, bac., SoweHannah Brown, spin. (x), SoweGeorge Lee, Susannah Davenport (x)
B23.09.1816Samuel Smith, bac. (x), SoweFrances Harrison, spin. (x), SoweThomas Hartopp (x), Elizabeth Harrison (x)
B14.10.1816George Liggins, bac. (x), SoweSarah Tompson, spin. (x), SoweHannah Low, Thomas Thompson (x)
B08.12.1816James Houghton, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweIsabella Gilbert (x), Thomas Palmer (x)
B14.01.1817Thomas Oughton, bac. (x), Monks KirbySarah Perks, spin., SoweSarah Oughton, Joseph Nichols (x)
B15.04.1817John Smith, widower (x), SoweHannah Eborn, spin. (x), SoweMartha Crutchlow (x), William Smith
B19.04.1817William Bunney, bac. (x), SoweEleanor Broadhurst, spin. (x), SoweIsabella Gilbert (x), William Smith
B27.05.1817William Smith, bac. (x), SoweAnn Harrison, spin. (x), SoweSusannah Randle (x), Samuel Smith (x)
B21.08.1817John Griffiths, bac., SoweElizabeth Swain, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Smith, Elizabeth Randle (x)
B22.09.1817Thomas Bird, bac., SoweSarah Gilbert, spin. , SoweWilliam Shaw, William Smith
L22.09.1817Joseph Gwilt, bac., SoweElizabeth Walker, spin (x), SoweRichard Walker, Elizabeth ?Whetley
B15.10.1817Joseph Farn, bac. (x), SoweMargaret Clewley, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Smith, James Farn (x)
B23.11.1817Samuel Randle, bac. (x), SoweLydia Scruby, spin., SoweSarah Bosworth, William Smith
B24.11.1817Thomas Cave, widower (x), SoweAnn Cater, spin. (x), SoweThomas Cater, William Smith
B26.01.1818Benjamin Hackett, bac. (x), SoweAnn Kimberley, spin. (x), SoweCharles Swinfield Kimberley (x), James Eades
B24.03.1818William Holdham, bac. (x), SoweAnn Cluley, spin. (x), SoweJohn Woodward, Sarah Hewitt
B20.04.1818William Dutton, widower, SoweSarah Hackett, widow, SoweRichard Hewitt, Martha Hewitt
B05.07.1818William Sidwell, bac. (x), SowePhoebe Taylor, spin. (x), SoweCharles Wale, Elizabeth Randle
B20.09.1818Robert Drake, widower (x), SoweMary Jeaques, spin. (x), SoweGeorge Jeaques (x), Sarah Jeaques (x)
B21.09.1818Joseph Sidwell, bac. (x), SoweSarah Lenton, spin. (x), SoweJoseph Hill (x), Mary White (x)
B19.10.1818Thomas Hughes, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Wakelin, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Smith, Edward Bolton (x)
B15.11.1818Thomas Palmer, bac. (x), SoweIsabella Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweSamuel Smith, William Smith
B22.11.1818Thomas Brane, bac. (x), SoweMary Blundell, spin. (x), SoweMathew Blundell (x), Anne George (x)
B07.12.1818Thomas Lee, bac. (x), SoweMartha Crutchlow, spin. (x), SoweSarah Hewitt (x), William Holdams (x)
B19.04.1819Henry Cluly, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Hewitt, widow (x), SoweJohn Hardeman, William Smith
B19.04.1819George Lee, bac., SoweSusannah Davenport, spin. (x), SoweElizabeth Blithe (x), Joseph Davenport (x)
B01.07.1819John Tittley, bac. (x), SoweMaria Mander, spin., SoweWilliam Nock (x), Dorithy Nock (x)
B25.07.1819Joseph Lee, widower, SoweElizabeth Harrison, spin. (x), SoweHumphrey Harrison (x), Fanny Smith (x)
B26.09.1819Thomas Williamson, widower, SoweMary Gittins, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Gittins (x), Hannah Gittins (x)
B27.09.1819Richard Worrall, bac. (x), SoweSarah Cater, spin. (x), SoweThomas Cater, Mary Gilbert (x)
B13.10.1819John Cluley, widower, SoweRhoda Bishop, spin. (x), SoweJohn Bistley (x), William Smith Watson
B21.11.1819Thomas Brown, bac. (x), SoweAnne George, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Brown, Milicent Watson
B05.12.1819James Beale, bac. (x), SoweSarah Jeaques, spin. (x), SoweElizabeth Cornish (x), Thomas Jeaques (x)
B14.02.1820William Mower, bac., SoweHannah Howe, spin., SoweElizabeth Randle, John Tuckey
B13.03.1820William Copson, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Randle, spin. (x), SoweJoseph Mowe (x), Robert Barson (x), Elizabeth Randle (x)
L08.06.1820William Adcock, bac., SoweHannah West Elton, spin. , SoweJohn Adcock, Elizabeth Boddington
B19.06.1820William Phipps, bac., SoweHannah Randle, spin. (x), SoweMary Phipps (x), William Nock
B16.07.1820William Bourton, bac., SoweHannah Giddins, spin. (x), SoweSarah Bosworth, William Smith
B12.08.1820Joseph Mitchell, bac. (x), SoweMary Faulkener, spin., WhitacreWilliam Lovegrove (x), Mary Lovegrove (x)
B04.02.1821William Palmer, widower (x), SoweMary Green, widow (x), SoweWilliam Hancock (x), Elizabeth Hancock
B26.02.1821John Phipps, bac., SoweElizabeth Blithe, spin. (x), SoweMary Ayson (x), William Smith
B05.03.1821George Broadhurst, bac. (x), SoweMary Bray, spin. (x), SoweJohn Checklin (x), Mary Gilbert (x)
L22.05.1821Thomas Bolton, , Banbury, OxonAnne Wale, spin., SoweAgatha Buggin, Thomas Wale
B13.08.1821Thomas Smith, bac. (x), SoweLucy Bradford, widow (x), SoweSarah Smith (x), Richard Smith
B22.09.1821William Porter, bac. (x), SoweHannah Weston, spin. (x), SoweThomas Hiorns, Martha Hewitt (x)
B24.09.1821Thomas Marlow, widower (x), SoweSarah Wall, spin. (x), SoweThomas Cotton (x), Mary Hill (x)
B24.09.1821John Smith, bac. (x), SoweMary Barson, spin. (x), SoweJohn Leadbeter (x), Elizabeth Smith (x)
B12.11.1821Francis Woodhouse, bac., SoweSarah Wale, spin. (x), SoweCharles Wale, Dinah Wale (x)
B09.12.1821John Checklin, bac. (x), SoweSusannah Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweThomas Checklin (x), Catherine Barnett
B25.02.1822Thomas Cibble, bac. (x), SoweHannah Smith, spin. (x), SoweWiliam Smith (x), Elizabeth Smith (x)
B11.03.1822John Robinson, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Cornish, spin. (x), SoweThomas Barson, ? Ann Mills (x)
B20.05.1822Joseph Ward, bac. (x), SoweSarah Sidwell, widow (x), SoweMary Ellitt (x), Joseph Hill (x)
B16.06.1822Joseph Compton, widower (x), FoleshillEsther Atkins, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Abbitts (x), Emila Croft (x)
B08.07.1822Wiliam Bunney, widower (x), SoweSarah Bird, widow (x), SoweWilliam Smith, Mary Goddard
B28.07.1822William Taylor, widower (x), SoweRuth Smith, widow (x), SoweRebecca Barr, William Smith (PC)
B04.08.1822John Hiorns, bac., Monks KirbyCatherine Barnett, spin., SoweSarah Jackson, William Smith (PC)
B11.08.1822Benjamin Girthing, widower (x), SoweDiana Cooper, spin. (x), SoweRichard Smith (x), William Smith (PC)
B31.08.1822Thomas Harrison, bac. (x), SoweMary Jones, spin. (x), SoweJoseph Smith (x), Elizabeth Smith (x)
B31.08.1822Samuel Randle, bac. (x), SoweEleaner Wale, spin. (x), SoweJob Pickerd (x), Sarah Randle (x)
B14.10.1822Joseph George, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweWilliam George (x), Mary George (x)
B23.12.1822William George, bac. (x), SoweLydia Lines, spin. (x), SoweAnn Lines, John Howard (x)
B08.01.1823John Woodward, bac., SoweAnn Hackett, spin. (x), SoweJames Eades, Ann Green (x)
B03.02.1823Richard Worrall, widower, SoweSarah Bosworth, spin., SoweJohn Bush, Rebecca Bush (x)
B03.03.1823William Barratt, bac. (x), SoweMary George, spin. (x), SoweHannah Swinfen, John Howard (x)
B01.04.1823John Jarvis, bac., Hanwell, OxonElizabeth Hancocks, , SoweBenjamin Hancocks, Sarah Jarvis (x)
B21.09.1823John Hayes, bac., SoweMary Goddard, spin., SoweMary Hayes, James Maynard
B13.10.1823James Flower, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Parker, spin. (x), SoweThomas Randle, Esther Parker (x)
B27.10.1823John Blundell, bac. (x), Willenhall, War.Hannah Harris, spin. (x), SoweHannah Blundell (x), John Edmonds
B27.09.1824Edward Swinfen, widower, SoweHannah Porter, widow (x), SoweJoseph George (x), Lydia George (x)
B28.09.1824John Bush, bac., SoweMaria Smith, spin. (x), SoweThomas Scruby, Ann Smith, Mary Broadhurst
B28.09.1824Charles Lenton, bac. (x), SoweCharlotte Barson, spin. (x), SoweJoseph ?Hull (x), Elizabeth Barson
B09.10.1824Daniel Blythe, bac. (x), SoweMary (x) Monk, , St. John, CoventryJohn Phipps, Sarah Mow (x)
B18.10.1824William John Lanadill, bac. (x), BinleyMary Gilbert, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Waters (x), Anne Gilbert (x)
L17.11.1824Joseph Calloway, bac., Tipton, Staffs.Ann Ebburn, spin. (x), SoweMary Calloway, William Ebbern
B28.12.1824Timothy Law, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Smith, spin. (x), SoweSarah Smith (x), Elizabeth Randle (x)
B23.01.1825Richard Constable, , Brandon in WolstonMary (x) Gilbert, , SoweWilliam Barton (x), Hannah Gilbert (x)
B08.02.1825William Bolton, bac. (x), CombefieldsMary Richardson, spin. (x), SoweRobert Watts (x), Harriet Worthy (x)
B04.04.1825William Smith, bac. (x), SoweMary Smith, spin. (x), SoweGeorge Kelsey, Anne Smith (x)
B04.04.1825William Tuckey, bac. (x), SoweMaria Randle, spin. (x), ShiltonGeorge Kelsey, Sarah Randle (x)
B02.05.1825Thomas (x) Hughes, , CombefieldsEsther Parker, spin. (x), SoweJoseph Morris (x), Hannah Smith (x)
B04.06.1825Joseph Liggins, bac. (x), SoweMary Lenton, spin. (x), SoweMary Shakespear (x), William Smith
B04.07.1825Joseph Wallden, bac. (x), SoweSophia Cross, spin. (x), SoweMary Iliffe, William Jackson (x)
L15.08.1825Job Pickard, bac. (x), SoweSusannah Holland, spin (x), SoweSarah Brison (?Barson), William Pickard (x)
B05.12.1825William Shakespeare, bac. (x), SoweJane Stafford, spin. (x), SoweCharles Shakespeare, William Smith
B06.02.1826John Jarvis, widower, SoweMary Cornish, spin., SoweAnn Turner (x), William Thacker
B09.04.1826Joshua Marshall, bac. (x), SoweHannah Wakelin, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Wakelin, Julia Marshall
B24.04.1826Charles Hewitt, bac., SoweHannah Bishop, spin. (x), SoweJames Bushby (x), Mary Bishop (x)
B29.05.1826Samuel Oldhams, bac. (x), SoweSarah Hewitt, spin., SoweJohn Hewitt, Martha Hewitt (x)
B16.07.1826Thomas Lindop, bac., SoweMary Elliott, spin. (x), SoweHannah Elliott (x), Hannah Sidwell (x)
B21.07.1826Joseph Ball, widower (x), FoleshillAnn Marlow, spin. (x), SoweAnthony Marlow (x), Eliza Shakespear (x)
B06.08.1826John Clarke, bac. (x), SoweHannah Sidwell, spin. (x), SoweHannah Elliott (x), Euseby George (x)
B12.09.1826Thomas Edwards, widower (x), SoweMaria Sidwell, spin. (x), SoweGeorge Getthin (x), Elizabeth Southam (x)
B16.10.1826Thomas Gilbert, , Stretton Maskerville, Burton HastingsAnn (x) Harrison, , SoweSamuel Gilbert (x), Ann Ladkin (x)
B14.11.1826Thomas Mallaband, bac. (x), SoweAnn Smith, spin. (x), SoweTimothy Law (x), Sophia Randle (x)
B16.11.1826John Collins, bac., SoweElizabeth Southam, spin. (x), SoweGeorge Getthin (x), William Smith
B09.04.1827Thomas Stevens, widower, SoweJane (x) Brown, , SoweWilliam Brown (x), Ann Brown (x)
B19.04.1827John Hewitt, bac., SoweSarah Bason, spin., BulkingtonHarry Barrs, Martha Hewit (x)
B26.08.1827William Marlow, bac. (x), SoweEliza Shakespear, spin. (x), SoweJohn Percival, Ann Burrows (x)
B24.09.1827William Mills, bac., SoweAnn Barr, spin., SoweJohn Adams (x), Ann Mills (x)
B25.09.1827William Adams, bac., BagingtonAnn Gilbert, spin. (x), Sowe?… Adams (x), Hannah Bosworth (x)
B18.10.1827Thomas Jackson, bac., SoweMary Iliffe, spin., SoweJohn Collis, Sarah Checklin (x)
B18.11.1827John Pickard, bac. (x), SoweFrancis Harrison, spin. (x), SoweThomas Harrison (x), Jane Pickard
B31.12.1827John Percival, bac., SoweAnn Burrows, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Pearson, Rebecca Pearson (x)
B24.03.1828William Wakelin, bac. (x), SoweJulia Marshall, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Walker, Sarah Worrall (x)
B28.04.1828Samuel Jackson, bac., SoweHannah (x) Gilbert, , SoweJoseph Patshull (x), Hannah Bosworth (x)
B22.09.1828Thomas Bolton, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth (x) Barson, , SoweElizabeth Bolton (x), Thomas Barson (x)
B22.09.1828Joseph Morris, bac. (x), SoweAnn Mills, spin. (x), SoweSamuell Mills (x), Hannah Whithall (x)
B23.11.1828Thomas Randle, bac., SoweMartha (x) Hewitt, , SoweEdward Sabel (x), Sophia Randle (x)
B25.12.1828Samuel Mills, bac. (x), SoweMary Hall, spin. (x), SoweHannah Whitehall (x), ThomasTuckey
L01.01.1829Thomas Porter, bac., St. Michael, CoventrySophia Adcock, spin., SoweMary Adcock, James Adcock
B09.03.1829Samuel Phipps, bac. (x), SoweSarah Blythe, spin. (x), SoweMary Compton (x), William Smith
B01.05.1829Charles Deeming, bac. (x), SoweCharlotte Penson, spin. (x), Late of Harford, Staffs.George Sidwell, Jane Elliott (x)
B13.05.1829Benjamin Neal, bac. (x), SoweChristian Randle, spin. (x), SoweSarah Randle (x), Joseph Neale (x)
B10.06.1829William Hurst, bac. (x), SoweHannah Bosworth, spin. (x), SoweJohn Hewat (x), Sarah Hunt (x)
B19.06.1829Joseph Phillips, bac. (x), SoweHannah Whitehall, spin. (x), SoweThomas Hewitt, Sophia Hewitt
B12.07.1829John Roberts, bac. (x), SoweSarah Clarke, spin. (x), SoweJohn Nutting (x), Elizabeth Clarke (x)
B22.09.1829William Thacker, bac., SoweAnn Turner, spin. (x), SowePhoebe Mills (x), Thomas Hewitt (x)
B29.11.1829William Scruby, bac., SoweJane Cluley, spin., SoweJoseph Clarke (x), Mary Broadhurst
B27.12.1829John Randle, widower, SoweSusanna Lee, spin. (x), SoweMary Arson (x), Robert Lee
B17.01.1830Thomas Hughes, widower (x), SoweEsther Cole, spin. (x), CombefieldsDavid Hughes (x), Sarah Broadhurst (x)
B07.02.1830John Collis, bac., SoweSarah Checklin, spin. (x), SoweThomas Jackson, Jane Checklin (x)
B15.03.1830Thomas Cooper, bac. (x), SoweSarah Worrall, spin. (x), SoweMary Webb (x), Elizabeth Cork (x)
B13.06.1830George Sabell, bac., SoweSarah Jakes, spin. (x), SoweHenry Jakes, George Jakes
L27.09.1830William Harcourt, widower, SoweSarah Worthy, widow (x), SoweEleanor Smith, Francis Lowe (x)
B02.12.1830Samuel Hackett, bac. (x), SoweJane Pickard, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Pickard (x), Elizabeth Hackett (x)
B03.04.1831Josiah Jennings, bac., SoweArabella (x) Bradbury, , SoweThomas Edge (x), Sophia Hewitt
B29.05.1831John Nutting, widower (x), SoweMary Jarvis, widow (x), SoweSamuel Jackson, Mary Parker (x)
B25.09.1831Thomas Jennings, bac. (x), SoweSarah Simpson, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Jones, Sophia Wale
B25.09.1831Thomas Newcombe, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Smith, spin. (x), SoweSophia Hewitt, Thomas Edge (x)
B26.09.1831Thomas Hewitt, bac. (x), SoweMary Broadhurst, spin., SoweHannah Smith, Joseph Hewitt (x)
B30.01.1832Thomas Lester, bac. (x), SoweSarah Duckham, spin. (x), SoweE.P. Turner, C. Sedgley
L31.05.1832Joseph Adcock, bac., SoweElizabeth Watts, , SoweHarry Watts, Mary Ann Adcock
B24.06.1832William Hewitt, bac., SoweMary Nutting, , SoweThomas Randle, Martha Randle (x)
B24.09.1832John Clements, bac. (x), BulkingtonElizabeth Cave, , SoweThomas Pearce, Mary Ann Eades
B24.09.1832George Thornton, bac. (x), SoweMary Broadhurst, spin. (x), SoweElizabeth Broadhurst, John Emery (x)
B06.11.1832John Clewer, widower, SoweCatharine Jackson, spin., SoweJohn Fantham, Ann Wright
B27.12.1832Thomas Smith, widower, SoweElizabeth Horner, spin., SoweJames Hollis, Hannah Smith
B22.09.1833Thomas Edge, bac. (x), SoweSophia Hewitt, spin., SoweJosiah Jennings, Arabella Jennings (x)
B29.12.1833Thomas Barson, bac. (x), SoweAnn Penn, spin. (x), SoweAnn Riley, Charles Lenton (x)
B30.12.1833James Burdett, bac. (x), SoweHariott Parker, spin. (x), SoweJonathan ?Lanean, Maria Parker (x)
B22.06.1834Nathan Preedy, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Wright, spin. (x), SoweThomas Wright (x), Mary Wright (x)
B26.02.1835John Eades, bac., NuneatonMary Ann Eades, spin., SoweSarah Eades, William Eades
L12.07.1835Thomas Phipps, bac., SoweRebecca Frankton, spin. (x), FoleshillMaria Dutton (x), Thomas Biggs
B11.08.1835Henry Adcock, bac. , Holy Trinity, CoventryMary Barr, spin., SoweMabel Lawrence, Harry Watts
L22.08.1835Thomas Boyes Pitton, bac., GrandboroughLydia Elton, spin., SoweChristina Moony, Thomas Elton
B23.08.1835George Swain, bac., SoweMary Hewitt, spin. (x), SoweJames Smith, Elizabeth Millerchip (x)
L27.08.1835Richard Walker, bac., SoweHannah Hadden, , BedworthSarah Randle (x), Thomas Rollason
B20.09.1835William Tuckey, bac. (x), SoweSarah George, spin., SoweJoseph George, Sarah Tuckey (x)
B04.10.1835Thomas Clark, bac., SoweElizabeth Richardson, spin. (x), SoweJohn Tuckey, Catharine Lowe
B16.11.1835George Hiller (or Liller), bac., SoweMary Wright, spin. (x), SoweJames Wright, William Smith
B16.11.1835Noah Hillyer, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Watkins, spin. (x), SoweJames Wright, William Smith
B03.01.1836John Calloway, widower (x), SoweMary Enser, widow (x), SoweJohn Cornish, William Smith
B02.02.1836Isaac Taylor, , SoweJane Hatfield, (x), SoweThomas Hatfield, Ann Hatfield (x)
B15.02.1836Joseph Clarke, bac., SoweAnn Smith, spin., SoweJob Clark, Lydia Smith
B04.04.1836Thomas Gilbert, bac. (x), SoweAnn Hatfield, spin. (x), SoweHannah Hickinbottom (x), Thomas Hatfield
B24.07.1836Thomas Bicknell, bac., SoweHannah Grainger, spin. (x), SoweElizabeth Millerchip (x), John Lockington (x)
L11.08.1836Joseph Riley, bac., FoleshillMary Hayes, spin., SoweJohn Tuckey, Elizabeth Cluley
B22.08.1836John (x) Barson, , SoweHannah (x) Burdett, , SoweWilliam Quinney (x), Maria Parker (x)
B12.09.1836Joseph Smallwood, bac., SoweSarah Windleborrow, spin. (x), SoweThomas Smallwood, Alice Windleborrow
B26.09.1836Henry Perry, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Richardson, spin. (x), SoweJames Clifford (x), Ann Richardson (x)
B16.01.1837Thomas Barnett, bac., SoweElizabeth Walker, spin. (x), SoweJohn Pickard (x), William Smith
B05.02.1837Samuel Whitehall, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Habbets, spin. (x), SoweWilliam Perry (x), Elizabeth Cluley
B26.02.1837William Pickard, bac. (x), SoweElizabeth Hackett, spin. (x), SoweJohn Pickard (x), Jane Hackett (x)
B14.03.1837Thomas Clamp, bac. (x), SoweEsther Porter, spin. (x), SoweMary Richardson, William Smith
B15.05.1837James Saul, bac. (x), SoweAlice Ward, spin. (x), SoweFrancis Compton (x), Elizabeth Millerchip (x)
B11.06.1837James Clifford, bac. (x), SoweHannah Saven, spin. (x), SoweJohn Jaques, Sarah Stafford (x)

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