Ansley St Laurence
Burials from 1694 to 1812

ëWarwick Info
If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Wendy Boland for transcribing and providing this data

                    Surname Listing:

?Loyd, Adderley, Adderly, Agan, Allen, Alton, Archer, Argill, Arme, Arundel, Arundol, Asley, Atkins, Avery,
Back, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Barber, Barefield, Barer, Barfield, Barker, Barner, Barnes, Barns, Barrowclough,
Basefield, Bate, Bates, Beck, Belcher, Bennet, Betteridge, Biddle, Billington, Bindley, Bingley, Binley, Blackham,
Bock?, Bolstridge, Bolton, Booden, Boresford, Boulstridge, Boulton, Bown, Bracebridge, Brearley, Brierly, Brindley,
Broadbent, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Buckler, Bunny, Buny, Burbage, Burdet, Burdett, Burdige, Burrow, Burrows, Butler, Byard,
Cadman, Camel, Cammel, Campton, Carpenter, Challenor, Challinger, Challoner, Chantril, Chantrill, Chaplin,
Chattaway, Chattoway, Cheshire, Chetwynd, Chichester, Clark, Clarke, Clarke, Clements, Clerk, Clerke, Coaley,
Coley, Collier, Cooke, Cope, Cope (Alias Price), Corbet, Cornshaw, Coton, Cotterell, Cowley, Cresswell, Creswell, Curd,
Dafforn, Dagley, Dale, Darycord, Davis, Dawes, Day, Deemin, Divett, Dobson, Dodson,
Dole, Douglass, Dowel, Downs, Drakefoot, Drakeford, Draycord, Draycot, Eades, Ebdel, Ebdell, Eley, Elliot, Everet, Everett,
Fairfax, Fairfield, Fancy, Faux?, Fearfield, Floyd, Ford, Forster, Foster, Francis, French,
Gammage, Garrat, Garret, Gascoyne, Gent, George, Ghent, Gilbert, Goadby, Golby, Goldby,
Golsby, Goodman, Goorby, Gouldby, Goward, Gramsen?, Greenway, Greyman, Griffin, Guest, Guy,
Haddon, Hall, Hammersley, Hand, Hands, Handy, Harden?, Harding, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hartshorn,
Hartshorne, Hasemore, Hasemow, Haslesdine, Hassledine, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hazeldine, Healing,
Hearnshorn, Hewet, Hewit, Hewitt, Hidson, Higgins, Higham, Higson, Hill, Hincks, Hinks, Hitchcock,
Holt, Holyoak, Homer, Hopkins, How, Hoxford, Hunt, Hurt, Hutchins, Ireland, Izen, Izon,
Jacombes, Jacombs, Jefferies, Jenks, Jephcoat, Jephcote, Johnson, Jones, Jordan,
Keen, Keene, Kelsey, Kesley, King, Kirk, Krone?, Lags, Lakin, Langham, Latham, Leeson,
Lloyd, Lloyde, Lombe, Long, Loombe, Lord, Lovelace, Lucas, Ludford,
Manton, Marler, Marlor, Mart?, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masson, Mayo, Meigh, Mellar, Melliship, Melly, Middlemas,
Midham, Miles, Millard, Millecheap, Miller, Millhouse, Mills, Moor, Moore, More, Morgan, Morice, Morris, Motteram, Mould,
Nailor, Naylor, Neeld, Nelson, Newman, Newton, Nixon, Norton,
Oalmer, Oldacre, Oldham, Oliver, Oreton, Orten, Orton, Oughton, Ouldham, Overton, Owen,
Pain, Pallet, Pallett, Pallit, Palmer, Parker, Parson, Parsons, Paul, Pauper, Payne, Pickering, Piersey,
Pindar, Plery?, Pool, Power, Powers, Pratt, Price, Procter, Proctor, Pue,
Radford, Randal, Rason, Reynor, Richardson, Roberts, Robson, Roolson, Rowley, Rubley
Sadler, Savage, Scot, Shaw, Shawel, Shilton, Showel, Shurley, Sleath, Smart, Smith, Soans, Sparkes,
Spencer, Sprigg, Squelck, Sqwelick?, Stean, Stephens, Stevens, Stratford, Sturley, Suffolk, Swinfield, Sywood,
Tayler, Taylor, Tedd, Thomas, Thompson, Thrall, Throne, Tomlinson, Topp, Townsend,
Urlam, Urlan (Alias Arundel), Urndale (Alias Urlam), Verey, Vincent, Viol,
Wagstaff, Walker, Wallis, Ward, Warren, Watson, Watts, Wean, Weaver, Webb, Weely, Weightman, West, Westley, Whateley, Wheatley,
Wheeley, Wheely, Whightman, Whitcraft, Whitmore, Wightman, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Winters, Wood, Worcester, Wright, Wyatt.

Date Name Age Abode Notes
01-Jul-1694John son of Robert POWER  Buried in Woollen
14-Sep-1694John SMITH  Buried in Woollen
02-Nov-1694Joseph HARRIS  Buried in Woollen
21-Dec-1694Lydia HIGHAM  Widow Buried in Woollen
20-Jan-1694Alice dau of Arthur HIGHAM  Buried in Woollen
22-Jan-1694Ann HARRIS  Buried in Woollen
05-Mar-1694John STEVENS  Buried in Woollen
02-Apr-1695Elizabeth HEWET   
11-Apr-1695Elizabeth WILSON   
02-Jul-1695John POWER Bentley 
17-Sep-1695John CLERK  Smith
30-Sep-1695Arthur son of Arthur and Elizabeth HIGHAM   
25-Jan-1695Joseph son of Jeremiah and Anne KESLEY  Buried in Woollen
02-Apr-1696William son of Richd and (Wife) BATES  Buried in Woollen
12-Apr-1696Robert HILL  Batchelor Buried in Woollen
14-Apr-1696John son of John and Jane CLERK  Buried in Woollen
not given-1696John (Snr) OUGHTON   Buried in Woollen
04-Oct-1696John son of and Elizabeth STURLEY  Spurious Son of Buried in Woollen
26-Dec-1696George VINCENT NuneatonTanner ? Buried in Woollen
28-Dec-1696Thomas GOADBY Snr  Buried in Woollen
10-Jan-1696/7Thomas HASEMOW  Buried in Woollen
23-Jan-1696/7Samuel GRIFFIN  Buried in Woollen
02-Feb-1696/7Anne wife of George WEAVER  Buried in Woollen
09-Feb-1696/7? BOCK?  "Homo meorti lary"Buried in Woollen
30-Mar-1697Mary dau of Thomas COLLIER Grendon (dying at Bentley) 
27-Apr-1697John URNDALE (alias URLAM)  Buried in Woollen
27-Apr-1697Edward son of John (Cooper) BUNNY  Buried in Woollen
20-Jul-1697Moses son of Jeremy and Anne KELSEY  Buried in Woollen
22-Aug-1697Hanna wife of John CARPENTER  Buried in Woollen
06-Sep-1697Alice BAKER  Widow Buried in Woollen
02-Oct-1697Frances dau of John and Elizabeth HARRIS  Buried in Woollen
03-Oct-1697Elizabeth dau of and Elizabeth SHURLEY  Spurious Dau of Buried in Woollen
15-Oct-1697Joseph son of William BINLEY  Buried in Woollen
17-Oct-1697Anne dau of and Mary (Widow) IZON  Buried in Woollen
03-Nov-1697William son of Robert and Eliz POWERS  Buried in Woollen
03-Nov-1697Lettice dau of Robert and Eliz POWERS  Buried in Woollen
07-Nov-1697Mary dau of Richd and Izabil SMITH  Buried in Woollen
26-Jan-1697Martha DRAKEFOOT  Widow Buried in Woollen
30-Jan-1697Temperance HINCKS  Widow Buried in Woollen
. February-1697Elizabeth wife of Thomas JONES  Buried in Woollen
06-Jun-1698Stephen PICKERING Ridge LaneBuried in Woollen
16-Jun-1698Nathaniel son of John (Cooper) BUNNY  Buried in Woollen
20-Jun-1698Thomas IZON  Buried in Woollen
06-Jul-1698William WILSON Hurley (buried in Ansley Churchyd)Buried in Woollen
02-Aug-1698Sarah dau of Thomas BINDLEY  Buried in Woollen
05-Feb-1698Widow EVERET  Buried in Woollen
26-Feb-1698Susanna wife of Thomas GOADBY  Buried in Woollen
14-May-1699John GUY  Widower Buried in Woollen
26-Jul-1699Elizabeth dau of Abr CLERK   
14-Sep-1699Ann HEWET  Widow
.June-1699William son of John WILSON   
not given-1699Widow URLAM  Buried in Woollen
04-Sep-1699Ffaith GRIFFIN  Widow Buried in Woollen
28-Nov-1699Emme JONES  Widow Buried in Woollen
29-Dec-1699Izabel wife of Richd (Jnr) SMITH  Buried in Woollen
02-Jan-1699/1700James LUDFORD (Esq)  Buried in Woollen
12-Jan-1699/1700James CLERK  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
24-Jan-1699/1700Hannah wife of William POWER  Buried in Woollen
26-Feb-1699/1700Elizabeth wife of Edward (Gent) STRATFORD  Buried in Woollen
05-Mar-1699/1700Valentind AVERY  Buried in Woollen
18-Mar-1699/1700Thomas son of Tho. MILLECHEAP BentleyBuried in Woollen
11-Jan-1699/1700Nathaniel HARDING Ridg Lane 
25-Mar-1700Thomas GOADBY  Buried in Woollen
29-Mar-1700Anne wife of Mark WIGHTMAN  Buried in Woollen
01-Apr-1700Dorothy IZON  Widow Buried in Woollen
03-Jul-1700Joseph son of John and Jane CLERK  Buried in Woollen
14-Oct-1700Mary wife of William BILLINGTON MerdaneBuried in Woollen
10-Nov-1700Mary HASEMORE  Widow Buried in Woollen
16-Nov-1700John WATSON  Shoemaker Buried in Woollen
11-Dec-1700Thomas CHESHIRE  Weaver Buried in Woollen
24-Jan-1700/1Mary wife of Thomas JONES  Buried in Woollen
03-Jan-1700/1Sarah WIGHTMAN  Buried in Woollen
03-Feb-1700/1John OUGHTON FillongleyBuried in Woollen
12-Mar-1700/1Sarah LORD Nuneaton 
14-Mar-1700/1Grace BACK  Widow Buried in Woollen
09-Apr-1701Margery wife of John GOADBY  Buried in Woollen
17-May-1701John LORD Nuneaton 
22-Jul-1701Thomas OUGHTON Chilvers CotonBlacksmith Buried in Woollen
19-Nov-1701Robert POWER  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
25-Dec-1701Abraham BAREFIELD  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
13-Feb-1701/2Jane CLEMENTS  Buried in Woollen
29-Mar-1702Joan GOADBY  Widow Buried in Woollen
06-May-1702Martha dau of Job OUGHTON  Buried in Woollen
17-Jun-1702Robert HARRIS  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
18-Jun-1702Alice wife of John PAIN MancetterBuried in Woollen
03-Jul-1702Robert HITCHCOCK KingsburyBuried in Woollen
19-Jul-1702Richard son of John and Elizabeth BOWN  Buried in Woollen
29-Jul-1702Ruth ROBSON  Widow Buried in Woollen
23-Nov-1702Mary dau of Wm and Mary OUGHTON Fillongley 
22-Feb-1702/3Anne dau of John (Cooper) and Sarah BUNY  Buried in Woollen
03-Mar-1702/3Thomas son of Robert (Carpenter) SMART  Buried in Woollen
12-Mar-1702/3George son of Thomas (Oatmeal Man) HARRIS  Buried in Woollen
15-Jun-1703Edward POWER Bentley in ShustockYeoman Buried in Woollen
26-Jun-1703William CLARK  Labourer Buried in Woollen
20-Oct-1703Alice dau of Richard (Sawyer) and Mary SMITH  Buried in Woollen
20-Nov-1703Anne BRIERLY  Widow Buried in Woollen
.January-1703/4Joseph son of William (Jnr) BINDLEY   Buried in Woollen
19-May-1704Clement WILSON  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
28-May-1704Alice wife of John (Labourer) URLAN (alias ARUNDEL)   
03-Jun-1704Sarah dau of John (Labourer) WILSON   
09-Jun-1704Arthur HIGHAM BaxterleyYeoman
08-Jul-1704Thomas CLARK  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
22-Jul-1704Grace SMITH  Widow Buried in Woollen
24-Sep-1704Elizabeth dau of and Mary SMITH  Spurious Dau of Buried in Woollen
11-Oct-1704Richard BACK  Shoemender Buried in Woollen
14-Jan-1704/5Mary dau of Thomas (Labourer) JONES   
08-Feb-1704/5Frances CLARK  Widow Buried in Woollen
30-Mar-1705William son of Thomas (Yeoman) and Joan BRIERLY  Buried in Woollen
10-Apr-1705Dorcas wife of Tho.(Shoemaker) WATSON  Buried in Woollen
08-May-1705Thomas LUCAS  Collier Buried in Woollen
02-May-1705John HIDSON  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
07-Jun-1705Jane dau of Mr Edwarf and Catherine HOMER  Buried in Woollen
09-Jun-1705Mary dau of and Widow DAY  Buried in Woollen
15-Jun-1705Elizabeth DAY  Widow Buried in Woollen
14-Jul-1705Elizabeth POWER BentleyBuried in Woollen
25-Aug-1705Isaac HARRY  Buried in Woollen
22-Dec-1705Elizabeth wife of Franiy OUGHTON  Buried in Woollen
20-Mar-1705/6Elizabeth HIDSON  Widow Buried in Woollen
24-Aug-1706Samuel son of Robert (Labourer) and Faith HADDON  Buried in Woollen
20-Sep-1706John POWER  Yeoman Buried in Woollen
30-Sep-1706Mrs Catherine LUDFORD  Widow Buried in Woollen
08-Oct-1706Mr Thomas LUDFORD  Buried in Woollen
08-Oct-1706Elizabeth dau of Thomas (Labourer) DALE  Buried in Woollen
29-Oct-1706Elizabeth dau of Robert (Labr) and Faith HADDON  Buried in Woollen
09-Dec-1706John son of Benjamin and Eliz MORE  Buried in Woollen
19-Feb-1706/7Robert MILLHOUSE Hurley Kingsbury 
05-Jun-1707Frances WATSON  Widow Buried in Woollen
09-Jun-1707Ann dau of and Ann PARSONS  Buried in Woollen
01-Sep-1707Edward PICKERING  Labourer Buried in Woollen
30-Oct-1707John CLARK Nether WhitacreBuried in Woollen
24-Feb-1707/8Jeremy son of John (Labr) and Eliz BOWN   
01-Mar-1707/8William HILL Snr  Yeoman
09-Mar-1707/8Elizabeth wife of John (Labourer) BOWN   
06-Apr-1708William BINDLEY  Yeoman
01-Dec-1708Simon son of Thomas (Yeoman) and Joan BRIERLY   
09-Dec-1708Robert SMART  Carpenter
09-Dec-1708Anne WILSON  Widow
24-Dec-1708Mary wife of Abraham CLERKE   
07-Mar-1708/9Mary SMITH  Widow Buried in Woollen
04-Apr-1709Elizabeth RASON   
23-Apr-1709Elizabeth dau of and Avis CLARK  Spurious Dau of
27-Apr-1709John son of Edward (Blacksmith) CLARK   
05-May-1709Anne dau of Richard (Ploughwright) SMITH   
08-May-1709Joseph ORETON  Tayler
09-May-1709George BLACKHAM  Labourer
13-May-1709John son of John WILSON Bentley 
28-May-1709Mr Edward STRATFORD   
08-Jun-1709John son of Jeremy KELSEY   
09-Jun-1709Alice BATES  Timber?
28-Jun-1709John LORD NuneatonHusbandman
29-Jun-1709Sarah dau of Jeremy KELSEY   
14-Jul-1709Edward CLARK  Blacksmith
05-Nov-1709John son of John (Cooper) BUNNY   
25-Nov-1709Elizabeth wife of John (Carpenter) BARBER   
06-Dec-1709/10Elizabeth dau of and Susanna LLOYD  Spurious Dau of
08-Jan-1709/10Edward son of Edward (decd) and Joan STRATFORD  Posthumous son of
14-Jan-1709/10John CLARKE  Yeoman
01-Feb-1709/10Job OUGHTON  Taylor
03-Feb-1709/10William son of John (Labourer) BOWN   
07-Feb-1709/10Thomas IRELAND  Husbandman
03-Apr-1710Elizabeth wife of Mr Arthur MILLER   
12-Apr-1710Elizabeth dau of Joseph (Labourer) SMITH   
02-May-1710Humphry CLARKE  Yeoman
Sep-1710Sarah dau of and Elizabeth HIGHAM Baxterley 
26-Dec-1710Mary AVERY  Widow
17-Jan-1710/11Margaret LORD NuneatonWidow
29-Jan-1710/11John IZON  Labourer
05-Mar-1710/11John ARUNDOL  Labourer
21-Mar-1710/11Anne wife of Abraham (Weaver) GUEST   
28-Mar-1711Sarah dau of Job and Barbara PICKERING Ridge Lane 
21-Apr-1711Justina dau of Henry and Justina BROWN Bentley 
06-Jul-1711Anne MARLER  Widow
20-Jul-1711Mary dau of William FANCY Coventry 
09-Sep-1711Clement son of William and Susanna WILSON   
23-Oct-1711William son of Jeremy and Anne KELSEY   
19-Dec-1711Lydia SMITH   
11-Jan-1711/12Sarah CLARKE  Widow
16-Apr-1712John son of John and Anne DOUGLASS   
11-May-1712Elizabeth wife of Joseph SMITH   
17-Jun-1712William BILLINGTON Merriden 
19-Jul-1712William BROOKES  Yeoman
19-Aug-1712Joan wife of John SMITH   
28-Sep-1712Thomas son of Abrm and Elizabeth BASEFIELD   
17-Oct-1712Susanna COTTERELL   
23-Oct-1712Elizabeth SMART  Widow
06-Nov-1712Catherine wife of Robert ARME   
20-Nov-1712Elizabeth dau of Thomas and Mary DALE   
07-Mar-1712/13Joseph BELCHER Bentley in Shustoke 
17-Mar-1712/13Thomas SMITH  Ploughwright
29-Apr-1713Mary OUGHTON  Widow
22-Jun-1713Thomas PROCTOR  Yeoman
30-Jun-1713Elizabeth dau of Samuel CHESHIRE   
14-Jul-1713Anne dau of and Anne GARRET   
12-Jul-1713William MELLY Kingsbury 
25-Oct-1713John BACK   
08-Oct-1713Sarah wife of George MARLER   
09-Nov-1713William son of William and Sus WILSON   
03-Mar-1713/14John CLARK Over WhitacreYeoman
18-Mar-1713/14Robert SADLER  Yeoman
23-Mar-1713/14Robert POWER  Yeoman
09-Apr-1714Robert OUGHTON  Yeoman
29-May-1714Mary HILL   
21-Jun-1714Joseph son of Thomas and Susanna WATSON   
14-Jul-1714Alice OUGHTON  Widow
29-Sep-1714Elizabeth wife of John WILSON Witherley LEI 
23-Oct-1714Elizabeth POWER   
04-Jan-1714/15Job HEWITT  Husbandman
20-Mar-1714/15Anne dau of John and Anne GOADBY   
08-May-1715Abraham son of Abrahm CLARK   
19-Jun-1715George MARLER  Yeoman
01-Feb-1715/16Thomas son of John and Anne OUGHTON   
03-Feb-1715/16Elizabeth dau of Thomas BRIERLY   
12-Feb-1715/16Anne wife of Richard (Labourer) HINCKS   
23-Mar-1715/16Thoms son of William (Labourer) DOLE   
06-Apr-1716Thomas POWER  Yeoman
29-Apr-1716Anne CLARKE  Widow
04-Sep-1716Joseph WATSON Coleshill 
22-Sep-1716Darnigold wife of Abraham GUEST   
02-Oct-1716Joseph son of and Elizabeth SMITH  Spurious Dau of
05-Nov-1716Thomas PROCTOR   
09-Nov-1716William POWER  Yeoman
30-Dec-1716Thomas IRELAND Oldbury 
11-Jan-1716/17Anne wife of John GOWARD   
27-Feb-1716/17Margory wife of Horatio VEREY   
27-Feb-1716/17Judith SMITH  Widow
20-Mar-1716/17Richard HUNT   
22-Mar-1716/17Mary STEPHENS  Widow
31-Mar-1717John WILSON  Labourer
30-Apr-1717Susanna dau of Thomas and Mary JONES   
10-May-1717Job son of Thomas and Mary POWER Bentley 
29-May-1717Michael CLARKE  Labourer
23-Jun-1717Robert SMART  Labourer
18-Jul-1717Edward GILBERT  Labourer
18-May-1717William SMITH  Weaver
07-Jul-1717Pheebe CLARKE  Widow
11-Oct-1717Thomas son of Thomas and Susanna CLARKE   
27-Oct-1717Elizabeth wife of Charles WILSON Kingsbury 
17-Nov-1717James BROOKES Bentley in Shustoke 
11-Jan-1717/18Martha wife of George WEAVER   
25-Mar-1718Anne wife of William (Labourer) DALE   
25-Mar-1718Joan wife John of John (Weaver) SMITH   
29-Jun-1718Elizabeth ALLEN  Widow
30-Nov-1718William WILSON   
25-Mar-1719Sarah dau of Humphrey DALE   
01-Apr-1719Hannah wife of John HADDON   
14-Aug-1719William son of William WILSON   
29-Sep-1719Benjamin REYNOR Merrivale 
.December-1719William BINDLEY Baxterley 
05-Jan-1719/20Susanna dau of George and Susanna CHALLONER   
04-Mar-1719/20Clement WILSON Nether Whitacre 
05-May-1720Elizabeth HEWITT  Widow
21-Aug-1720Mary dau of John and Anne GOADBY   
11-Sep-1720Anne wife of John OUGHTON   
11-Jan-1720/21William GOADBY   
25-May-1721Mrs Jane BRACEBRIDGE  Widow
03-Sep-1721Anne HOLT  a Spurious child
15-Jan-1721John GOODMAN  Labourer
30-Dec-1721Elizabeth dau of Thomas POWER Bentley in Shustoke 
09-Feb-1721/22John CLARKE Oldbury in Mancetter 
15-Mar-1721/22Lydia dau of Job and Anne POWER   
16-Mar-1721/22Thomas IZON  Labourer
21-Mar-1721/22Thomas son of Samuel and Catherine SHOWEL   
11-Apr-1722Joseph son of Abraham and MAry ROBSON   
28-Apr-1722Alice wife of Thomas SMITH   
20-May-1722Richard HINCKS  Labourer
01-Jun-1722William son of Samuel and Eleanor CHESHIRE   
02-Jun-1722Mrs Susanna ASLEY  Widow
10-Jun-1722Mary dau of Samuel and Mary HASLESDINE   
05-Jul-1722Anne wife of John GOADBY   
07-Aug-1722Isabel wife of Abraham DAY   
07-Aug-1722Thomas WRIGHT  weaver
19-Aug-1722Margaret wife of Thomas (Yeoman) TEDD   
25-Aug-1722Samuel OUGHTON  Husbandman
13-Sep-1722John son of William SAVAGE   
04-Nov-1722Elizabeth BINDLEY  Widow
18-Oct-1722Richard son of John GOADBY   
04-Nov-1722Frances dau T of Thomas HARRIS   
30-Jan-1722/23Anne dau of Anne SMITH   
17-Feb-1722/23William son of Job and Mary HARRY   
11-Apr-1723John HADDON  Yeoman
26-Jun-1723Jane dau of Job and Anne POWER   
04-Jul-1723Sarah dau of John CORBET Nuneaton 
14-Jul-1723Eleanor IZEN  Widow
03-Sep-1723William LANGHAM  Husbandman
08-Nov-1723John son of John and Eliz HARRISON   
15-Nov-1723Hannah BROWN  Widow
18-Nov-1723Anne wife of John MILES   
10-Dec-1723Mary WHITMORE  Spinster
28-Dec-1723Elizabeth wife of Franey HOLYOAK   
01-Jan-1723/4William DOWEL Witherley LEI 
18-Jan-1723/4Job son of Mr Job and Anne POWER   
24-Jan-1723/4Sarah SADLER  Widow
09-Feb-1723/4John BOWN  Labourer
19-Apr-1724Thomas SMITH  Brickman
06-Sep-1724John STRATFORD MerrivaleEsq
24-Oct-1724Mary TAYLER Nuneaton 
10-Nov-1724Thomas HUNT  Weaver
18-Nov-1724Mary dau of Robert (Jnr) HADDON   
20-Nov-1724Rachel dau of Job CHATTOWAY   
11-Dec-1724John BARNER  carpenter
17-Dec-1724Samuel son of Henry BROWN Bentley 
02-Jan-1724/25John and SarahHARRY  Spurious Son of
18-Jan-1724/25Joseph BIDDLE Yardley WOR 
09-Mar-1724/25Mary wife of Abraham ROBSON   
19-Mar-1724/25Abraham HARRIS  Miller
16-Jun-1725Isabella dau of Moses (Vicar) and Jane COTTERELL   
22-Jul-1725Pheebe WILSON  Widow
25-Jul-1725Hannah dau of Samuel and Hannah GRIFFIN Hartshill 
02-Aug-1725Susanna dau of Richard and Sarah HARRISON   
17-Sep-1725Thomas son of William and Ann CHANTRIL Whitacre 
17-Oct-1725William son of William and Cordelia BARBER   
12-Nov-1725Thomas WILSON  Yeoman
16-Jan-1725/26Elizabeth dau of Edward and Elizabeth PICKERING   
25-Jan-1725/26Simon HARRIS CoventryWeaver
12-Feb-1725/26Edward son of Edward and Anne SPARKES   
19-Apr-1726Mary DRAYCOT Hurley in KingsburyWidow
24-May-1726Jeremy KELSEY   
05-Jun-1726William son of John and Anne ARCHER   
19-Jul-1726Thomas LATHAM  baker
03-Aug-1726John HARRISON   
05-Nov-1726Mary WORCESTER   
16-Jan-1726/27Samuel son of Samuel CHESHIRE   
04-Feb-1726/27John son of Richard BATES   
21-Feb-1726/27John HARRIS  Labourer
26-Feb-1726/27Elizabeth wife of John (Miller) HARRIS   
24-Mar-1726/27Anne BARER  Widow
08-Aug-1727Martha wife ? of BUTLER Arley 
12-Aug-1727Michael CLARK  Yeoman
29-Aug-1727Mathew son of Mathew and Mary BAKER   
16-Sep-1727Humphrey DALE  Labourer
19-Sep-1727Jane wife of Moses (Vicar) COTTERELL   
07-Oct-1727John HEWITT  Yeoman
08-Oct-1727Naomi DOWEL  Widow
17-Oct-1727Mary MILLARD  Widow
09-Nov-1727John OUGHTON   
10-Nov-1727Hannah LOVELACE   
12-Nov-1727Robert HADDON   
18-Nov-1727Lydia MELLISHIP   
20-Nov-1727Samuel (Esq) LUDFORD   
25-Nov-1727Walter WILSON   
17-Dec-1727Thoms ?LOYD   
22-Dec-1727Elizabeth HARRISON   
04-Jan-1727/28Benjamin MORE   
20-Feb-1727/28Joseph CLARK   
23-Feb-1727/28Henry BROWN Bentley 
19-Mar-1727/28Mary wife of Saml HASSLEDINE   
07-Apr-1728Micah POWERS  a child
10-Apr-1728John WATSON  A Farmer
28-Apr-1728John GUY  Labourer
08-May-1728Hannah wife of Jn? BINGLEY   
14-May-1728Elizab wife of Jn? BAREFIELD   
16-May-1728Joan wife of BAKER   
21-May-1728Mr Job POWER  Yeoman
21-May-1728Alice Widow of Budley? PLERY?   
24-Jul-1728Elizab wife of Edwd BATES   
08-Aug-1728Thomas TEDD  Yeoman
30-Aug-1728John ARCHER  Victualler
06-Sep-1728Ricd MILLARD  C of Ansley Farmr
15-Sep-1728Geo WEAVER  Widower
18-Sep-1728Robt Farmer of HARRIS  Farmer
26-Oct-1728Ricd Shoomaker of BATES  Shoemaker
26-Nov-1728Richd SMITH   
26-Dec-1728Hope SMITH   
11-Jan-1728/29Wm BINGLEY  Farmer
29-Jan-1728/29Elizabeth HURT  Widow
14-Feb-1728/29Ann dau of Robt and Eliz HADDON   
15-Feb-1728/29Justina BROWN ShoostokeWidow
25-Feb-1728/29John BUNNY  Labourer
09-Mar-1728/29Eliz GOORBY  Wid
10-Mar-1728/29Jn BINGLEY  Farmer
04-Apr-1729Thoms JONES  a Prentice
17-May-1729Mary wife of Joseph ORETON   
22-May-1729Hannah GUY  Widow
29-Jun-1729Eliz WATSON  Maiden
12-Aug-1729Robt POWERS  Farmer
20-Aug-1729 CLARK  a Child
10-Sep-1729Francis HOLYOAK  Widower
17-Sep-1729Sarah WHIGHTMAN  Wid
15-Oct-1729Eliz dau of NELSON  d/o ye Vicar
15-Oct-1729Ann wife of Wm ROBSON   
17-Oct-1729Mary wife of Geo SYWOOD   
19-Oct-1729Eliz wife of NELSON  w/o ye Vicar
28-Oct-1729Thomas SYWOOD  Labourer
05-Nov-1729Wm PINDAR  Husbandman
18-Nov-1729Thomas HILL ArleyFarmer
25-Nov-1729John son of Robert and Rachael RANDAL   
28-Dec-1729Ann BAREFIELD  Widow
14-Jan-1729/30Margaret wife of Jn SQWELICK?   
05-Feb-1729/30Jn son of Thos and Eliz FAIRFIELD   
10-Feb-1729/30Eliz wife of Jn GRIFFIN   
06-Mar-1729/30Mary dau of Joseph and Dorothy WRIGHT   
13-Mar-1729/30Eleanor wife of Jn POWER Kingsbury 
22-Mar-1729/30Ann wife of ROOLSON   
28-Mar-1730Wm DALE  pauper
01-May-1730Mary wife of Jn (Joyner) JOHNSON   
05-May-1730Elizabeth dau of Wm and Ann (decd) ROBSON   
17-Jun-1730Ann TAYLOR  Widow
11-Jul-1730Hannah dau of Abrham (Widower) BAREFIELD   
09-Aug-1730Elizbth wife of Thomas (Labr) HARRIS   
19-Aug-1730 wife of Thomas POWERS Bentley 
21-Aug-1730Eliz wife of Jn MASSEY   
21-Aug-1730Wm son of Jn (Aforesaid) MASSEY   
27-Aug-1730Ann dau of Joseph and Mary ORETON   
14-Oct-1730Samuel son of Jn HOXFORD   
23-Oct-1730Eliz dau of Wm and Cordelia BARBER   
12-Dec-1730Thos DAVIS  Widower
22-Dec-1730Goody HUNT  Wid & Pauper
05-Jan-1730Thoms SMART  Farmer
11-Jan-1730/31Jane dau of Ricd and Sarah HARRISON   
14-Mar-1730/31Widow HARRIS   
01-Apr-1731John SMITH  Weaver
07-May-1731Wm Jn (TAYLOR) and Mary (BINGLEY)BINGLEY  Spurious Son of Jn Taylor & Mary Bingley
14-Jun-1731Eliz WATSON  Widow
27-Jul-1731Margaret wife of Wm GOADBY   
23-Sep-1731Revd William NELSON  Vicar
10-Oct-1731Elizabeth DALE  Widow
12-Oct-1731Richard OWEN   
02-Nov-1731Cordelia ARCHER   
12-Nov-1731Willm JONES   
01-Dec-1731Anne WILSON   
12-Dec-1731Mary ARUNDEL   
07-Jan-1731/32/Elizabeth GOULDBY   
12-Feb-1731/32/ son? of George IZON   
26-Apr-1732John BRIERLY   
09-May-1732Widow HIGHAM Bentley 
01-Jun-1732Mary wife of Thos JONES   
03-Jun-1732Francis CLARK   
10-Jun-1732Samuel CHESHIRE   
29-Oct-1732John SQUELCK  a youth about 15
07-Jan-1732/33Widow HARRIS   
26-Jan-1732/33 dau of Samuel SMART   
24-Feb-1732/33Elizabeth wife of John MILES   
26-Feb-1732/33Sarah FRANCIS   
11-Mar-1732/33John WALLIS  Collier
22-Apr-1733Richd HANDS  killed in the coal pits by accidt
22-Apr-1733Faith wife of Robt (Parish Clerk) HADDON   
19-May-1733Sarah wife of Peter CHETWYND Kingsbury 
13-Oct-1733Thomas HARRIS  a Pauper
11-Nov-1733Abraham CLARK   
15-Nov-1733Ursula wife of Richd SMITH   
26-Jan-1733/34Hanah dau of Wm and Sarah HILL   
02-Feb-1733/34Willm HILL   
11-Feb-1733/34John son of and Mrs Anne (Widow) POWER   
19-Sep-1734Samuel son of Robt and Eliz HADDON   
23-Sep-1734Mary wife of John CORBET Stockingford 
01-Nov-1734Mrs Widow of Saml (Esq) LUDFORD  Widow of Saml Esq
27-Dec-1734John GRIFFIN (Snr)   
09-May-1735William DALE86 a Pauper aged about 86
08-Jun-1735John son of Rd. and Sarah HARRISONInfant  
16-Jun-1735William son of Robt and Rachael RANDALInfant  
05-Dec-1735Samuel HAZELDINE   
25-Mar-1736Mary dau of Tho and Eliz CHESHIRE   
30-Mar-1736John POWER21Bentley 
19-May-1736Edward BAKER87  
24-Jul-1736Benjamin son of Benjm and Frances MOOREInfant  
30-Jul-1736Jane wife of Willm KELSEY   
05-Sep-1736Widow KELSEY   
25-Mar-1737Eleanor ORTON73 Widow
09-Nov-1737 Willm and ElizSAVAGEInfant  
21-Nov-1737Mrs J wife of Mr Thos BREARLEY   
22-Nov-1737Saml son of and MAry ROWLEYInfant  
02-Dec-1737Mr Humph BREARLEY38LondonVintner
05-Dec-1737Joan wife of Thos PALLET   
10-Jan-1737/38George Willm and ElizSAVAGEInfant  
26-Jan-1737/38 son of Willm and Eliz SAVAGE   
05-Feb-1737/38John WILSON   
18-Feb-1737/38Mary wife of James ROWLEY   died of the smallpox
08-Mar-1737/38Sarah MauriceHARTSHORNEInfant  
12-Mar-1737/38Mr Thos BREARLEY73  
18-Mar-1737/38Thomas STEVENS   
31-Mar-1738Charles LOMBE   
31-May-1738George HEWITT   
29-Jun-1738Thos GOADBY  a Pauper
18-Jul-1738Elizabeth dau of Robt and Eliz HEWITT   
20-Aug-1738Susan wife of Thos WATSON   
12-Oct-1738John son of Walter and Sarah SLEATH   
12-Nov-1738Mary dau of Joseph ORTON   
20-Dec-1738Eliz Willm and ElizLLOYDInfant  
30-Dec-1738John John and ElizLUDFORDInfant  
12-Feb-1738/39 son of Robt ELLIOT   
15-Feb-1738/39Job son of Job PICKERING   
14-Mar-1738/39Sarah dai of John and Eliz WEIGHTMAN   
01-Apr-1739Sarah dau of Wm and Frances SMITH  Only Child
24-Apr-1739Eliz widow of Walter WILSON AstleyRelict
16-May-1739Mary NIXON  apprentice to Thomas Watson
18-May-1739Elizabeth wife of Robt LLOYD   
24-Sep-1739Hannah POWER   
25-Nov-1739Willm son of Thos and Sarah WILSON   
08-Jan-1739/40Widow BUNNY   
26-Jan-1739/40Miss Juli dau of John (Esq) and Juliana LUDFORD   
06-Feb-1739/40Susan Willm and MaryWEELYInfant  
05-Mar-1739/40 wife of George RICHARDSON   
01-Apr-1740Eliz dau of Abrm BARFIELD   
09-Apr-1740John GOADBY (Snr)   
10-May-1740 dau of Matthias and Alice BAKER   
17-May-1740Mary dau of Wm and Mary WEELY   
20-May-1740Francis son of Wm and Mary WEELY   
24-Jun-1740Robert WRIGHT   
03-Aug-1740Robert son of Robt and Eliz HEWIT   
19-Aug-1740Joseph WRIGHT  Ribbon weaver
18-Sep-1740John Wm and JaneBINGLEYInfant  
25-Dec-1740Mary widow of John (Yeoman) HEWIT  Widow of John Yeoman
14-Jan-1740/41Jonathan BUNNY96  
02-Feb-1740/41Mary wife of John CAMEL Upper Whitacre 
04-Feb-1740/41Elizabeth J.?CAMELInfant  
05-Feb-1740/41Mary NEWTON  Maid to Matthias Baker
18-Mar-1740/41William WILSON73  
26-Jul-1741Elizabeth EVERETT   
06-Sep-1741 dau of Thos WRIGHT   
17-Nov-1741Thomas ADDERLY   
26-Dec-1741Elizabeth dau of Matthew and MAry BAKER   
17-Jan-1741/42Mary wife of Benjamin HANDS Coventry 
11-Feb-1741/42Richard MILLS  Labourer
06-Apr-1742Margery OUGHTON81 Widow
19-Jan-1742/43Widow LANGHAM   
15-Feb-1742/43Anne dau of John HARRISON   
20-Feb-1742/43William SAVAGE Bedwortha Pauper
06-Apr-1743William son of Abraham BARFIELD   
13-Apr-1743Elizabeth wife of Thos GEORGE Arley 
04-Jul-1743Wid CLARK   
12-Jul-1743Susanna OUGHTON69 Widow
17-Dec-1743Melicent HEWIT47 Widow
29-Mar-1744John CORBET72Nuneaton 
01-Apr-1744Alsop John and MaryLLOYDInfant  
15-Apr-1744Anne wife of Saml OVERTON Fillongley 
22-Apr-1744George son of Richard and Sarah HARRISON   
19-May-1744Alice CLARK   
20-May-1744Elizabeth OWEN  Widow
18-Jun-1744Thomas WATSON  Innkeeper
02-Aug-1744Thomas JONES  a Pauper
24-Nov-1744Elizabeth wife of Francis BAILEY   
04-Jan-1744/45John SMITH96Coton 
05-Jan-1744/45Elizabeth WRIGHT  Spinster
15-Apr-1745Mrs Sarah wife of Revd Mr Gilpin EBDELL   
21-Apr-1745Margaret ROBERTS BentleyWidow
29-Apr-1745Job CHATTAWAY  Labourer
08-Aug-1745Eliz dau of Revd Gilpin EBDELL   
31-Aug-1745Richd SMITH   
22-Apr-1746Robert HADDON86 Parish Clerk
11-May-1746Francis OUGHTON   
20-Jun-1746Abraham BARFIELD70  
11-Jul-1746James NAILOR   
10-Jan-1746/47Mary dau of John HARRISON   
05-Mar-1746/47 dau of George and Elenr MIDDLEMAS   
15-Mar-1746/47Susanna dau of Wm and Mary WHEELEY   
20-Mar-1746/47Mary dau of Wm and Mary WHEELEY   
27-Sep-1747Sarah wife of Thos BARBER   
07-Oct-1747Thos NORTON   
11-Feb-1747/48Eliz dau of Saml and Eliz SMART   
10-Mar-1747/48Edward CLARK   
20-Mar-1747/48Susan JONES   
01-Jun-1748Charles WILSON Park Hall BrinklowFarmer
09-Jul-1748John MILES NuneatonWeaver
16-Jul-1748John HAWKESFORD  Weaver
24-Aug-1748Anne Jo. and MaryORTONInfant  
25-Aug-1748John son of Wm and Eliz FLOYD   
02-Oct-1748Samuel SMART   
04-Jan-1748/49William JamesSPRIGGInfant  
17-Jan-1748/49Sarah James and MAryHOPKINSInfant  
30-Mar-1749Moses Wm and SarahGENTInfant  
20-Apr-1749Mary wife of John JOHNSON   
29-Apr-1749John Thos and ElizBARBERInfant  
05-Aug-1749Anne wife of Abr CLARK   
03-Dec-1749Mary wife of John PALLET   
03-Dec-1749Catherine dau of John PALLET   
29-Dec-1749Dorothy widow of Thos WILSON  Widow of Thos
21-Jan-1749/50Robt SMART   
03-Aug-1750Abraham ROBSON81 Labourer
15-Aug-1750William son of Richard and Eliz MARTIN   
17-Sep-1750Eliz & Cath twin of Charles and Phyllis NIXON CotonTwin Dau
31-Jan-1750/51Thomas son of John and Anne HANDS   
10-Aug-1751Matthias BAKER49  
03-Oct-1751Anne dau of John (Snr) PALLET   
09-Nov-1751Elizabeth Rd and AnneHARRISONInfantOldbury 
07-Apr-1752John GRIFFIN   
28-Apr-1752Mrs BURBAGE   
13-Jun-1752Widow LOOMBE   
06-Oct-1752Thos Jo and MaryBYARDInfant  
24-Dec-1752Widow MOOREnear 100 a Pauper
13-Jan-1753Widow HEALING   
09-Mar-1753Thoms son of Thos and Esther HAWKESFORD   
20-Apr-1753Martha dau of Matt and Eliz DARYCORD   
11-Jul-1753Catherine dau of Edwd and Anne BURDETT   
02-Aug-1753Barbara wife of Job PICKERING   
05-Oct-1753Thos son of John and Jane SMITH   
03-Dec-1753John son of John and Eliz PALLET   
12-Dec-1753Mary wife of John EADES Stoke Nr Coventry 
14-Jan-1754Willm POWERS Baxterley 
15-Jan-1754John WESTLEY  Miller
15-Apr-1754Mary wife of John FAIRFAX   
18-Oct-1754Elizabeth SMITH  Widow
08-Feb-1755Joseph SMITH  a Pauper
14-Jun-1755Mary dau of Wm POWERS Bentley (smallpox) 
20-Jun-1755Anne wife of James THOMAS Atherston 
15-Jul-1755Joseph ORTON Atherston 
19-Aug-1755Catherine (Mr) and (Mrs)SmithInfantAtherston 
30-Aug-1755Elizabeth BALL  A Pauper
17-Oct-1756Eleanor wife of Geo. MIDHAM   
14-Jan-1756Ben SMITH  a Pauper
27-Feb-1756Alice Widow of Joseph SMITH  a Pauper
27-Feb-1756Saml HALL  a poor Collier
15-May-1756Martha dau of Matt and Eliz DRAYCORD   
30-Jul-1756Thomas son of Willm and Jane BINGLEY   
14-Nov-1756Bridget WYATT   
23-Nov-1756Sarah dau of Thos and Eliz BARBER   
09-Dec-1756Wid WORCESTER  a Pauper
30-Mar-1757Robert HEWIT   
08-Apr-1757Mrs BETTERIDGE   
26-Apr-1757Catherine wife of Saml SHAWEL  w/o Saml w/o Wilm Chantrell
28-Apr-1757Widow BATES   
18-May-1757John son of Richd and Elizabeth MARTIN   
23-May-1757Joseph son of Thos and Isabella WILSON   
18-Dec-1757Anne MILLER   
28-Mar-1758Jane dau of Charles and Phyllis NIXON   
14-Apr-1758William ROBSON   
17-Jul-1758Martha wife of Walter SLEATH   
09-Sep-1758Willm son of Willm and Mary THRALL   
04-Oct-1758Fielding son of Fielding and Mary OALMER   
22-Dec-1758Elizabeth wife of Robert HADDON   
07-Apr-1759Widow GRIFFIN   
10-Apr-1759Mrs BURDET   
02-May-1759Elizabeth wife of John LUDFORD   
16-May-1759Elizabeth dau of Anthony and Elizabeth BURROW   
20-May-1759John BAKER   
07-Jun-1759Cordelia dau of John and Mary LLOYD   
04-Jul-1759Elizabeth BALL   
29-Jul-1759James ROWLEY   
14-Aug-1759Catherine dau of James and Mary BENNET   
15-Sep-1759Susan Widow of William WILSON   Widow/o William
27-Sep-1759Revd Thomas EBDELL69 Vicar
30-Sep-1759Phillis dau of and Elizabeth BALL   
11? October-1759Sarah dau of Thomas and Elizabeth BARBER   
24-Oct-1759Matthew DRAKEFORD   
07-Nov-1759Mr Edward BURDETT   
17-Nov-1759Richard son of William and Mary LUCAS   
18-Nov-1759William son of John and Mary JORDAN   
26-Dec-1759John SMITH   
24-Feb-1760Abraham DAY   
29-Mar-1760William LUCAS   
30-Mar-1760Clement BETTERIDGE   
08-May-1760Mrs Elizabeth wife of John WATSON   
25-May-1760Job son of Saml and Mary PICKERING   
04-Jun-1760Thos son of Thos and Mary BOLSTRIDGE   
25-Jun-1760 pauper St Michaels Coventry 
11-Sep-1760Catherine ROWLEY  Widow
26-Sep-1760Mr Richard LUCAS   
17-Dec-1760MR Robt ELLIOT   
07-Jan-1761Phillis wife of Charles NIXON   
19-Jan-1761William ELLIOT   
19-Jan-1761Mary dau of Charles NIXON   
15-Mar-1761Sarah wife of Richard HARRISON   
20-Mar-1761Jane SMITH  Widow
13-May-1761Ann NAYLOR  Widow
24-Jun-1761Thomas BROWN Tamworth? 
27-Jun-1761Joseph ELLIOT   
05-Sep-1761Elizabeth dau of Joseph and Eliz PRATT Allesley nr Coventry 
30-Oct-1761John LEESON  Schoolmaster
01-Nov-1761Sarah wife of Mr Edward (Butcher) PARKER Coventry 
23-Nov-1761William son of Saml and Phoebe SMART   
29-Nov-1761Mary HARRIS  Widow
18-Dec-1761John HARRISON   
03-Jan-1762Mathew BAKER   
12-Mar-1762William son of Thomas and Ann IZON   
25-Mar-1762Mary wife of Saml PICKERING   
04-May-1762Elizabeth wife of Jn. BROWN Shustock 
22-Jun-1762Widow WRIGHT   
09-Jul-1762William THRONE   
29-Jul-1762Job PICKERING   
16-Aug-1762John son of Joseph and Mary MOOR   
16-Oct-1762Richard HARRISON   
21-Nov-1762William son of William and Elizabeth JACOMBS   
25-Nov-1762Sarah dau of Abraham and MAry KELSEY   
14-Dec-1762Mary wife of George IZON   
05-Feb-1763Widow GOADBY   
26-Feb-1763Jane wife of William BINLEY   
10-May-1763Edward son of Edward and Anne BURDETT   
29-May-1763Edward SMITH   
26-Jun-1763Thomas POWER Bentley 
04-Sep-1763Elizabeth dau of William and Sarah THOMPSON   
13-Sep-1763Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth BARNES   
29-Sep-1763John son of and Mary MASSEY MancetterSpurious Son of
03-Dec-1763John HARRISON   
06-Dec-1763Mary wife of Robert BOWN   
26-Dec-1763Widow URNDALE (Alias URLAM)   
02-Jan-1764Widow ROBSON   
01-Jan-1764Morris HEARNSHORN   
05-Jan-1764Jane wife of Saml PICKERING   
15-Jan-1764Anne dau of Robt (EARPS) and Anne (WALKER) WALKER  Spurious Dau of Anne WLAKER & Robt EARPS
28-Jan-1764William BARBER   
19-Feb-1764Mary wife of Thomas (The Elder) WILSON   
26-Feb-1764Anne wife of George FAIRFAX   
30-Apr-1764Richard MARTIN  (mem a new Pall)
29-May-1764Mr Edward PARKER Coventrya butcher
13-Jun-1764William THOMPSON Carsley 
01-Aug-1764Elizabeth wife of John STEPHENS   
17-Aug-1764William son of Willm (RUBLEY) and Sarah (WILLS) WILLS  Spurious Son of Sarah WILLS & William RUBLEY
20-Aug-1764 dau of James SUFFOLK Robinsons End Chilvers Coton 
23-Aug-1764Widow ORTON Atherstone 
23-Aug-1764John CLARK  Collier
09-Sep-1764Jeremiah KELSEY   
27-Sep-1764Catherine dau of Robt and Elizabeth HARRISON   
20-Jan-1765John son of William and Mary RUBLEY   
30-Jan-1765William son of Richard and Mary PAUL   
05-Feb-1765Thomas PALLETT (Snr)  a very old man
06-Feb-1765Elizabeth dau of William and Elizabeth (Jnr) GOADBY   
16-Feb-1765Thomas KELSEY  Wheelmaker
22-Jun-1765Martha wife of Richard HAWKINS Stockingford Nuneaton 
04-Aug-1765Elizabeth wife of Job SMITH   
23-Sep-1765Miss Elizabeth LUDFORD   Reburied "Brought down from Harefield out of Sir Roger Newdigate's Vault where she was buried about 20 yrs ago" Placed her in Mr Ludford's new Vault under this Chancel
06-Sep-1765Thomas son of Edward and Anne BURDETT   
06-Sep-1765Frances dau of William and Mary WHEELY   
14-Dec-1765Mary widow of Late Revd Thomas EBDELL85 relict of the Late Revd Thomas EBDELL
18-Jan-1766Mary widow of Matthew BAKER83 Widow of Matthew
25-Jan-1766John WRIGHT   
27-Jan-1766Elizth dau of William GOADBY   
31-Jan-1766Mary wife of Abraham KELSEY   
12-Feb-1766Annie GREENWAY  laundry Maid at Ansley Hall
22-Feb-1766Mary dau of Abraham KELSEY   
21-Feb-1766Mary CAMMEL Ansley Mill buried at Fillongley 
01-Mar-1766William son of George BARBER   
02-Mar-1766Joseph BROADBENT  buried at Astley
07-Mar-1766Mary wife of Joseph BYARD   
10-Mar-1766Thomas POWER82Bentley Shustock 
16-Mar-1766Alice dau of Wm and Alice HAWKINS Kingsbury 
21-Mar-1766Widow DRAYCORD   
02-Apr-1766John WEBB Ridge Lane Mancetter 
14-Apr-1766Sarah FEARFIELD  Spinster
15-Apr-1766 child of PALLETT  Spurious Stillborn Child
28-Apr-1766Joseph son of Richard (Widower) HAWKINS Stockingford Nuneaton 
01-May-1766Elizabeth dau of Samuel and Anne WHEELY   
03-May-1766John ORTON  Taylor
18-May-1766Anne JEFFERIES  Widow
18-Jul-1766Elizabeth COPE  Widow
18-Jul-1766Mary MILLS80 Widow
24-Dec-1766Edward son of Thomas and Sarah DIVETT Arley 
25-Dec-1766Thomas son of John and Mary JOHNSON   
20-Jan-1767William son of William and Anne OLDHAM   
25-Jan-1767Robert OUGHTON Chilvers Coton Workhouse formerly otp 
18-May-1767Widow SMITH   
04-May-1767John son of John (Collier) and Sarah AGAN Kingdom of Ireland 
15-May-1767Joseph BYARD   
22-May-1767Richard BATE   
10-Jun-1767Joseph son of Thomas and Mary BOLSTRIDGE Mancetter 
01-Aug-1767Joseph son of William LLOYD   
25-Sep-1767Anne dau of and Elizabeth LAGS  Spurious Dau of
10-Dec-1767Sarah wife of William BOLTON Little Burton 
18-Dec-1767Joseph ORETON73 Taylor
12-Feb-1768Thos WILSON81 Coalminer
03-Apr-1768Elizabeth dau of John and Anne FORSTER Bulkington 
01-May-1768William son of Samuel and Anne WHEELY   
05-Jun-1768Sarah dau of and Mrs Alice BAKER   
05-Aug-1768William son of Edward and Anne BURDETTInfantColeshill 
13-Aug-1768Elizabeth wife of Nathaniel MART? Earl Shilton 
25-Aug-1768John son of Richard and Anne THOMAS   
02-Sep-1768Mary dau of Thomas and Mary CAMPTON   
28-Sep-1768Anne dau of John and Mary JORDAN   
12-Oct-1768Anne widow of Abraham DAY83  
15-Jan-1769Mary dau of William and Mary ROBSON   
01-Feb-1769Thomas son of Thos and Anne POWERInfantBentley in Shustock 
13-Feb-1769Job (The Elder) SMITH83  
15-Feb-1769Elizabeth wife of Thomas NEWMAN   
03-Mar-1769Mary widow of Richard LUCAS77  
28-Mar-1769Widow widow of William BARBER73  
08-May-1769Sarah dau of John (LAKIN) and Sarah (CURD) CURDabout 2ShustockSpurious Dau of John L:AKIN & Sarah CURD
25-Jun-1769Mary wife of Willm ROBSON   
12-Jul-1769Anne wife of Samuel WHEELY   
09-Aug-1769John son of John and Anne HARTSHORNE Arley 
25-Oct-1769Elizabeth wife of William WATTS76Nuneaton 
09-Dec-1769 son of Edward and Anne BURDETTInfantColeshill 
Invalid Date-1769Thomas CLARK Femoral otp Mancetterfarmer late Bailiff to Rowland Okeover Esq At Coalworks
17-Dec-1769Samuel SMART  Carpenter
18-Jan-1770Mary wife of William PARSON   
28-Jan-1770Elizabeth widow of Jeremiah KELSEY   
31-Jan-1770Sarah widow of Morris HARTSHORN   
17-Feb-1770Thomas son of William (Miller) and Mary WINTERS2  
24-Feb-1770Sarah widow of Septimus FORD  Sister of Thomas Cheshire
13-Apr-1770William son of Thomas and Anne POWERInfantBentley in Shustock 
19-May-1770Annie dau of Thomas and Sarah LAKIN   
11-Jun-1770Mary wife of Joseph ORTON   
18-Aug-1770Susannah dau of John and Elizabeth LLOYD St Michaels Coventry 
28-Aug-1770Frances wife of Benjm MOOR   
04-Nov-1770Edmund BURBAGE  Labourer
14-Nov-1770Joseph son of Thomas and Mary BECK Mancetter 
07-Dec-1770Elizabeth wife of Willm (Snr) LLOYD   
26-Dec-1770Abraham son of Abraham and Mary KELSEY   
04-Jan-1771Alsop son of John and Mary LLOYD   
16-Jan-1771John son of Thomas and Eliza BARNS   
16-Jan-1771Elizabeth wife of Thomas BARNS   
21-Jan-1771Lydia dau of Thomas BARNS   
21-Jan-1771Anne WARREN  servant to Thomas Barns
24-Jan-1771Sarah wife of George GOADBY   
27-Jan-1771Hannah dau of John and Hannah DAGLEY   
05-Feb-1771Sarah dau of George GOADBY   
14-Feb-1771Samuel PICKERING   
02-Mar-1771Widow SAVAGE Bedworth 
04-Mar-1771William BINGLEY Fillongley 
29-May-1771Mrs Sarah widow of John (Esq) STRATFORD88Merevale 
21-Jun-1771Revd Thomas EBDELL  Vicar of Ansley
09-Jul-1771Ann GASCOYNE   
21-Aug-1771Lydia dau of Wm and Mary WILSON   
07-Dec-1771Sarah ORETON   
18-May-1772Ann dau of Wm and Eliz JACOMBS   
30-May-1772William son of Wm and Eliz GOADBY   
25-Jun-1772John JOHNSON Fillongley 
05-Aug-1772William son of Jno and Mary TAYLOR   
09-Jan-1773William CHANTRILL   
21-Mar-1773Mary KELSEY  Widow
07-Jul-1773Mary CLARKE AstleyWidow
11-Jul-1773Robt son of Robt and Jane MORGAN   
28-Sep-1773John WATSON82  
30-Jan-1774James WilliamROWLEY   
31-Jan-1774Robert BOWN   
18-Apr-1774John JohnCRESWELL?   
24-Apr-1774Elizabeth WilliamPARSONS   
31-May-1774Catherine TimothyMANTON   
10-Jun-1774Charles NIXON   
27-Jun-1774Edward HANDS   
12-Nov-1774Martha dau of Rd HARRISON   
15-Nov-1774Eleanor dau of Rd HARRISON   
05-Feb-1775Susanna CLARKE  Widow
17-Feb-1775Sarah wife of Thos MILLS   
16-Apr-1775Mary dau of Robt HARRISON   
07-Mar-1774Moses COTTERELL   
06-Sep-1775Richd and HannahKEEN  Spurious Son of
14-Oct-1775Eliz dau of Richard COALEY   
05-Nov-1775Sarah dau of John TAYLOR   
25-Nov-1775John LUDFORD Esq   
18-Jan-1776Sarah HARRISON  Widow
27-Jan-1776Mary TOWNSEND   
07-Feb-1776Elizabeth SMART  Widow
26-Feb-1776Ann dau of William JACOMBS   
06-Mar-1776John son of Wm JACOMBS   
29-Mar-1776Ann dau of John HANDS   
27-Jun-1776Ann HURT  Widow
28-Jun-1776Fanny dau of Edw BURDETT   
04-Jul-1776Elizabeth MASON   
31-Jul-1776William GHENT   
17-Aug-1776Cib wife of Thos WILSON   
11-Oct-1776John CHALLINGER   
17-Oct-1776Martha DOWNS  Widow
06-Dec-1776Mary child of and Sarah POOL   
20-Mar-1777Dorothy wife of Wm JACOMBS   
06-May-1777John JORDAN   
10-May-1777Ann dau of Abrham KELSEY   
02-Jun-1777Elizabeth wife of Wm NEELD   
03-Jul-1777Mary ELLIOT  Widow
05-Aug-1777Jos son of Thos BARNES   
07-Oct-1777Alice MARLOR  Widow
25-Oct-1777Ann wife of Robt SMITH   
09-Dec-1777Richard ARGILL   
31-Dec-1777Mary MORGAN  Widow
17-Jan-1778Lydia MILLS   
08-Feb-1778Benjamin MOOR   
27-Feb-1778Judy wife of John WEAN   
12-Mar-1778Elizth child of and (Ye Widow) MAYO  Child of ye Widow
26-Mar-1778Sarah child of Moses MOOR   
22-Apr-1778Richard LLOYD   
25-Apr-1778Elizabeth CHALLINGER  Widow
10-May-1778Thos child of Thos MILLS   
06-Sep-1778Mary dau of Michael CLARKE   
13-Sep-1778Ruth dau of Richard COLEY   
26-Nov-1778John GOADBY   
07-Dec-1778Elizabeth dau of John MOOR   
07-Dec-1778Mary dau of Thomas POWER Bentley 
10-Dec-1778Sarah dau of Jos MOOR   
30-Dec-1778Mary dau of Jos MOOR   
13-Dec-1778Mary dau of William CHESHIRE   
07-Feb-1779Thomas MARTIN   
18-Apr-1779William son of Thomas MILLS   
18-Apr-1779John son of James MOTTERAM   
14-May-1779Robert son of and Sarah PALLIT  Spurious Son of Sarah
23-May-1779John son of and Sarah BOLSTRIDGE MancetterSpurious Son of Sarah
26-May-1779Robert son of and Widow BURDIGE   
28-May-1779Isaac son of and Mary ATKINS  Spurious Son of Mary
12-Jul-1779William ROBSON   
19-Jul-1779Mary wife of Wm GOADBY   
08-Aug-1779Ann wife of Jno STEVENS   
03-Sep-1779Thomas MILLS   
29-Oct-1779Robert SMITH AtherstoneApothecary
22-Nov-1779James ROWLEY   
07-Dec-1779William GOADBY   
04-Jan-1780Mary SMART   
29-Jan-1780Juliana John (Esq)LUDFORD   
30-Jan-1780William WHEELEY   
16-Feb-1780Elizabeth wife of James ALTON   
05-Mar-1780Ann wife of James CRESSWELL   
05-Mar-1780Elizabeth ADDERLEY90 Widow
03-Jun-1780Catherine CHICHESTER  Sister donnegan??
08-Aug-1780Thomas SMITHInfant  
17-Aug-1780Esther wife of Humphrey CLARKE   
19-Nov-1780Elizabeth BETTERIDGE   
10-Dec-1780Sarah GHENT  Widow
30-Dec-1780John DAY   
27-Jan-1781John son of and Ann GAMMAGE  Illegitimate Son of
17-Mar-1781Sarah HIGSON  Widow
26-Mar-1781Ann child of John THOMAS   
29-Mar-1781Richard child of Joseph ORTON   
10-Apr-1781Sarah dau of John DAGLEY   
10-Apr-1781William son of John DAGLEY   
19-Apr-1781Sarah child of Samuel WHEELY   
09-May-1781Mary wife of Samuel WHEELY   
09-Jun-1781Thomas son of Thomas CADMAN   
19-Jun-1781Sarah wife of Thomas MOOR   
15-Jul-1781Sarah dau of William DAVIS   
16-Jul-1781William JACOMBES   
21-Sep-1781Martha dau of Joseph CLARKE   
23-Sep-1781John WILSON   
30-Sep-1781Mary dau of Richard THOMAS   
05-Oct-1781Ann son of Henry LLOYDE   
04-Nov-1781Thomas WILSON   
30-Dec-1781Alice BAKER   
18-Jan-1782Hannah ARCHER   
22-Feb-1782Ann dau of George HARRISInfant  
14-Mar-1782Ann Widow of Revd Thomas (Late Vicar) EBDELL  Widow of Revd Thomas Late Vicar
29-Mar-1782Abraham son of Joseph MOORInfant  
11-Apr-1782Mary wife of Edward VIOL   
22-Apr-1782George FAIRFAX   
24-Apr-1782Mary CLARKE   
21-May-1782Elizabeth FAIRFAX  Widow
02-Aug-1782Elizabeth wife of Edward PRICE   
05-Sep-1782Mary wife of William POWER Bentley 
22-Nov-1782Thomas son of and Ann DAVISInfant  
18-Dec-1782William son of William WRIGHTInfant  
10-Nov-1782Ann son of James SUFFOLKInfant  
04-Jan-1783John KELSEY   
23-Jan-1783Mary son of Job SMITHInfant  
26-Jan-1783Ann son of George HARRISInfant  
04-May-1783William son of Richard COALEY   
15-May-1783Elizabeth wife of John ARCHER   
20-May-1783Martha wife of Thomas ATKINS   
25-May-1783John AGAN  Collier
12-Jul-1783Elizabeth LONG   
23-Jul-1783John LLOYDE   
22-Aug-1783Elizabeth wife of Thos PUE   
12-Sep-1783George IZON   
06-Dec-1783Thomas Child of GOADBY  Child
08-Dec-1783Elizabeth COPE (Alias PRICE)   
15-Jan-1784Humphrey CLARKE   
18-Jan-1784Ann GOADBY  Widow
27-Jan-1784Susannah Child of OLDACRE  Child
04-Mar-1784Mary DAWES  Widow
29-Mar-1784Mary WHEELEY  Widow
25-Jun-1784Thomas BINDLEY   
30-Jun-1784Job POWERInfant  
03-Jun-1784Richard TAYLORInfant  
03-Jul-1784Thomas NEWMAN   
13-Aug-1784Mary CLARKE   
27-Aug-1784William OLDHAM   
01-Sep-1784Mary wife of John TAYLOR   
03-Oct-1784John AGAN   
09-Oct-1784Abraham PIERSEY   
16-Oct-1784George GOADBY   
27-Oct-1784James BINDLEY   
07-Nov-1784Sarah AGAN  Widow
11-Nov-1784Mary wife of James SUFFOLK   
13-Nov-1784William SAVAGE   
30-Nov-1784Richard COWLEY   
09-Dec-1784Edward VIOL   
26-Jan-1785Susanna KEENEInfant  
28-Jan-1785Mary FAUX?   
25-Mar-1785Susanna LLOYDE   
12-Jun-1785John HAND   
16-Jun-1785Edward EBDEL   
19-Jun-1785Elizabeth wife of Richard HOW   
20-Jun-1785John LLOYDE   
03-Jul-1785Sarah DOWNS   
18-Jul-1785Ann wife of Thomas FRENCH   
16-Aug-1785John CHALLENOR   
26-Aug-1785Edward WEBB   
25-Oct-1785Robert HADDON90  
13-Nov-1785Joseph ORTON Coventry 
24-Nov-1785Sarah wife of John SPENCER   
03-Jan-1786Thomas KEENE   
15-Jan-1786Catherine CLARKE   
25-Jan-1786Sarah ORTON   
07-Apr-1786Mary wife of William WINTERS   
14-Apr-1786Sarah IZON   
05-May-1786Edward PRICE   
08-May-1786Sarah wife of William BOULTON   
23-May-1786Sarah WRIGHT   
26-Jun-1786Ann DAFFORN   
20-Jul-1786Isabella wife of Thomas DAY   
25-Oct-1786William BROWN   
23-Nov-1786Ann ALLEN   
09-Jan-1787Ann WATSON   
15-Jan-1787John MORGAN   
18-Feb-1787William HARRIS   
25-Feb-1787Mary OULDHAM   
31-Mar-1787Sarah BOLTON   
04-Apr-1787Elizabeth CLARK   
25-Apr-1787Ann wife of Job SMITH   
06-May-1787Sarah WEBB  Widow
08-Oct-1787Thomas SWINFIELD   
11-Nov-1787Hannah wife of John MOORE   
24-Nov-1787Edward JORDAN   
26-Dec-1787Thomas COOKE   
07-Jan-1788Samuel GOADBY   
12-Jan-1788Susanna BOODEN   
17-Feb-1788Job WEBB   
11-Mar-1788James SUFFOLK   
17-Mar-1788Ann MOORE   
09-May-1788Joseph DAVIS   
18-May-1788Thomas COPE   
18-May-1788Mary HANDY   
29-May-1788William BINDLEY   
20-Jun-1788Thomas CRESWELL   
02-Jul-1788Jonathan MELLAR   
19-Oct-1788Mary BINDLEY   
22-Oct-1788Thomas ARCHER   
11-Dec-1788Edward AGAN   
25-Dec-1788 child of and Martha MOORE   
20-Jan-1789William BROOKS   
23-Jan-1789John NIXON   
03-Feb-1789Mary BATES Nuneaton 
20-Feb-1789John WHATELEY   
01-Mar-1789Mary LUCAS   
01-May-1789William LLOYDE   
26-May-1789Mary wife of Timothy MANTON   
28-May-1789Thomas Infant of POWERSInfantBentley 
27-Aug-1789Sarah wife of Thomas MOORE   
29-Aug-1789Catherine wife of George BENNET   
27-Oct-1789William WINTERS   
18-Nov-1789Ann child of Moses MOORE   
16-Dec-1789Elizabeth wife of Joseph WATSON   
25-Jan-1790Ann wife of Thomas POWERS Bentley 
29-Jan-1790William POWERS Bentley 
19-Feb-1790Mary wife of Joseph BARROWCLOUGH   
26-Feb-1790Robert HARRISON   
26-Feb-1790William GOADBY   
24-Mar-1790Susanna WEAN   
25-Apr-1790Samuel child of Joseph BARROWCLOUGH   
03-May-1790Thomas CLARK Oldbury 
16-May-1790Thomas GAMMAGE   
21-May-1790 wife of Thomas GOADBY   
21-Jul-1790John child of John GARRAT   
25-Jul-1790John child of Solomon WINTERS   
26-Sep-1790Job SMITH   
12-Nov-1790Catherine Widow of Late Dr. (Vicar) COTTERELL  Widow of late Dr (Vicar)
23-Dec-1790Ann wife of John WEIGHTMAN Hartshill 
23-Dec-1790John LUDFORD   
27-Jan-1791John MANTON   
01-Feb-1791Thomas BARNES   
19-Mar-1791Joseph WATSON   
13-Apr-1791Mary GHENT   
06-May-1791William THOMPSON   
10-May-1791Ann SHILTON   
21-May-1791Mary THOMPSON   
01-Jul-1791Thomas BOLSTRIDGE   
09-Aug-1791Sophia HUTCHINS   
18-Aug-1791Elizabeth wife of Thomas JORDAN   
20-Aug-1791 child of and Sarah JEPHCOTE   
10-Nov-1791William HARRISON   
04-Jan-1792John STEPHENS   
18-Jan-1792Mary LLOYDE   
21-May-1792Joseph ORTON   
27-May-1792Catherine wife of William TOPP   
10-Jun-1792William WEST   
02-Jul-1792Lydia ARCHER   
09-Jul-1792Amelia child of and Mary BUCKLER   
22-Jul-1792William TOPP   
13-Aug-1792Pheby BINDLEY   
10-Jul-1792Mary child of George SWINFIELD   
06-Sep-1792Elizabeth child of John BETTERIDGE   
11-Nov-1792Rebecca child of Abraham KELSEY   
27-Dec-1792Ann MILES Oldbury Hall 
05-Jan-1793Ann EBDEL   
17-Jan-1793Catherine wife of John PALLET   
22-Jan-1793Mary BECK  Widow
06-Feb-1793Joseph ROBSON Oldbury Hall 
08-Feb-1793Mary JORDAN   
13-Feb-1793William DAY   
04-Mar-1793Ann GAMMAGE  Widow
12-Mar-1793Mary DAGLEY   
23-Mar-1793Ann child of and Mary ELEY   
01-Jul-1793John WEIGHTMAN Hartshill 
07-Jul-1793Elizabeth BOLTON   
12-Aug-1793Betty wife of John CHALLINGER   
15-Oct-1793Sarah child of George MOORE   
12-Jul-1793Edward CLARKE   
22-Oct-1793Mary wife of Thomas MILLS Nuneaton 
20-Dec-1793Mary BELCHER  Widow
26-Dec-1793William BURBAGE   
28-Dec-1793Charles NIXON   
28-Dec-1793Mary DAGLEY   
29-Jan-1794James JEPHCOAT   
14-Feb-1794John SMITH   
13-Mar-1794Joseph GHENT   
23-Mar-1794Elizabeth MILES   
27-Apr-1794Thomas WILSON   
28-Apr-1794John PALLET   
02-May-1794Alsop ARCHER   
31-May-1794Ann wife of William WATSON   
31-May-1794Mary CLARK   
31-May-1794Mary HARRIS   
09-Jun-1794James HARRIS   
10-Jun-1794Samuel SHAW Oldbury 
10-Jul-1794Ann wife of John WAGSTAFF   
14-Sep-1794Jane SHAW Oldbury 
27-Oct-1794Joseph WATSON   
02-Nov-1794Thomas COALEY   
02-Dec-1794John CLARKE   
06-Jan-1795John DODSON   
31-Jan-1795Elizabeth HARRISON  Widow
06-Feb-1795William HAMMERSLEY   
08-Mar-1795John JACOMBS   
20-Mar-1795John WAGSTAFF   
31-Mar-1795Joseph OLDHAM   
24-May-1795Mary MOORE   
11-Jun-1795John HINKS   
24-Jun-1795Ann HANDS   
15-Jul-1795William WAGSTAFF   
30-Aug-1795Elizabeth DEEMIN   
01-Oct-1795John WAGSTAFF   
26-Jan-1796John KELSEY   
26-Jan-1796Catherine JACOMBS   
04-Feb-1796John GOLSBY   
07-Mar-1796Joseph ROBSON   
18-Mar-1796Thomas MILLS   
06-Apr-1796John COTON   
07-Apr-1796Thomas WEBB   
07-Apr-1796Elizabeth TAYLOR   
09-Apr-1796Mary MOULD   
22-May-1796Ruth COWLEY   
13-Jun-1796George BENNET   
11-Aug-1796Elizabeth JACOMBS   
09-Nov-1796Clement BETTERIDGE   
22-Jan-1797Mary JORDAN   
19-Feb-1797John WAGSTAFF   
24-Feb-1797Rebecca BRINDLEY   
26-Feb-1797Elizabeth BINDLEY   
01-Mar-1797Rebecca WHEATLEY   
11-Mar-1797Amelia DAGLEY   
03-Apr-1797James CLARK  Killed in a lime pit
16-Apr-1797Sarah STEPHENS   
20-Apr-1797Moses MOOR   
27-Apr-1797Thomas POWER Bentley 
03-May-1797John MOOR   
24-Jul-1797Hannah DAGLEY   
25-Jul-1797Edward BAKER   
27-Jul-1797Lucy LLOYDE   
02-Aug-1797Elizabeth PALLET   
16-Aug-1797Ann MILLS   
07-Sep-1797John STEANinfant  
23-Sep-1797Thomas OULDHAM?20  
02-Oct-1797Thomas BUTLER97  
15-Oct-1797Jane OLIVER62  
16-Oct-1797Elizabeth JACOMBES   
27-Nov-1797Sarah WEBB   
04-Jan-1798John WILSON   
14-Jan-1798Mary DAY79 Widow
14-Jan-1798William BOULTON80  
15-Jan-1798Thomas OLDHAM   
22-Jan-1798Mary GHENT   
22-Jan-1798Thomas SHAW   
31-Jan-1798Alice HADDON   
04-Mar-1798Daniel COTON   
20-Mar-1798Mary Ann NIXONInfant  
20-Mar-1798Mary Ann Susanna NIXONInfant  
20-Mar-1798Mary Ann Catharine NIXONInfant  
06-May-1798Elizabeth MOORE   
20-Jun-1798Elizabeth JEPHCOTE   
20-Jun-1798Ann THOMPSON   
04-Aug-1798Elizabeth DAY   
22-Aug-1798Edward PALMER  accidently shot by his own son a boy aged about 8 yrs
05-Sep-1798John ARCHER  many yrs Parish Clerk
07-Oct-1798Deborah EBDELL   
01-Nov-1798Mary DOBSON  Died suddenly
12-Nov-1798John NIXON   
14-Nov-1798Charles NIXON   
02-Dec-1798John JACOMBS   
02-Jan-1799John JORDAN2 burnt to death
09-Jan-1799Sarah GHENT   
25-Jan-1799Fielding PALMER   
08-May-1799Martha TOMLINSON  Died suddenly
13-May-1799John KIRK   
16-May-1799Elizabeth SCOT45  
05-Jun-1799Elizabeth JACOMBS29  
01-Dec-1799John JACOMBS   
28-Feb-1800Samuel SMITH   
01-Mar-1800John Lloyde ROWLEY   
02-Mar-1800George GOLBY   
22-Mar-1800George HARRISON41  
23-Mar-1800Mary BOULSTRIDGE   
04-Apr-1800Susanna SHAW39  
08-Apr-1800Susanna Elizabeth SHAWInfant  
21-Apr-1800Thomas WHEATLEY   
21-Apr-1800Elizabeth STEAN   
25-May-1800James PALMER   
12-Jul-1800William MORRISInfant  
28-Jul-1800Sarah KING   
19-Aug-1800Edward CLARK18  
16-Sep-1800Joseph RADFORD   
26-Sep-1800Mary WHEATLEY37  
06-Nov-1800Elizabeth LUDFORD87  
02-Dec-1800William COPE12  
05-Feb-1801Mary WATSON50  
18-Feb-1801John LLOYDE65  
02-Jul-1801Samuel WARD   
22-Nov-1801Cornelius HALL   
20-Dec-1801William MILES   
27-Feb-1802Elizabeth MILES   
28-Mar-1802William LLOYDE29 Consumption
04-Apr-1802John CORNSHAW8?  
04-Apr-1802Ann OLDHAM7  
11-Aug-1802Sarah BARBER   
28-Aug-1802Joseph BARNES   
27-Dec-1802Ruth DAGLEY1  
30-Sep-1802George BARBER   
15-Jan-1803Thomas GARRAT   
28-Jan-1803Elizabeth CLARKE   
02-Feb-1803Lydia IZON   
09-Feb-1803Thomas LLOYDE   
09-Feb-1803Mary Ann NIXON   
06-Mar-1803Thomas HARDEN?   
08-Apr-1803William GOLDBY   
07-May-1803Sarah MORGAN   
08-May-1803Ann WILLIAMS   
19-Jun-1803William MASSON   
27-Jun-1803Ann HANDS   
28-Jul-1803Mary ORTON   
08-Aug-1803Elizabeth ALTON   
19-Aug-1803Thomas WILSON94  
19-Aug-1803Hannah KELSEY   
25-Aug-1803Sarah JACOMBS   
29-Aug-1803Thomas ORTON  Gamekeeper
25-Sep-1803Joseph WATSON   
26-Feb-1804Mary ROWLEY   
16-Mar-1804Lucy HUTCHINS   
18-Mar-1804Elizabeth DEEMIN   
22-Apr-1804Ann JACOMBS   
29-Apr-1804Abraham KELSEY   
01-May-1804Susanna WILSON83?  
12-May-1804Ann MOOR   
03-Jun-1804Mary GRAMSEN?   
04-Jun-1804Mary DEEMIN   
06-Jun-1804Mary SMITH   
16-Jun-1804George MOORE   
30-Jul-1804Elizabeth HINKS   
01-Sep-1804Ann OLDHAM   
28-Oct-1804Thomas BAKER   
10-Nov-1804Thomas WHITCRAFT   
22-Nov-1804Maria SMITH   
05-Jan-1805John GOLDBY   
29-Mar-1805Ann KEENE   
31-Mar-1805John TOPP   
14-Apr-1805Elizabeth WAGSTAFF   
21-Apr-1805Ann PARSONS   
24-Apr-1805George BROOKS   
28-Apr-1805John PALLET   
30-Apr-1805Benjamin BROOKS   
12-May-1805Ann WHITCRAFT   
24-May-1805Mary JENKS   
08-Jan-1806Joseph ORTEN   
30-Jan-1806William KEENE   
04-Mar-1806Thomas MOOR25  
11-Mar-1806George GOWARD27  
16-Mar-1806William ROWLEY   
04-Apr-1806William DAVIS71  
04-May-1806Mary KRONE?78  
15-May-1806Thomas BARKER   
07-Jun-1806Elizabeth LLOYDE   
22-Jul-1806William GHENT   
31-Aug-1806Samuel CHAPLIN30  
01-Sep-1806John MOOR33  
16-Oct-1806Ann TAYLOR17  
16-Nov-1806Mary THOMAS   
18-Nov-1806Ann wife of Thomas CHESHIRE60  
19-Nov-1806Francis IZON   
30-Dec-1806Joseph BARKER   
04-Jan-1807Mary CLARK   
09-Jan-1807Joseph WATSON20 Killed loading timber
27-Mar-1807Joseph WATSON54  
01-May-1807Mary SWINFIELD13  
08-May-1807Martha MOOR   
17-May-1807Levi JACOMBS17  
24-May-1807Sarah KIRK73  
15-Jul-1807Joshua MORRIS71  
18-Aug-1807Mary BURROWS   
19-Aug-1807William RUBLEY80  
09-Sep-1807Mary PROCTER82  
15-Sep-1807Lucy JACOMBS15  
22-Sep-1807Catherine HUTCHINS21  
14-Feb-1808William BROOKS   
18-Mar-1808John IZON   
20-Mar-1808Timothy MANTON68  
30-Mar-1808Richard BATES67  
13-May-1808Mary LLOYDE30  
13-May-1808John PAYNE34Bentley 
27-Sep-1808Diana LLOYDE   
12-Oct-1808Mary BURROWS   
27-Nov-1808Mary KEENE17  
04-Dec-1808Hannah HARRIS55  
20-Feb-1809Thomas CLARK83  
05-Apr-1809William WOOD   
16-Apr-1809George HIGGINS44  
06-Jun-1809Ann THOMAS77  
21-May-1809Joseph MOORE   
11-Oct-1809Thomas GREYMAN   
24-Oct-1809George IZON   
26-Oct-1809Mary HALL   
19-Nov-1809Mary BORESFORD   
13-Dec-1809John ARCHER73  
11-Jan-1810Mary WILSON   
17-Jan-1810William WILSON   
10-Mar-1810Mary PALMER77  
03-Apr-1810William PARSONS80  
22-Apr-1810William MORGAN   
04-May-1810John WEBB60  
09-Sep-1810Deborah ATKINS   
13-Nov-1810James WATSON   
26-Feb-1811Richard HARRISON81  
20-Mar-1811Thomas KEENE64  
14-Apr-1811Thomas HARRIS   
17-Apr-1811Joseph GREYMAN   
20-Apr-1811James HANDS   
10-May-1811Juliana dau of Late John (Esq) and Juliana LUDFORD70 3rd & eldest surviving d/o Late John Esq & Juliana
13-Sep-1811Elizabeth FOSTER60  
30-Oct-1811Elizabeth MOORE70  
25-Jul-1811Elizabeth JACOMBES73  
13-Nov-1811Thomas SWINFIELD20  
30-Nov-1811Charles HUTCHINS17  
04-Dec-1811Cornelius HALL57  
14-Dec-1811Mary KELSEY60  
18-Dec-1811Mary MANTON70  
01-Feb-1812Mary SOANS21  
01-Mar-1812John PALLET   
15-Mar-1812Jesse MORICE2  
02-Jun-1812George MEIGH26  
08-Jul-1812Mary WATSON67  
30-Sep-1812John HARRIS33  
09-Oct-1812Ann DAY43  
19-Nov-1812Elizabeth wife of Charles NIXON56 (died 15 Nov)

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